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lorneagle What's up with the low ammo drops

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So now I got three Lee Enfields but only 3 magazines with 1/4/8 bullets.

Now the Zeds are tougher .... way tougher to kite or lose by running threw bushes and pines.

ANd I got no melee weapon unless I drop my gun.

No ammo, no melee, tougher Zeds....

What's up with that?

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The zombie apocalypse isn't a piece of cake either.

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So now I got three Lee Enfields but only 3 magazines with 1/4/8 bullets.

Now the Zeds are tougher .... way tougher to kite or lose by running threw bushes and pines.

ANd I got no melee weapon unless I drop my gun.

No ammo, no melee, tougher Zeds....

What's up with that?

I know man ... AINT IT GREAT!!!!!!!

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I fucking hope the ammo spawn rate has gone down a lot... ammo has always been waaay to easy to come by.

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I would advise getting used to it because the SA will be just as tough, if not tougher. Shouldn't complain that easy mode DayZ is the thing of the past. As a few others have said, the zombie apocalypse shouldn't be a cakewalk. I say bring on the harshness of it all!

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I would advise getting used to it because the SA will be just as tough, if not tougher. Shouldn't complain that easy mode DayZ is the thing of the past. As a few others have said, the zombie apocalypse shouldn't be a cakewalk. I say bring on the harshness of it all!


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The ammo models seem to have been changed as well. Lee Enfield ammo seems to be in small wide clips.

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Maybe this will discourage banditry? No? Okay....

Maybe this will convince people that DayZ shouldn't be turned into Dead Island with a "Pick up Tin Cans" meta game? No? Okay...

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I fucking hope the ammo spawn rate has gone down a lot... ammo has always been waaay to easy to come by.

Especially DMR mags

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Well haven't really been playing the new patch yet, so the clips aren't full anymore? So i can find a half full mag? So then they should obviously have implemented the ability to combine magazines... So if you have 2 half full mags you get one full one. If they havent well thats a minus for the patch, but love everything else :) And antibiotics.... So i stockpiled those for a reason!

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So now I got three Lee Enfields but only 3 magazines with 1/4/8 bullets.

Now the Zeds are tougher .... way tougher to kite or lose by running threw bushes and pines.

ANd I got no melee weapon unless I drop my gun.

No ammo, no melee, tougher Zeds....

What's up with that?

lmao - another kos kiddie reeling from shock after playing dayz as it should be, difficult

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I must say, it was nice to be able to tell my group last night "sorry guys, I can't waste a bullet on that zombie, I only have 5 rounds for my rifle"

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I still got 2 motherf****** tend with 90 STANAG Clips. Thx god the spawn rate are decreased and I am not forced to empity a hole clip on 1 zed so I can pick up the next one

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