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deviljanya (DayZ)

New blood Transfusion system

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Hey there fellows , i was in my bed , and i started to think.. How can people with A blood Type can use B blood ?

Dayz Devs could make a system like this:

A blood Type people could only receive :

• A blood

• O blood

B blood type people could only receive:

• B blood

• O blood

O Blood type people could only receive:

• O blood

AB blood type could receive:

• A blood

• B blood

• O blood

And then were percentages like:

40% - A blood

40% - B blood

10% - AB Blood

10% - O blood

Personally i think this would increase a lot the realism of DayZ.

Tell me what you think , maybe rocket will hear about this , and put in Standalone or in the mod.

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like it, but hasn't this been confirmed yet?

Maybe add the need to warm the blood first, because I think it is not good to get a invusion with cold blood.

Edited by UmBe

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Methinks this has been talked of before?

Anyhow its a good idea. :D

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It's a fun idea to think about--but if you're to go that far with the blood typing you would also need to take the step to include positive and negative blood types no?

I think it's not a bad idea, but for all intents and purposes--I'd stay clear of making something so complex in the game. It's hard enough to deal with "can someone in Cherno give me a transfusion?". Then let alone you would need to carry so many different types of blood just to help anyone (assuming you care to) at all.

I think there's something that can be said for realism, but personally I'm not wild about the idea.

Cheers for the thought!

Edit: yes, this topic has been brought up before.

Edited by Jimm

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Yeah, People would just /kill if they are O type blood (or rather, anything BUT AB), as 90% of the bloodpacks wouldn't be useful to them.

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All you bitches need us O-'s walking around...we're walking, talking hospitals.

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If this was put in I think type A and type B would be enough otherwise people would just commit suicide until they got type AB so they could have any bloodbag and people would also kill themselves if they got type O

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