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lol... so much simple minded peolple here. There are only "no jumping" or "jumpspam" in your little world.

Every human can jump. Everyone can do it, evan with a AS50 in you hands you can jump over a car, fence and everthing else what is smaler as yourself.

There are so fucking much ways to get jumping in the game. Like Stalker, you have a sprint/jump bar. You can jump 3 times in a row then you have to wait till the bar gets full again.

Get this in dayz!

No one can do bunnyhopping but you can do fast jumps over a fence or behinde cover like everyone can do it in the real world.

How can a humen creature thinking in that stupid way? OMFG... people are so stupid.

Exactly the same simple minded stupid way of thinking... Only no jumping or rapidjumping.


You need to get some pussy.

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You are exactly that simpel minded people i was talking about. Why not using somthing between no jumping and bunny hopping? Is your brain to small to get a solution? Some question to you:

When was the last time you've seen real combat footage with soldiers wich are not able to jump over a 30cm fence? When was the last time you've seen real combat footage with soldiers wich stop moving to climp over a 50cm high barrel? When was the last time you've seen real combat footage with soldiers not able to jumpe behinde cover?

You Sir are totaly fucked up in you head!

And whats the problem to lift a up a 12,5kg Weapon over a car? 12,5kg is fucking nohting for a well trained human like a guy who mangend to survial a dayz world!

You didn't say lift, you said jump over a car, Mr. fucked in the head who can't remember your own post. Herpity derpin. :rolleyes: If you can't understand how it would have to be disabled for combat, you defeat your own argument, MORON. You must hang your ass out in the wind to get shot whilst trying to go over a fence. I've never once had a problem with it. You should exercise some of those measly brain cells and plan ahead and you won't have any problems either.

I'm very, very glad this will not be. Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills first mmmmk?

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Finaly a human being who is able to use his brain. Thank you.

There are so much ways to get jumping in the game without out bunny hopping danger or something like that but some ppl have a too small horizon to get this.

btw: sry for my bad english

What you're suggesting is a good idea its how you are delivering the message. You have zero social skills. Calling people brainless is hardly the way to presuade them to change their opnion. Being a pretentious prick that thinks he/she knows everything is a perfect way of turning everyone against you, and basically making your message fall on deaf ears.

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The vault at the moment is too slow but they should definitely not add a free jump. A faster way to jump things would be nice... Edit: The combat roll is kind of ridiculous too.

Edited by Josh225

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You should be able quickly vault over objects/fences especially if you have your hands free. The stepping motion in the mod is pretty stupid and so is the barrel roll they implemented. Free jump isn't needed and wouldn't really add much anyway but being able to vault over fences etc would be nice (along the lines of how it's done in BF3)

Edited by smasht_AU
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Dirtycry, don't be rude to people who disagree with you, are you a communist or something?

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^ LOL :D


You Sir are totaly fucked up in you head!

Angry poster is very angry. :emptycan:

The thing everyone is worried about angry poster is the bunnyhopping legacy that fps games have left in their wake has left a very nasty taste in everyones rectum and i am sure even with a spacebar three jump thing that people will still use it to try and evade getting shot at close range when they are playing pvp Elektro.

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What you're suggesting is a good idea its how you are delivering the message. You have zero social skills. Calling people brainless is hardly the way to presuade them to change their opnion. Being a pretentious prick that thinks he/she knows everything is a perfect way of turning everyone against you, and basically making your message fall on deaf ears.

Dirtycry, don't be rude to people who disagree with you, are you a communist or something?

I dont like stupid people. Thats why im getting very angry when i read those bullshit. :)

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so guys.... there is a heavy need of jumping in the game and there are really no realistic arguments against it. So why not implement it?

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Hello there

what need to be in game is the ability to "mount" any given object, so if one is near a fence or climbable box, scaleable fence etc one need press that one key to initiate the appropriate action. The vault actually works ok but is a little slow, other mods have tweaked it so it feels more fluid. eg I44.



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I honestly don't see a need for it. Climb, yes, Jump no.

You played dayz yes?

We already have climping like feature on the V button. Climping would need the same time and would stop you chrackter too, climping would be a different animation only. Thats not really nessasery.

But jumping, to get over and obstacle without stop moving, like soliders in real. Yes thats would be really helpfull and realistic.

Edited by DirtyCry

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