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Reporting private hive "Monark Gaming"

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Good afternoon support team. Anyway i'm sad to have to come this far to stop a problem that has been going on for a while. Anyway I played a server for quite some time and I ended up leaving on bad terms. The admins used hacks as the servers anti-hacks and therefore basically had the power to do anything anytime. What it boiled down to was the server "owner" and most of the "admins" ended up abusing the powers given to them. They used teleport, spawned guns, crates, aircrafts, cars, you name it! So after leaving the server with a few people I met and became "friends" with. Well after an arguement with one of the "friends" I brought with me to my new server he then marched back to the server we left due to owner/admin abuse. The end product was having my current server bombarded by the admins and owner from the other server useing hacks to target the entire server and grief every inch of it.

tl;dr: Left server because admins and owner used hacks and abused the powers. Joined new server with friends from old server, friend got mad and went to old server and brought the admins and owner over to my new server and started to hack the server and harass the staff and other players.

Server i'm reporting:

Monark Gaming.

DayZ Vets ~ Custom towns/Auto-Refueling/Always day - [DayZChernarus] - [VETERAN CH:ON|3D:ON|SIDE CHAT:ON] Private Hive - Monark Gaming - ( | DayZ.ST


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As the host and primary admin on the server that was attacked i vouch for what K8TOR has said. Several of the admins from the offending server joined ours and proceeded to harass my players and belittle our admins. They then began spawning in gear and eventually teleported everyone to them. One of the players specifical is A_Spicy_Meatabol. The others were smart enough to change their name but he did not. Another possible offender is the admin xmb8 who was in my server simply as 'Eight' who claimed to own a server but refused to tell us which. He asked questinos about our anti-cheat protection.

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[9:49:09 PM] Brendon : We need to talk as soon as you get on skype.

[10:22:06 PM] Matt: What.

[10:22:47 PM] Brendon : For some reason your staff is coming on the server i'm playing on and hacking it

[10:23:30 PM] Matt: I've been inactive working another server

[10:23:35 PM] Brendon : Because I got mad at zombie and he went crawling to xmb and got them to hack the server for some immature reason.

[10:23:44 PM] Brendon : Well how do they all got hacks now?

[10:23:45 PM] Matt: But I did hear that you talked massive amount of shit

[10:23:57 PM] Matt: Idk I havne't been on

[10:24:40 PM] Brendon: Not about you or the server. I talked about how I was sick of the mole and xmb abuseing there powers and covering it up with bull shit.

[10:25:09 PM] Brendon: And the last thing you should do is listen to Zombie Jesus, for one he talked 2x more shit than anyone I know about your server.

[10:26:03 PM] Matt: At least he was open about it and said it to me directly.

[10:26:25 PM] Matt: Anyway I'm done with that server

[10:26:47 PM] Matt: I'm creating another server with full FTP and anti hacks built in

[10:27:01 PM] Brendon : But I didn't talk shit about you or the server lol? Yes I was pissed cause of them just running wild.

[10:27:03 PM] Brendon: FTP?

[10:29:45 PM] Brendon: Anyways just tell those guys they just need to grow up and drop the fact that someone doesn't like them over the internet. Cause it's honestly immature and it doesn't need to go as far as hacking the server I play on.

[10:30:40 PM] Brendon: I doubt you have an actual answer to this question a staff member of this server tried hopping on Dayz vets and hes banned on them. He just wanted to talk to the owner on there grounds.

[11:00:12 PM] Matt: I advise you leave.

[11:00:20 PM] Matt: I liked you at first but now it's annoying.

[11:02:23 PM] Brendon: Now you understand what it's like to have your staff come to my server and do what they did?

[11:02:41 PM] Matt: Idk why you got on the first place

[11:02:45 PM] Matt: but now you attack MY server

[11:02:49 PM] Matt: That's where you fucked up

[11:02:55 PM] Brendon : Attack it? I comfronted your staff

[11:02:59 PM] Matt: I actually liked you and defended you

[11:03:00 PM] Matt: NO

[11:03:07 PM] Brendon: Who thought chaning there name would stray me off.


[11:03:23 PM] Brendon: You for one said your making a new server?

[11:03:31 PM] Brendon: So why would you care if this one gets blacklisted?

[11:03:37 PM] Matt: I still put fucking time and money into this shit

[11:03:50 PM] Brendon: Well Xmb and all the other goofs put money.

[11:03:59 PM] Matt: And then you blacklist it and advise people not to go to it

[11:04:07 PM] Brendon: Either way the time and effort you put into scripiting can easily be moved.

[11:04:17 PM] Matt: If you didnt like the admins why the fuck did you ever keep coming on

[11:04:20 PM] Brendon: Wait so it's cool for your staff to go on my server and hack it?

[11:04:26 PM] Brendon: Because I don't like them?

[11:04:37 PM] Brendon: Hence why I moved to a different server.

[11:04:43 PM] Matt: No what I'm saying if you fucking listen is why the fuck do you persist

[11:04:44 PM] Brendon: And then got followed by them?

[11:04:53 PM] Matt: If you dont like the server then why the fuck blacklist it

[11:05:05 PM] Matt: THEY attacked you

[11:05:07 PM] Matt: not me

[11:05:13 PM] Matt: And you just fucked ME over

[11:05:19 PM] Matt: So fucking thanks you piece of shit.

[11:05:19 PM] Brendon: You said you moved on so do so

[11:05:26 PM] Brendon: When it comes down to it your staff fucked you.

[11:05:38 PM] Brendon: Naked mole said hes the owner not you anyway

[11:05:45 PM] Matt: Co-Own

[11:05:48 PM] Brendon: and i'm certain he was in the little possy of nobs.

[11:05:54 PM] Matt: And I don't even care

[11:05:55 PM] Brendon: Well Matt he argues other.

[11:06:06 PM] Matt: You attacked me.

[11:06:11 PM] Matt: And I'm fucking done.

[11:06:18 PM] Matt: Never come back to any of my servers.

[11:06:39 PM] Brendon: Understandable but when it comes down to it YOUR STAFF fucked you over.

[11:07:07 PM] Brendon: When a company has employees that are damaging there image they take action by firing them and calming the consumer

[11:07:14 PM] Brendon: You didn't even attempt.

[11:07:23 PM] Matt: Alright listen to me mother fucker.

[11:07:26 PM] Matt: You attacked my work

[11:07:30 PM] Matt: And I don't like that.

[11:07:38 PM] Brendon: So be mad at me all you want but when it comes down to it, i'm not going to be hacking your server because i'm mad.

[11:07:48 PM] Matt: Ever come back to my servers and you will not have internet for a fucking week.

[11:07:50 PM] Matt: Goodbye.

[11:07:56 PM] Brendon : Makes sense.

Alright the only thing I did from the original convo was remove my last name from the skype messages.

Edited by K8TOR
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First off, you didn't fully hide your name. It's visible, so I'd suggest revising it. "[11:05:19 PM] Brendon K"

Secondly, (This is all assuming what you said is true,) that guy is a massive fucking idiot. He's entirely responsible for his staff rampaging, if they've bullied one of his guests off his server, then directly damaged his own server, he should sort his shit out. And then he had the audacity to get angry at YOU for his staff being dipshits? Grade A prick. "Adurr I can't think of how to control my server, let's threaten people with DoS"

I'll be looking forward to seeing more people post here to confirm this, and then we can see if this server is really as big a joke as I'm feeling it is.

Edited by Rage VG
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Thanks for supporting and understanding the circumstance.

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You didn't do a good job editing your skype: Brendon you can report this crap all you want. I have twice as many people than your server could ever have that would vouch for our server. We had no wrong doing, and never had any reports from any players to anyone.

You are the only one that as had any problems with us, and that day you had killed Naked Mole, if he was hacking would you have been able to that??

If you have hard core proof that the server is doing wrong, then by all means. As it stands there is no antihax or anything running on that server, and as for you server getting hacked, None of us where on today, except for Xmb, and Spicey. as for them hacking your server, they obviously didn't do it if you look at the logs, they have none, and never had any powers.

Spicey was being himself playing music and being annoying, oo bad. And Xmb came on the server for like a min and got banned for being him??

As for as it being YOUR server, no one had any idea it was your's. They were going through a list in the search and picked one, don't know what to tell you. We got hacked while you were on our server from the so called same guys, thanks to lexodus being on the other server at the time, stating they were admin, and then coming over to our server, as far as we know, he could have sent them to us, and as far as we know you could have been with them since they were on your server, and then you were with them on our server!!!

And as far as Naked Mole hacking abuse, has never, and there is no proof of it. One person's work against 74... You do the math. Do what you want. Our server won't go do because you are upset you got a kill on an admin one day, and lost nothing. As far as i remember you still had the bi-plane, ural, and the mi-17 because that took it was from YOUR party... so whine about coming up all you want.

Besides all of that, you then go behind us and copy our .pbo and place it into your own game, nice touch. And don't say you didn't because I got it from your server the same way you got our's, and unpacked it, and notice the trails I left in it. But it's cool.

The scripts on their server came from Monark DayZ Vets. Auto-refueling, Towing, lifting, Debug menu.

It's cool though, least we know we are doing good enough, you had to get it from us. ;) Thanks for that. You will be gaining vouches soon from us.

Also he Brendon is grieving about our server because he dies and loosing things. He dies and then display OH HACKER!!! And to prove this here.

Edited by smasht_AU
Don't post personal details

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So that is the other side of the coin... Of course, I didn't expect both sides to have agreeing stories...

I guess, in that circumstance, it's whoever provides the most concrete proof. Have at it, you two.

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Yeah you can't really expect this to go unheard, otherwise it would be considered defeat, and then that would look like we were actually doing something wrong.

Since we have nothing to hide. We will continue to place our comments, and have other members of the server come to vouch for the fact that we have done nothing but help them, and the server be the fun it is supposed to be.

Idk how many times I have saved Brendon's ass, and gear. But that is not what is at question here.

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The scripts on their server came from Monark DayZ Vets. Auto-refueling, Towing, lifting, Debug menu.

generic scripts which are publicly available on an arma mod forum which takes forever to aquire due to their registration policy.

ps. your anti-hack fails :)

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Yeah we know, everyone's does. so it's not a big deal. We're not dealing with that anymore. I understand that anyone can have them, not saying they Stole custom shit, just saying it was awesome how they straight copied and pasted from our server... just lazy, learn to do it yourself instead of jacking it from someone else. What happens when something fails? Your not going to be able to fix it cause you don't know anything about what you are doing. But this isn't about that... XD

And yes they do fails, as does the servers you play on... We have to just deal with it at this point until SA comes out, there's no way to protect our servers anymore...


thanks for this, but as you might know BE doesn't use scripts for its detections as they are too unreliable and prone to false positives. I appreciate your effort in fighting hackers with this though and hope that many servers start to use such tools. This game definitely needs help from the community as the engine's huge problems/weaknesses cannot be countered by BE alone.


Bastian Suter

e-mail received after sending BE the antihax.

Edited by neosky5k

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First of all posting my name is class A superstar, thanks for that. Anyway I know zero when it comes to scripting or anything so that already puts you in the fault so I might aswell keep track of it. I'd love to collect the "hardcore proof" as you requested but i've already got threatened if I were to ever enter one of your servers again, so that defeats the purpose of sitting on your server trying to collect evidence and I didn't sit there recording everything with some free recording software so thats my bad. As far to say i'm the only thats had problems with you guys as server staff is also a lie, since the large group we had going at the time experienced alot of problems with you guys and so did the common server jumper. Infact one of the players that is on your side of this pissing contest actually raged and even agreed with the same things myself and half a dozen other players agreed to. So thats also another bullshit scheme added to your side. "We got hacked while you were on our server from the so called same guys" -Neosky5k wait so by dumb struck luck the same guys who came on my home server hacked you guys at the same time? Wow that totally makes you guys seem like you have less of a fabricated story, thats like me eating a box of chocolates in a store vomiting it up in the next isle and saying I didn't do it and pointing at someone else. You guys have had how many accounts banned due to useing hacks on your server as an anti hack? From the week or so I played on your server Naked Mole had atleast 3 and Idontank had about the same and all you had to do was buy some guys GUID or some shit for $5 or something because it's cheaper than buying another ArmA2 copy. I can't help to notice your key focus points are saving me ingame? It's not my pixels that matter it's the fact that you and your staff abuse your powers and came to my home server to hack it because you don't like the fact that I disagree with your staff. Thats really mature espically for a grown man with a family, even better when you bring a few 17 year olds over to assist you in trying to grief another server. It's easy to get vouches when you have a popular server but bottom line they don't change your actions, your facts are faulty, you've added in way to many shitty lies to even make your word valid, the owner/co-owner (You two constantly disagree who is the owner and who is the co-owner so how am I supposed to know?) can't even defend himself without fabricating lies. I'm sure if it even mattered so much to DayZ's community they could easily dig up what actually happened and easily put your words to shame. But when it comes down to it you don't mean much to them, if I got 150 random people to vouch for me against your 74 random people i'm sure they would act against you but I don't need have a pissing contest over it because thats not how this needs to be handled. My closing arguement, and what i'd like to touch on a little more is how you claim I stole your codes for that mod, news flash I don't know how to do any of that so i'll remind you thats a white lie if I ever saw one. The fact that the same person who hacked our server also sat on there server and hacked them as well is completely eye opening to any person with common sense that it can't be true. Your staff, friends, possy, groupies, whatever or whoever didn't stumble across my home server during our conflict, you guys came here earlier today while I was at work and already harassed every staff member and players of my home server and then you came on again tonight when I was on and hacked the server after harassing me, and I bet someone from that hacker group happened to be recording it all and wanted to give it to you as evidence, cause that isn't mind blowing obvious. If posting my name isn't only an attack to myself as a person and a DoS attack to me isn't a real life threat then I don't know what is, the fact that you stepped onto that level shows that 1: You have a background with hacking, computer manipulation. 2: You can't solve the problems with words so you launch a personal attack. 3: Your cornered and your trying to scare me out of defending my arguement.

Bottom line is I don't belive you have the correct staff for your server, and I was going let it all go until they launched a attack on my home server. Not only did you have the wrong staff but you have the wrong idea of what a server owner needs to do to insure his player base have a good experience, good enough experience to invite all their buddys over. No, if anything you steered 1/4 of your active player base away from your server, sure our slots got filled swiftly but that doesn't measure the success of your server. Success is knowing your player base, talking to them 1 on 1, getting to know them and eventually building a server based community. I myself talked to Idontank 1 on 1 one night after a problem the group and I experienced and i'm not going to lie that was cool, I got to know the owner/co-owner, we had some things in common, and overall he kept me on the server for a day longer, almost made me donate right after talking to the guy. < That right there is what you should be aiming for, not using your admin tool, your hacks to troll other people because they dislike your actions, or to kill people on your server because its fun. Like that video you posted, yeah I raged when I died and called hacks cause the server just reset after a hack, but the other times he killed me I laughed and said the guy had a super mak and complimented the guy. But I like the propaganda you guys used, thats your strongest point in the entire arguement so i'll give that to you.

Monark Gaming | Brendon+existing server

Bullshit scheme: 1

Scheme 1: I don't know how to code, how would I know how to get a file off his server and copy it into another server?

(Sure more will come once I think of them in my long post)

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I'd like to just cut in again to point out a few things from both sides:

Brendon, you need to go ask the owner of your home server to come here to display some logs or anything to verify what you are saying. Sure, they might just have some random video, but right now all you have is a Skype convo. That's significantly less credible.

Also, I don't feel that you should be using someone's age in a derogatory manner at all, let alone for the age of 17, which is almost legally an adult. Before you say that it wasn't meant to be derogatory, mind you that's the context you used it in, so if you didn't mean to, you should revise it. If you did, you're simply flat-out wrong to do so. Many great and talented users here are barely in their teens here, and I don't feel it's justified that they are slandered over something as trivial as their date of birth, merely because someone messed with your server on a video game.

Now, towards Mole, I also strongly disagree with the disclosure of his Skype name. Regardless of whether he is lying or not, that's his personal information that he openly doesn't want to display. I don't care what happened on either of your servers or whatever beef you have with each other, it's low.

Even more so, the DoS attacks. Since you've claimed he is a liar, I'm not going to immediately believe everything said including such a threat, but you don't seem to be denying this or even bothered by such an accusation so I'm going with the assumption it happened. It's completely out of order and if one honestly resorts to that when confronted, they're clearly incapable of dealing with things correctly, regardless of if they're in the right or the wrong. It's the equivalent of threatening to punch someone in the mouth if they argue with you, except you're hiding behind your computer as you do it.

All in all, back and forth walls of text insulting each other aren't going to do anything. If you're simply going to ignore what I just wrote, go ahead, but think about how that's going to make you look, if you're simply here to throw insults like children to each other.

Both of you, go get some evidence. Logs, witnesses, anything credible. Anything else is just a waste of your time, and the result is simply going to be this thread is going to be locked, the server will have a bad name but no action will be taken against it, which is a negative for both of you, as I'm sure you'd like to prove your server isn't at fault, mole, and I'm sure you want something done about your poor treatment, Brendon.

So, get to it.

Edited by Rage VG

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I am the other server owner.

What I find is funny is how he is a known liar.

In his group of friend that he played with on our server he was caught stealing from his own base, destroying clan mate vehicles, along with other various white lies. Yes, the game is a sandbox and I understand that this is perfectly legal, and I allowed it because as an admin one of my main goals is to preserve the nature of the DayZ sandbox. But now that you're trying to go against our server I thought I should bring it up.

I'm not going to sit here and blindly call you names and bicker at you. It's pointless.

Something else I find interesting is your admin application for our server. If you despise our staff and can not stand to even talk to us, why try and be part of our team?

IGN (In-game name): Brendon

How long have you played on any Monark Gaming server?: Awhile now. Played enough hours to be known.

Do you know any ArmA 2 scripting? (.pbo edits. Ex TOWing vehicles): Nope, would like someone to teach me.

Have you been an admin, GM, or had any sort of powers before on any other server?: Not on DayZ servers

If so, how populated was it?

What game? Minecraft, Battlefield, and a few websites.

What timezone/country do you live in? -7 Mountain time

What times could you be able to get on our server? I'm on pretty much 10 hours + a day unless I got work or IRL things to attend to.

How many hours do you play a week? 50+

Why do you want to be an admin? I'm mature, i'm active and thus can be a trustworthy admin even when the owner/co-owner aren't on.

What duties do you want to preform as an admin if given the position? Host server events, protect the server from hackers, be a figure in our server.

How long have you played DayZ? Since new years.

http://monarkgaming.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=43&start=13 Link to his admin application on our website.

I'm sorry to say but it seems like if you don't get what you want, you get angry about it. Then it gets taken too far like this, and you try to cover it up.

I banned your other admin friend due to suspicions of stealing our server's PBO which I believe already happened. No proof though.

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Good post and great ideas. As it stands I the evidence I have is that skype log, in my opinion the experience that all my friends and I had don't mean anything because they're simply just words, much like how they are going to post to prove there innocence. So my arguement lies in the fact that you simply can't trust his word on it because he tries to add so many little lies into his arguement.

Blowing up my own base and stealing my own stuff isn't even true. I told you I didn't want to make it a pissing contest by getting my clan mates on to give them there word but it seems like I'm going to need it to once again prove another lie you've thrown into this arguement. I posted an admin app way before I started to get abused by your admins, infact it was just after xmb8 and spicey got there admin powers of kicking/banning people. Yeah I wanted to help the server cause I was playing stupid hours at the time, and yeah I did enjoy the server at one point, yes I talked about donating, so what? That statement basically proves that yeah I enjoyed your server and I wanted to be part of the team to make a great environment for the rest of the server but coming to my home server and hacking it is what made me post this thread in the first place. When I talked to idontank about my opinion about leaving the server I told him "let the internet be the internet, i'll find a new server and move on" which I did and then when Zombie Jesus brought your staff to my home server starting harassing the staff and hacking really ticked me off and made me look bad on my part. So yeah I created this not to ruin your server but to make you re-think your actions, and your staffs behaviour. Who knows maybe at the end of this you'll have a new server with I don't know, staff that can do a solid job without useing there powers and can atleast take control of a situation and understand the problems instead of going about the same way this was handed.

Anyone I'll talk to the server staff on my home server ask them if they can provide some proof so we can atleast sort that out. In the mean time i'll just wait for some personal attacks by you guys.

Anyway after rewatching the video i'd like to point out a few things. Your server was glitched and bodies dissapeared when the player went to respawn all the time. So that means everyone used "alt-f4" also those bags on the ground were from the hacker sorry we dropped coyote backpacks because they werent ares.

Edited by K8TOR

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We have retrieved your server's PBO files.

We have little trails left in the scripting that gave it away that you are indeed using our server PBO's.

Also I have no reason to lie. The server has already been killed thanks to you. Also what is there to prove? I stated the truth in the matter and having people back your side up won't help. Plus Xmb doesn't own any sort of hacks. He can't afford it. So no, my staff did not hack anything. They may have been there, but they did not attack anything.

Edited by Idon

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Am I speaking english? I don't even know what PBO files are and if I recall you guys got that mod and couldn't figure out how to read it cause it's in french. The server has been killed because of me? Before I even posted this thread I tried join your server and teamspeak to talk to you and your admins about it without making a massive deal about it like it is now. Guess what? the server was down, then it was back up and then down again. Your server died before I took action and posted this thread, your server most likely died because of because of a few glitches it had. Your server didn't die because I left it and I said it wasn't a good server, your server didn't die because I posted this thread, your server just died. That stuff happens so why not figure out what went wrong with your server, fix it and reboot or wait until SA comes out.

As for you not lieing, well there isn't much you can lie about because you weren't part of the party that hacked my home server, and you maybe had no idea they were doing so but you didn't say you were going to fix it, instead you said you aren't active on your own server because you are working on a new one. So right there you pretty much said you don't give two sh*ts about it, you should've tried to talk to me about the situation instead of ignoring my messages and then responding to me with that kind of stuff.

Once again I don't understand how coincidental it is to have the same group of hackers and xmb join my home server for the second time that night, start hacking it get banned and then go to your server and playing on it for atleast 20 minutes before I even joined your server. Not only that but the messages they said were totally staged and were a crappy way to make it look like they were just hacking random servers for fun.

Edit: After further looking at your forums it seems your server died or atleast slowed down because people were attacking DayZst.

Edit: So posting a link to your website was pretty nice of you, I totally forgot about your site and I wouldn't have got on it to find this:



If that doesn't give enough proof then I don't know what the truth is in this arguement. It's an uphill battle for me as it stands and everytime they post another lie it's like I step on a banana peel and fall down to the bottom.

Edited by K8TOR

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Well as post of his skype name was to show he didn't edit it out. As a warning to him to change it.

Second I never said anything about a Ddos anywhere in my post, and I didn't see any anywhere else so I never said anything about because I didn't know there was any mention of it.

As for logs, how do you have logs of my server? Cause that's the only ones you're going to see me on... So have fun.

And as for logs and coyotes you know it log every time you and a backpack come in contact, and it's inventory right? So all those jerry cans and such just happened to be there... i don't care much about the duping, there's nothing around that so I could careless. It doesn't destroy the server that much as people like you. We can find tents and vehicles with duped gear and make an event out of it, so w/e you on the other.

As for the .pbos I don't care if you don't know anything about it, all I know is that you have our's to a T. that's all i said, I didn't say you did it or anyone else. I never said I couldn't read it, Idon did. But I said i don't care, shit happens. But as it stands you do have our .pbo that's it, nothing you can say about not having it, you DO. I don't care though.

As for the post yeah I made it because i want people on the forums to notice that we are upstanding and we do have people that play on our server that enjoy it, and will vouch for us. So what? What does that prove other than I am part of the community. And if it's the whole you get a reward part, oh noes you get rewards for doing a good job? omg that's just horrible..... -_-*

As of a staff that does there job i have done nothing but sat there and took care of everyone... I have spent hours upon HOURs watching everyone's ass, inventory and such to ban the offensive people. I can't count how many times i have saved the server and the players on it, and how many times you personally thanked me. Why would I take the time our of my busy schedule between getting a new server up, and watching our server, and making another person's server website, i don't think I have that kind of time. As it is I've been trying to get another server up because everyone seemed to like our's and I wanted to give people more of an experience and make it where people can do more, but we needed to make a test server in the mean time. So yeah I totally feel like going over to a server i have never heard of and hack it, because I LOVE when that happens to my server, right? Zombie Jesus? wasn't he part of your group as well? As far as I remember there are people that played on the server with you, that still do, so if we did things bad to your group, wouldn't they leave just as you? It seems you have very bad luck on servers, you rage quit our's.

"We got hacked while you were on our server from the so called same guys" -Neosky5k wait so by dumb struck luck the same guys who came on my home server hacked you guys at the same time?

And it's totally possible you know why? Your members came directly to our sever, and after banning them, I assume you banned them right? Why wouldn't they follow you, maybe they think this is your server as well? Trolls have ways of following people to other servers and so on. Maybe they think it was a back up or something? I don't know, I wasn't on I just saw everything though my Rcon, and wasn't happy, I didn't care you were on, obviously or you would have been banned as soon as you stepped in.

I personally am upset just cause of the fact you are doing this, I have many people that I'm upset with, and they are still in our server, and play alot, but I don't go and put them on blast. I haven't done anything personally to YOU as a person, or in game. If you remember you KILLED me at the time you are all upset about, with the helis and such, so shit happens. And you came out ahead, so i didn't expect you to be butt hurt over it. no one in your group died, and you didn't lose anything, so I am still in wondering what your problems are towards me? Xmb I can understand who isn't, but ME of all people ME? I work my ass to keep you safe and happy, i spend money to keep you and everyone that plays HAPPY, I risk everything to keep everyone happy, why would I FUCK myself??? WHY?

I am personally upset that you would be upset with me, that is mainly the straw... I have gone through hours of my wife yelling and getting up set with me because I spend all that time making sure you and your people were happy, I don't just WASTE my time to fuck with people and make them upset. I do that enough at home with my kids and such. XD

I was to edit my post last night, but I was up replacing shit on our server I didn't get around to it and I do apologize. It has been fixed though thank you mod.

I don't care what happens at this point there's nothing that can be said either way, you are attacking us, we supposedly are attacking you, I will take care of mine, but there's no way you can take care of your's, there's no way to take a post a way it's out there for everyone who's seen and it's damage is done. Thank you, and I hope your server does better, and as far as not getting hacked, I won't say anything on that because even the best secured places get hacked, so good luck on having less hacking.

I personally do care about the server, I care about everything I put my time into.

And i personally do care about the community, I have talked to almost each one of my players that came on, 1 on 1, and so on, even the randoms I have talked too many time. I am very active on the modding communities like Opendayz, and others to try and make the games better. I don't have the time to mess with peoples lives, I mess up my own as it is, why wouldn't I want to make someone else's lives have problems? Makes no sense to me, but I guess that is human nature...

I'm done. I have nothing to explain, nothing to defend. I run a server, I'm needed to keep everything running, I'm still making a website, and helping on making a new server for testing. I have shit to do, and I don't have time for this anymore. So do what you will. I'm done. Thank you for your time.

Edited by neosky5k

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Hello there

The next (if any) post better have concrete CONCISE proof or I'm going to lock this.



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Well as post of his skype name was to show he didn't edit it out. As a warning to him to change it.

Second I never said anything about a Ddos anywhere in my post, and I didn't see any anywhere else so I never said anything about because I didn't know there was any mention of it.

My post achieved the same warning without revealing his name. What good is changing it if it's shown right in your post?

The DDoS was mentioned in HIS post.

I've no idea what to think of either of you. you're both just claiming the other person is making white lies (Which, by the way, is incorrect, A white lie is a lie you tell you avoid a negative situation without affecting the ultimate outcome. It's really the most acceptable form of lie.)

Also, what Orlok said. Time to go get your logs. If you have the time/ability to change your front page to direct you to this thread, you have enough time to go get your logs.

Edited by Rage VG
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I would just lock and bury this mess, it's going nowhere fast. This isn't the Jerry Springer show, take that shit somewhere else.

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I'm an admin on the Monark server. I don't hack, I've never been banned for hacking, and I don't abuse my power. Every ban I have issued has been for legitimate reasons, and I stand by that. Monark Gaming isn't even a "clan", and I don't really consider myself "staff" per say. We're an assortment of friends, and when Idon decided to make a server I decided I would devote much of my time to help him with it.

To the guy who believed I was hacking, PLEASE, I beg of you, show me any proof. If you can prove that I was hacking, then by all means, do it. If you could show any kind of injection error, or latency increase, ANYTHING, please. Enlighten me.

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You are all wasting vital Forum space, this can go on for ever and a day and there is never going to be a solution.

Private Hive Servers are not bound to any agreement official, moral or otherwise.

Feel free to continue your bickering, elsewhere.

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