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What is the difference between a bandit and a coward?

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No one is a coward, no one is brave, no one is moral, immoral, or amoral here.

Kinda reminds me of a quote from the walking dead game. (I cant remember the whole speech but it comes down to this) "You aren't a little girl, you aren't a grown man, you're alive, in this world you're either white meat or dark meat, dead or alive."

Edited by H3n4y666

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What, robbing/holding people up makes you a coward?


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I usually post on threads, such as this, with intentions of clearing up the general misconception of the word "Bandit" Seeing as it's a pointless fight, I will say this. You all take this game WAY to serious if you're discussing morality in a virtual word. It's just a game. Anyone who plays Day Z has a right to be a Bambie, Hero, Coward, or Bandit. Quit imposing your idea of "good conduct' or "professional play style" on others. Just let people play the damn game.

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As I had gotten bored of DayZ after going through all the stages

(newb->solosurvivor->groupsurvivor->groupbandit->coastsniper->elektrosniper->elektroAS50TWSsniper->countersniper->Mountain Dew hoarder->DirectChatSoundEffectTroll->ChasePeopleWithDIRECTCHATMusicAndAnAxe)

I've opened myself up to more "rp" roles. Such as going around and actually ROBBING people instead of shoosting them and taking it off of their still-warm corpse. It's a shitload more fun to actually go around being a thief instead of being a psychopath... Though I save Psychopathic times for the weekend.

Edited by Hydra

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Having read no comments, and responding to your posed question, I answer as such.

The difference between a bandit and a coward is this,

A bandit knows what he wants and how to get it. The formulated thought process of take what is needed/wanted and continue on surviving. No moral code aside from the one rule; Survive.

A coward is someone who claims to live by a set of moral contingencies, but easily abandons them at the risk of their own life. Someone who will neglect and turn away from a claimed set of principles. IE a Hero fleeing in the face of battle, if you will.

These are the differences, Sir.


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A real bandit patrols the north, A coward sits on the coast. I have killed fresh spawns before, kills I am not proud. If I am providing over watch for a friend or bandit I am teaming with who has fresh spawned I will shoot, the way I see it they could easily pick up arms in the city and therefore my friend is in danger.

However I don't sit there waiting for fresh spawns, I make my way back up north. If a survivor chooses to come up north then that's there decision.

People who sit on the NWAF for absolute hours are also cowards IMO, yes I know they are stopping potential threats from gearing up with high tech loot, but the fact that people can sit there for hours and hardly move makes me cringe.

Sitting there scared to die, i have no problem with dying, congrats to the guy who takes my loot i just respawn and go about my business, Move about come and play.

Edited by C Roy

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idk if this would be considered a coward move or more of a bandit move to me its more of a bandit move,

Ehhh, I would say far more of a bandit move, I, personally don't see myself as bandit as I rarely kill people, I find pointing a gun at someone's head and asking them to kindly move along without bloodshed works well enough for me. But I have killed a few players, most of the time for a vehicle. Veehicles in this game are very rare and anyone who posseses one should be aware of the risk they make, a fresh spawn who finds a car has made the decision to be a giant high value target, so they should be on guard. Also in any case, whoever is driving a car may aswell be unarmed considering the amount of time it takes to get out of a car and set up a good firefight is so great you'll die anyway. So to sum up, no, not a coward move, just a very concious decison to sack up and do what you needed to do to get yourself an upperhand in the zombie apocalypse.

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I kill everybody, heavily armed or unarmed I don't really care, maybe I'm an asshole.. okay I am an asshole and I can live with that, but I like to think I'm doing a civil duty and making them change their play style to more cautious and maybe, just maybe they won't run out in the open like a jack ass after that or they'll look around, scope places out, do what it takes to stay alive longer than 5 minutes.. Besides, I live longer when I kill everybody I see. So all in all, I'm amazing and you're not.

Edited by Spentmind
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Bandit sits on hill sniping, kills then goes down and loots, Coward sits on hill sniping, kills then waits for another.

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At least get your signature right. It's TWS and I don't think I've seen a "Spawner" in this game yet.

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This trollop comes up in every game with a social element and the ability to kill other people. Some people just don't like interacting with (usually idiotic) strangers and play the game with friends. Players are just really tough (or sometimes not) zeds. Frankly, I don't understand the impulse to team up with crowds of strangers or leave others alone...this game isn't that hard. Zombies are not difficult or cunning opponents. If you find yourself continually dying to them, maybe you should find another game. If you think there should be that level of risk and no more, maybe you should find another game. There's permadeath here folks, if you can't handle it, maybe you should find another game.

I have never seen another game where people cry about dying as much as this one.

Try EVE Online sometime.

Edited by Smith Comma John
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I think you're missing the point entirely, lul. I choose not to kill non-threats because I don't have to, I am not so unaware of my environment that they will suddenly get the drop on me. If your confidence in your abilities are so poor that you have to stoop to that, it's pretty pathetic.

"Oh no this person with a flashlight might kill me if I don't break both their legs!"

Ya, they might

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I like this topic. I don't think bandits are cowards they're mostly bored or boring. Shooting fresh spawns, I don't remotely understand what sick pleasure that could possibly give anyone. I think there is a misconception in this game about what a "bandit" is. The teeny boppers come running to dayz and start doing what they know. They all play COD and countless other shooters so they just kill everything in site. I feel sorry for the people who play dayz as purely PVP. They are missing out on an amazing experience.

Also, the day I get kidnapped, is the day I quit playing. How does that even happen?

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I think you're all forgetting one important fact, IT IS A GAME.

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A coward runs.

A bandit guns.

I'm a bit of a runner myself.

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I think YOU'RE butthurt. I made a thread calling out precisely your type of behavior and explained why it makes you an honorless fart-smear to act that way. It's easy to tell how much a man respects themselves when you insult them directly for the type of things they do. If they know it's true and they have no real justification they respond defensively, otherwise they ignore it.

No one's really getting mad-- except maybe yourself. The real outlaws and bandits here are simply disappointed with your utter lack of self-respect. We may not respect or trust much, but at least some of us respect ourselves. And it's people like you who give the rest of us a bad image. You want to look like a hard ass bandit out there in the wastes, but the best you can do is take on bambis?

Such a shame. Tsk.

But if you want to keep hiding behind the 'u mad bro?' approach to shield your fragile ego, go ahead, I won't waste my time any longer.

I've seen enough people like you crying on the coast to know that wasting your time is all you accomplish anyway.

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Coward = spawnkiller, trickster (someone who lies about needing help to kill), Or coasthunting.... or we can just call them CoD players.

Bandits are honorable in some ways. For instance. A good round of banditing would be to travel the map and not just camp, Dont just kill players on sight (if possible) hold them hostage at gunpoint and demand their loot, and when you pass someone it doesnt always mean you have to kill or rob them. Sometimes bandits have places to go too.

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A bandit in my opinion is someone who kills to better themselves. But if you:

-kill unarmed players

-kill fresh spawns

-camp one of the airfields with a sniper

-kill players with worse gear than you just for the sake of killing

you are just a coward. Bandits are supposed to make you be more aware of yourself and your surroundings by having the possibility to always be near you, not go to the coast with an AS50 and kill anything that moves. In that case you are no longer a bandit but a CoD kiddie.

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A bandit in my opinion is someone who kills to better themselves. But if you:

-kill unarmed players

-kill fresh spawns

-camp one of the airfields with a sniper

-kill players with worse gear than you just for the sake of killing

you are just a coward. Bandits are supposed to make you be more aware of yourself and your surroundings by having the possibility to always be near you, not go to the coast with an AS50 and kill anything that moves. In that case you are no longer a bandit but a CoD kiddie.

Does that not force you to be more aware of your surroundings? If you don't like getting sniped in cherno, go get your starting gear in zelenogorsk or some more rural towns/barns.

That's what I do.

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Does that not force you to be more aware of your surroundings? If you don't like getting sniped in cherno, go get your starting gear in zelenogorsk or some more rural towns/barns.

That's what I do.

I like the way a reformed bambi sniper put it:

"DayZ is a game about survival. When I killed players before they could get anything, in some cases not even a hatchet, I was robbing them of their ability to play the game."

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I like the way a reformed bambi sniper put it:

"DayZ is a game about survival. When I killed players before they could get anything, in some cases not even a hatchet, I was robbing them of their ability to play the game."

Dying is a part of the game.

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Dying is a part of the game.

Yes but I don't think Rocket intended people with AS50s and M107s to camp the main cities and kill people within a minute of their spawning.

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Yes but I don't think Rocket intended people with AS50s and M107s to camp the main cities and kill people within a minute of their spawning.

Rocket didn't intend to tell us how to play either.

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