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Vegetation that overgrows its bounds with time.

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Ok, so I searched the forums and didn't find this suggestion anywhere. I'm not sure if it's possible due to the amount of resources needed or if it would take that many.

The server first starts and the vegetation is normal (as it is now). Then vegetation would overgrow such as: grass becomes longer, vines grow (and overgrow) on buildings, certain forest areas are get so overgrown you would need to hack a path with a machete (leaving a trail that could easily be tracked). That path stays till it regrows. It would grow on real life time (and as far as I know that would be in-game time as well).

Imagine finding a shack in the middle of the forest, at night, all grown in that you have to hack your way to, vines all over the walls and windows broken out, and then out stumbles one zombie...

I think it would help with immersion immensely. It would kinda help immerse you in the 'cycle of life'.

Just an idea!

Here's an example picture to help visualize what I mean.


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This would be really sweet, but I'm not sure if it's feasible. I'm pretty sure it would take one hell of a server / computer to keep track of the growth of plants all across Chernarus.

Nice concept though.

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Where did you find that photo of my house?

Even if the growth of vegetation isn't possible, it'd be nice to have that sort of scenery scattered around.

The product of neglect, after the maintainer, whoever that may have been, either succumbed to the infection, evacuated, or was killed.

Unless you've got Jumanji vines, I think regrowing plants to cover a path would take longer than game-time would allow.

It's a cool concept though. I wouldn't be surprised to see something like this become entirely likely in future video games.

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This would be really sweet, but I'm not sure if it's feasible. I'm pretty sure it would take one hell of a server / computer to keep track of the growth of plants all across Chernarus.

Nice concept though.

I think it would mean designing a "vine building" for every "level" of "vineness" a building can have. From no vines and overgrowth to max overgrowth. So that would mean the:

Number of Buildings X the number of overgrowth variations?

The coding could be scripted to load each building seperately on a server reset. But I think the way that chernarus is designed, its not really possible to do. Perhaps on a new map its feasible. But even then it would require a tonne of man hours... (mostly for the modeling I would asume)

I might be completely wrong, but my limited mind came up with those problems to this feature.

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I agree with Chabowski that they should make the scenery come "pre-overgrown".

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Yeah I have no clue how many resources it would take to accomplish it. Pre-overgrown stuff would also be awesome.

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IT would be awesome, however I don't think it can be done now, perhaps in the future :)

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