Blindingsun 233 Posted February 24, 2013 Well its not like your gonna eat the but in the real world you'd just drop the empty can. not put it back in your bag. think I'm worrying about LITTER after an apocalypse? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 39 Posted February 24, 2013 I love DayZ how it is and I enjoy having patches and updates it just makes the game better, yes you have to sneak around the zeds but it aint that hard just be patient! You can fight them off just as easy but theyre just harder to sneak past! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoulHunter (DayZ) 233 Posted February 24, 2013 I love DayZ how it is and I enjoy having patches and updates it just makes the game better, yes you have to sneak around the zeds but it aint that hard just be patient! You can fight them off just as easy but theyre just harder to sneak past!well, sneaking doesnt rly apply for me lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reuben5150 83 Posted February 24, 2013 Unfortunately this last patch "pushes" us a lot farther into Mountain Man/Dead Island territory and I for one don't like it.Actually does'nt go far enough. Arma + Cod + Zombies ? no thanks.If there were anything else to do except PVP the changes would not be so bad, ie, what happened to base building feature ? and the rest ?, shit right now you can't even use a tent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 58 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) Actually does'nt go far enough. Arma + Cod + Zombies ? no thanks.If there were anything else to do except PVP the changes would not be so bad, ie, what happened to base building feature ? and the rest ?, shit right now you can't even use a tent.There is a lot of private hives and mods of dayz that have basebuilding and crafting... best of them even have similar zombies that dayz (meaning: difficult) has + more complex "infection" (different types), roaming hordes in forests, you have dogs as pets, you can build your own motorbike or ATV or a base with LOCKING etc.I really hope dayzmod-team don't make it "easier" at any point, but rather build on this 'foundation' and bring to the "mothermod" some of the great features that the "child-mods" have. Such as:Deadly and dangerous zombies is a great thing! I know even a couple of servers that have these crazy-fast zombies that wield *AXES*. Good luck trying to get them 'deathlined' to a staircase for a choppa-choppa... choppa is coming, but not the way you meant to! Loving some servers that have fiddled with Z-damage; taking four hits = death. Also loving servers that have increased infection chance; 70% risk of infection per hit. Not to mention servers that have modded the zombies hit-effect-directional thingies and have zombies that knock you out if they hit you in your back 100% every hit.Basebuilding is a really really cool thing. To build a base you need a vehicle to harvest the things needed, it really helps to have a friend to build with, so it is not a simple task but can take many dayz and livez and you risk being robbed at every turn. Crafting; there is servers where you can craft simple vehicles from piling up a lot of materials; sweet!!More illnesses! Got the caugh? Find caugh-medicine! Got common flu? Find antibiotics. Got a touch of Z-virus? Get militarygrade antidote! (crashsites)Tired of being hunted by zombies in the cities, wanna take a relaxing brake so you head for the safe-haven of "woods"? HELL NO! Forests are a death-trap for the not-so-carefull roamers with random hordes of zombies running around.Feeling lonely? Want a companion but cannot trust them human bitches? Get a dog-bitch! First you need to find it, then you need a moment for a little soul-bonding and voila; you have a companion to fend against the undead or the nasty 'other-humans'. Edited February 24, 2013 by Kuolio Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lipemr 160 Posted February 24, 2013 I'm loving this new patch. Kind of reminds me of the first couple of months after the mod was first released.You have to team up, watch your ammo count, don't fire unless you really really have too,watch your corners, don't run, etc, etc.The only thing that has pissed me off are script kiddies can stil get in.Again, love it!!!!!tip: running is way more effective than crouch sprinting, as zombies can see you from 100m away even if you're crawling at the grass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blindingsun 233 Posted February 24, 2013 tip: running is way more effective than crouch sprinting, as zombies can see you from 100m away even if you're crawling at the grass.not true I just proned past about 3 zombies at roughly 20 meters. they were facing me and didn't care =D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoulHunter (DayZ) 233 Posted February 24, 2013 not true I just proned past about 3 zombies at roughly 20 meters. they were facing me and didn't care =Drly ? -.- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reuben5150 83 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) As far as i can tell the mod is going nowhere, this is simply rockets playground, i don't mind that, just right now it feels like there is little reason to play, everythings broken or features promised/removed and never implemented.We get something great like a working ttemperature factor, then its removed.i just hope all the good stuff is going into SA.Hate to be negative, but dayz got boring as fuck. Edited February 24, 2013 by Mutagen_7B4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Target Practice (DayZ) 1335 Posted February 24, 2013 rly ? -.-Yup, as long as you're careful and keep an eye on your visibility and audibility meters, you can crawl through long grass as little as 10m away from a zombie facing you. Takes balls of steel, but it can be done.As far as i can tell the mod is going nowhere, this is simply rockets playground, i don't mind that, just right now it feels like there is little reason to play, everythings broken or features promised/removed and never implemented.We get something great like a working ttemperature factor, then its removed.i just hope all the good stuff is going into SA.Hate to be negative, but dayz got boring as fuck.How do you propose it's fixed, then? Or do you not feel like answering that question? ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reuben5150 83 Posted February 25, 2013 How do you propose it's fixed, then? Or do you not feel like answering that question? ;)Ok-Zombies still glitch though walls after all this time.Tents are broken againHumanity is broken again.Hero skin broken/nerfedWeapons nerfed, pistols and SMGs combat ineffective against players, 5.56 weapons nerfed.As50. /m107 still in game.Temperature feature broken/removed.Zombies cause damage to player inside vehicle even when vehicle is in motion, ie, running over the zombie that is causing the damage to you.Still no base building features.Still no improved spawn system.Still no areas of interest other than the airfields.Nighttime is not a feature it should be.Too much focus on weapons and gear, added all those new weapons and removed none.Lots of zombies, nothing to kill them with except hatchet, or maybe Enfield + 10 rounds.No stanag brounds in industrial areas or anywhere but spawn in stores ? Maybe baracks....Removed peripheral dots without,any poll or discussion, maybe I missed it.Refueling vehicles is a stupid operation, some places have fuel others not.Vehicles are a coffin on wheels.Not enough vehicles on map. No satisfaction in killing zombies, needs improved/ interesting death animations.Delayed death when shooting zombies including head shots.Cannot eat inside vehicle.Cannot fire weapon inside vehicle.Weapon cursor/ x hair is a global setting, should be per weapon.Bandit skin should override all other skins.Scoreboard broken.Debug monitor removed.Zombies only exist/spawn around structures, should be done like namalsk.Quitting the game is a pain in the ass.Game or mod has no fun factor.90% PVP at least because theres nothing more to do.And there's probably much more I can't think of right now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trunkz jr 61 Posted February 25, 2013 I thought the scoreboard was taken out on purpose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ) 71 Posted February 25, 2013 Dude, about half of that list of things are intentional. You really can't play DayZ without PvP because without the threat of people, the game is L4D on a large scale. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
svenbreakfast 231 Posted February 25, 2013 no but in the real world you'd just drop the empty can. not put it back in your bag. think I'm worrying about LITTER after an apocalypse?The reason you keep the can is because a can is useful if you have no silenced weapon and need another way to keep from getting detected. Throw can. Zombie hears. Goes to can and stops going towards you.Alternately, you can shoot him with your shotgun, aggro the whole town, run into a building, and get killed. Then come to the forums and complain about hard zombies. If you don't want the fucking can drop it. Fact is after you eat a can of pasta what you have left is a can minus pasta. A resourceful player knows that a can is sometimes a better survival tool than a gun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites