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A little story...

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It just started with me spawning in cherno, it was around 11pm GMT so there was little light in the server, I ran from cherno to loot the northern fire station in elektro. When I entered the fire station I couldn't believe my luck I found a DMR with several mags, binos and some food and water. All geared up and generally happy I was walking outside the fire station when out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure as I usually only kill when I have to I ran and hoped he didn't see me, I ran around the corner where I turned to see if he followed me, I waited it was very dark but I heard his footsteps then out of the darkness 2 shots fired at me, I could tell he wasn't aiming down the site as one round hit me in the arm and the other just above my head, it was dark but when he fired his shots illuminated the area for long enough to set my aim on his torso, I retaliated and fired 2 shots I heard the crack and then the sound of flies I knew he was dead. After killing him I inched towards the sound of flies, I checked his gear to find he had a revolver, a alice pack and NVG's I was quite amazed how I wasn't dead but when I put the NVG's on I saw that who I killed was a bandit.

I would of gone straight into town, but as I just had a close encounter I decided to go on the hill and scout out the city a bit more, as I was scanning I saw a figure running down the road, I scanned at him and saw he was a fresh spawn, I moved my aim away when I heard a gunshot, I scanned too see the source of the gunshot a bandit on a roof he fired a second shot, then I intervened I fired and hit him in the head I now had 2 bandit kills.

I moved my aim back to the fresh spawn to see he had been hit, he was bandaging himself, but could walk he had a broken leg, I was about to head down and help him when I saw 2 other bodies walking towards him, one had an AK and the other had what appeared to be a Lee Enfield, I decided I wasn't going to let the new spawn get killed but to my surprised the two figures stopped looked at him and then gave him morphine, it surprised me that these people didn't kill him on site. I was so amazed that I didn't notice that the now 3 man group was heading towards me, as they didn't shoot on site I decided to reveal myself, we greeted each other and I handed the fresh spawn the revolver.

We decided to head to the NW airfield in order to get the best loot and hopefully there wouldn't be as many bandits on, so we headed North.

While we was walking I realized the fresh spawns name was "Chris" the other two were "Krullboll" and "Dave", he walked for around 30 mins when we came across a 500M stretch of fields with no forests we decided to rush it, we only made around 300M when we heard the unforgettable sound of Helicopter blades, then it went silent, then helicopter then fell from the sky and crashed the silence and darkness with an explosion and a crimson flame, we ran to the helicopter where the corpses of some would be survivors had jumped at a way to high altitude, I checked one corpse when I saw headlights in the distance, I yelled to my friends to run for the treeline me Chris and Krullboll ran, but Dave continued looting we made it too the treeline when I saw 2 cars pull up the passengers disembarked and loaded there weapons, we started running again but I turn around just in time to hear a crack of gunfire and Dave get hit by multiple shots, time seemed to slow down as his corpse crumbled to the ground even taking rounds while he was falling, I turned around and continued North with the group of 3.

We ran maybe another 15 mins before we stopped, and questioned why our late friend didn't just run with us like we told him too, Krullboll was cursing to himself he was angered by his friends death, he explained that Dave was the first guy who didn't just shoot him.

We continued running sharing jokes and contemplating where those 2 cars came from, our conversation was stopped when we stood in amazement we made it, the North West Airfield was insight.

We went into the barracks and grabbed some loot and we saw on the runway a helicopter, amazingly it only required fuel and a rotor blade in which we found nearby, I saw headlights on the run way again 2 sets it was the cars again they seemed to be following us, Krullboll started the helicopter up me and Chris ran towards him but we was cut off by the trail of gunfire from the convoy, I told Krullboll to take off, he did and flew away. Me and Chris ran into the barracks and held there then, we heard our followers taunting us saying "come out, come out" By the sound of gunshots there must have been at least 5 of them, me and Chris contemplated quitting but I don't agree with that, I stayed and would take as many down as possible, I heard them saying stack up, we are going in, then I heard that low humming of helicopter blades.

It was Krullboll he shouted "good luck" then I heard an explosion just outside the force made me jerk upwards, I saw four death messages come up including Krullboll, I ran outside too see 3 dead members of the convoy and the others were either knocked out of severely wounded, I walked out with no remorse I unloaded several shots into the wounded and knocked out members of the convoy, I called to Chris that it was clear, he walked out we grabbed some gear form the corpses, I looked at the wreckage of the Helicopter, Krullboll a remarkable guy I knew for about an 90 mins felt like I lost a great friend, he flew back and sacrificed not only the helicopter but his own character to save us, we saluted the fire caused from the explosion and headed South to help some more people........

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To have come across 2 helicopters in 90 mins playtime astonishes me... what's more they were both destroyed?! what is this madness.. nevertheless twas a cool, eventful, riveting (not so little) story with an ending akin to when E.T goes home.

Have some beans.

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The end of your story reminds me of the level in Halo: Reach where Carter crashes his pelican(plane type thing for those of you who aren't familiar with the series) into the scarab (massive fucking tank of death) so that Emil and Noble 6.

Beans to your epic story.

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Here's a video for those who haven't seen:

Spoiler alert Carter dies

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That is the most amazing dayz story i have ever heard. This should be made into a movie :thumbsup: :beans:

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