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New concept for Server System [DayZ Standalone]

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Hey guys :)

I've been thinking about how much it sucks that people right now can change the server they play on at any time. This is what's causing easy combat logging, loot farming etc.

People can go on a empty server with crosshair and 3rd Person enabled, gather lots of loot very easily and then go on a "Hardcore" server.

That's just an unfair advantage, so how about you choose a "fix" server when you create your character.

If this server is CH:Off and 3DP:Off (my absolute favorite) you should ONLY be able to play on servers with these settings (although there won't be any crosshairs in SA anyway)

And if you want to switch between servers with those settings, you need to wait for a timespan of let's say 4 hours or so (to be discussed)

This way you CAN switch servers when your friends play on another server but it doesn't allow Lootfarming, combat logging and other unfair stuff that doesn't add to the game's fun at all.

Of course the servers have to be much more stable than they are right now, and if your server crashes

You should be able to switch to another server immidiately

So.. once again in short form :

-You create your character on ONE specific SETTING you can't change then (e.g. CH:OFF 3DP:OFF)

-If you want to switch between servers with those settings you need to wait a while (some hours?!)

-Servers have to be much more stable or it will be a pain in the ass

-It will be much more awesome!

Please tell me what you think :)

Edited by Ernst
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If this server is CH:Off and 3DP:Off (my absolute favorite) you should ONLY be able to play on servers with these settings (although there won't be any crosshairs in SA anyway)


I like it .. make it, so that you are able to transfer to a server with a lower difficulty, but not vice versa

So if you like to play hardcore, but a friend of you plays on 3rdP servers you can change to one of his servers.

Edited by UmBe

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I like it .. make it, so that you are able to transfer to a server with a lower difficulty, but not vice versa

So if you like to play hardcore, but a friend of you plays on 3rdP servers you can change to one of his servers.

Then you couldn't get back into a "higher difficulty" server.

If you think you can start on Mercenary, then go Veteran, then go back, that totally defeats the purpose.


For a server that fails. If you're going to be locked out of a server (for however long) if the server has crashed, there's no way for the server to communicate that to whatever monitoring system controls the timer.

Edited by Chabowski

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Then you couldn't get back into a "higher difficulty" server.

thats the whole point, that you are not able to go to a "easy" server to get equipment and then log onto a "hardcore" server and be the guy.

If you think you can start on Mercenary, then go Veteran, then go back, that totally defeats the purpose.

I've just gone crosseyed .. sorry i didn't get that.

but if there was a missunderstanding, I'm just going to write what i meant a second time ^^

You start a char on a hard server, but you want to play on easy to can transfer.

But once your char is on that easy server you are not allowed to change back to hard.

And once you die you can choose your desired difficulty again.

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Just trying to clarify your intention with the system.

To be honest I'd rather just have different characters locked to different sets of servers without the migration.

Most people I know, who play with friends, tend to play in the same style of server anyway.

As for myself personally. I've gotten used to having different characters dotted about, due to all the private hives and other mods.

Considering that not everyone will be able to join the same games at the same times I keep my lonewolf and team-play characters entirely seperate.

Maybe being able to drop difficulty would be to the benefit of some people, but if given the choice, I'd prefer to have more than one character.

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IMHO having more than 1 Character on One Server is very problematic as you could Store Backup equipment on the 2nd character. Even if you couldnt but instead have them on different servers a friend could just Transfer the equipment from One to another Server.

So .. idk.. but still i think that it should Not be possible to have some Kind of Backup character..

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I think you missed what I meant,

If characters are locked to certain server types then transfer of anything would be impossible.

Just as you can't migrate between private hives in the mod.

Switching between server types was YOUR idea. I think lockdown would be better, and less exploitable.

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Ah okay now I get what you mean ;)

Well I can totally agree with you, locking a character on ONE server would be the best solution by far.

But the problem is that most servers in the Mod weren't reliable at all.

And if the servers aren't stable it might be a problem that your character gets deleted when the server goes down.

That's why I wanted the people to be able to transfer their character if something like this is the case.

But therefore you have to wait a while.

Maybe eben 24 Hours or something like that..

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Stopping your character from being lost is probably the biggest benfit the main hive provides to individual gamers.

I've lost a couple of play sessions due to private hives going down and NEVER coming back, it sucks when that happens.

If it would prevent loot-farming and deter combat-logging, I'd be willing to risk it. But I totally understand that most people wouldn't.

I suppose I've said all I can. It's not up to me to decide these things, I just thought I'd share my views.

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Yeah I'd really like to hear other people's opinion here as we only got 2 yet..

But you mention a good point.. the character would always be saved on the main Hive.

So maybe let people switch the server if the server the characters are on don't respond

Any other opinions here? :D

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No... I want freedom to switch as I please.. Why force it on someone? You can find servers without ch manually....


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No... I want freedom to switch as I please.. Why force it on someone? You can find servers without ch manually....
I can't be 100% sure, but I'm led to believe there will be no crosshair in ANY server in standalone.

At least, it was a topic Rocket posed for discussion, and "get rid" was the general theme.

Unless you object because you often switch between "recruit", "regular" and "veteran" servers, I suspect you're just ignorant of the topic at hand.

Feel free to correct my assumption, but I can't see any other reason why you'd deny this idea so bluntly. (unless you were planning on cheating at some point in the future)


To be clear. Having characters locked to certain difficulty levels. Not necessarily particular servers.

Edited by Chabowski

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I think that this was suggested before, the general consensus was to have one character for ALL Mercenary servers, and another for all Veteran servers, etc...

The main question is if these server descriptions will still be in SA (no CH, 3rd person different, etc) - will there actually be diffeent setting servers for SA from the beginning?

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Well, there has to be a standard set at some point.

Surely they can't keep using OFP settings for an entirely new franchise, can they?

From what I can tell, there will probably, at the very least, be 3dp and no-3dp servers.

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I think that this was suggested before, ...

Well I was really surprised that I couldn't find something about this topic.

Because I really think that it's important to discuss it.

Sorry if I reposted, but can you maybe give me a link to the discussion so I can read it? :)

And @gloopsgf I'm not sure if you have read anything above at all but if you would have you would see that it isn't pointless at all :)

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Why does it matter if someone has crosshairs?

New players won't be able to use weapons for a bit, and crosshairs help you use a hatchet a lot. By removing crosshairs, you will just force people to draw their own on their screen.

New players being locked to a easy difficulty is just as bad as them accidentally joining a hardcore server, and getting locked to it.

This suggestion therefore is pointless, as it will just make the game more confusing, and harder to find a sever you want to play on.

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I think anything is an opportunity. If Consoles are available for gaming, then why not take the chance of participating in a whole other platform minus the exclusives that PC has to offer. Just have it limited but at a certain extent for it to be enjoyable. Some people cannot afford to improve their PCs and resort to consoles for a more simple and money-minded budget method.

Anyway, I voted yes. I said my reason. If not, then I'm still up for PC exclusivity.

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gloops - How? If you get confused at a handful of options, with a description of features, you should take your time with things.

This isn't the crosshair discussion. That's HERE

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Just have two seperate hives or "game modes", one with third person enabled (Toggle via menu), the other with it disabled. You can switch between them as much as you want (with no time penalty) but they are separate characters/hives so nothing will persist between them.

Sounds like crosshairs are being removed entirely, things like map markers, peripheral dots, waypoints etc are being removed entirely so really it doesn't sound like there are a whole bunch of customizable options for servers anyway, two game modes would be fine and it could easily be filtered by softcore/hardcore etc.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Just have two seperate hives or "game modes", one with third person enabled (Toggle via menu), the other with it disabled. You can switch between them as much as you want (with no time penalty) but they are separate characters/hives so nothing will persist between them.

Sounds like crosshairs are being removed entirely, things like map markers, peripheral dots, waypoints etc are being removed entirely so really it doesn't sound like there are a whole bunch of customizable options for servers anyway, two game modes would be fine and it could easily be filtered by softcore/hardcore etc.

I was wondering if The Servers for DayZ could be broken up further as-

No 3rd person option- Hardcore (this server would be the same as the normal but the loot spawns altered(think DayZ 2017), Zombie change in(HP or Damage), all vehicles need to be fix multiple parts)

No 3rd person option-Normal (This one would have vehicles which might need 1 or two things to get it running- making easier for players to fix and drive vehicles)

Yes 3rd person option- Hardcore (this server would be the same as the normal but the loot spawns altered(think DayZ 2017), Zombie change in(HP or Damage), all vehicles need to be fix multiple parts)

Yes 3rd person option-Normal (This one would have vehicles which might need 1 or two things to get it running- making easier for players to fix and drive vehicles)

As you stated this would mean any character created on any of these server types can only jump to a server that matches the same Server type.

I also just wanted to ask- do you think we will also have break up of Servers with 24hrs cycle and a server with a (4-8 hr) cycle?

So there would be two time cycles.

I'm just tossing out there since I can't see how they can keep the 24hr day cycle since you want players to experience all of DayZ not a faction. (This is going on the assumption that the whole Night issue/to dark is resolved so players enjoy dark night time more)

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I hope not, I'd rather we didn't see the game having fifty different modes for every possible playstyle that exists, that's one of my biggest gripes with the mod - every server has modified loot, starting loadouts, extra vehicles, 24 hour daylight etc so that's the last thing I want to see happen with the standalone.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I hope not, I'd rather we didn't see the game having fifty different modes for every possible playstyle that exists, that's one of my biggest gripes with the mod - every server has modified loot, starting loadouts, extra vehicles, 24 hour daylight etc so that's the last thing I want to see happen with the standalone.

I agree.

That's why I'm hoping private servers can't touch anything other then what is set up as the different server types. DayZ SA is a game not a mod where you can mix and match the way you want to.

I can see 2 setups and then possible 4 later as the servers increase later in the year.

Broken up by the 3rd person option or not and the day/night cycle hour setup.

With the Day Cycle- I can't see keeping a 24hr since we all have real lives with work ,etc. So a shorter time even at 8 hrs it changes from night to day would allow players to have a chance to experience night and day or we will have all servers setup so players will either play day or night--which leads to the logic- why even have a change of night and day if everyone is going to play one or the other.

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I don't play at the same times every day, but I tend to stick to the same servers. So whether it's night or day in my home server I'd still jump on and play.

There must be more people like me, who'd rather have the same server all the time than always play in the daylight.

If the servers stick to 24hour cycles, you're still able to choose a server set to a different timezone if you want to.

Whatever suits you.

I don't think I'd enjoy a sped up day so much. I as playing on DayZ: Origins, and the 2 hours of day/2 hours of night is weird to say the least.

I'm not going to say I disagree with options, but keeping it simple (either 3dp or FPV) would still be preferable.

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I don't play at the same times every day, but I tend to stick to the same servers. So whether it's night or day in my home server I'd still jump on and play.

There must be more people like me, who'd rather have the same server all the time than always play in the daylight.

If the servers stick to 24hour cycles, you're still able to choose a server set to a different timezone if you want to.

Whatever suits you.

I don't think I'd enjoy a sped up day so much. I as playing on DayZ: Origins, and the 2 hours of day/2 hours of night is weird to say the least.

I'm not going to say I disagree with options, but keeping it simple (either 3dp or FPV) would still be preferable.

if they did shorten the day/night cycle- it should be something that doesn't feel like you walked away to get some food and 2 day/night cycles have just ran.

Maybe even a 12 hour one.

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Well I was really surprised that I couldn't find something about this topic.

Because I really think that it's important to discuss it.

Sorry if I reposted, but can you maybe give me a link to the discussion so I can read it? :)

I wasn't really criticizing you, I think the topic was multiple characters with the same key or something like that, cannot really recall, so no need for apology

If there were two or max three server settings, multiple chars could work, while if there were more than that I think we should stick with one character

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