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ATV uses too much fuel!

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Hi Rocket,

Can you please change the ATV consumption of fuel to that of the motorbike, My team can't effectively use the ATV.

Anyone else agree?

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I found only one atv with 3/4 fuel, I consumed 1/4 in 1 minute just running in a road.

So, I agree.

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They blow up going over bushes as well.

What's with all the vehicles blowing up? Can't they just be disabled and damaged without ejecting me and my amigo into the woods, breaking our legs and generally making our lives miserable because we drove over a twig.

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Don't Hold SHIFT it will let ur fuel go lower really fast and 2 jerry cans fills the whole ATV and its fast and small you can move quickly so dont complain...

Small vechiles have small tanks

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The ATVs certainly need to fit the distance/speed. As I recall players run at approx. 20KM/H which is a fair bit more than your typical person.

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I agree, I think they go through fuel a bit too fast, but I also feel that all the vehicles do. In the real world I can go a long long time on an ATV before I need to refuel. Thank fuck for jerri cans and refueling tanks.

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The ATV is perfectly fine. It has more than enough storage room to hold jerry cans to refuel it. The reason why you think it uses so much fuel is because it has a smaller gas tank.

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The ATV can hold 30L of fuel, along with as much space for items as a UAZ Military Jeep. So it should consume more fuel, if you're having problems just put more jerry cans in the back so you can refuel without going to a gas station

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the fuel tank is small just like IRL. But what does it matter when you can hit a minor bump and the damn thing flips on its slide only to be righted by a server restart. The quad is useless its just luggage with four wheels.

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ATVs need to be fixed ASAP. They flip over for no reason and become useless...

There needs to be a scroll option to put them back on their wheels, ATVs arnt too heavy to flip back over... :/

Also dont try to nudge it back onto it's wheels with another ATV... It shoots up into the air and explodes -.-

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Funny' date=' I've always found it to be fantastic on fuel.


really??? seriously??

i can only think that you must be playing a different game then. You pretty much have to refuel the thing every 2 - 3 towns. I also think that if you drive it on Tarmac should have better fuel usage than off-road.

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Found a couple of ATV's at Klen. Repaired one, went down the hill.... Next thing you know Im flipped.

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The thing gets like 2 miles to the gallon. Total BS. Tank capacity has absolutely no bearing on MPG, the ATV's consumption needs to be a solid 1/4 of what it is now. Seriously. I have no problem with throwing a half dozen Jerry cans on it, but those just cure the symptom of hyper-exaggerated consumption.

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