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I saw the DayZ Devblog and I thought of these 6 Ideas/suggestions for in game

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1) Good: Being able to hide or duck the players head in the Swamps water and camouflage yourself with the surroundings from Players or Zombies.

Also with 1) Bad: Side-part of being in the swamps occasionally Alligators might spawn in and eat you.

2) Being able to hide loot in Holes in Trees for example the bird/owl nesting holes.

3) Being able to hide in the wooden cabinets and hide from players and also zombies and maybe do a sneak attack if player has combat knife eqquip and to slice the players throat.

4) In the Stoves and Microwaves being able to find Cooked meat or Raw meat or even food within the Appliances.

5) Dramatic Weather, maybe in which to move your hands back and forth to keep warm for a few minutes so you can find a jacket or heatpack.

6) Wearing Certain items for example a jacket will keep you warm, if you have a hat or helmet on and its hot it keeps you cool.

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1) Do they have Alligators in Eastern Europe? Maybe instead have a chance of getting an infection (malaria or something from mosquitoes) the longer you hang out in the swamp.

2) Would be neat, not sure if doable.

3) Don't think you could do that but maybe being able to hide in larger wardrobes or closets and close the door(s)

4) I don't think meat (raw or cooked) would last very long in anything but a powered refrigerator (looks like its been years since the infection started)

5) Would be awesome.

6) Also awesome. Have to think about more than just camouflage when grabbing gear. Could also work both ways, could get too hot and have to wear less clothes or lighter clothing.

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add a little more vegetation to the swamp; (dead) trees e.g. birches, reeds, nymphaeas and maybe fewer "paved" paths

Edited by joe_mcentire

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