goblinshark 5 Posted June 18, 2012 Well I mostly agree with the above two posts, but in their own context. A lot of those games you are referring to have corporate pressures. Blizzard, for example, is publicly traded and there are not just "fangs" but investors pushing them to make deadlines timelines and requirements. This is generally a "behind-the-scene" influence that you don't see but you definitely FEEL. That's where games like counterstrike, and in this case DayZ, come to light. The game isn't fueled by cash, pushed by investors, changed by non-gamers. It's community-based and there's a small number of people working to fix it, and these people, or in this case person, directly communicate with their fans to maintain a game that is directly based on community requests. I think that with money not being an issue, people like rocket are less inclined to take the teenage "I WANT REALLY EASY SHIT" recommendations and instead shove them into the ground. That's where I almost see a problem with the game becoming officially endorsed by BI. That's when more people are involved in how the game is created. More CONTRIBUTIONS is better, more physical influences, is not. By that I mean taking the input of thousands of players into mind when crafting the game is key. But having to adhere to timelines and requirements set by suit-wearing pricks that don't even play games ruins them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MorbifHalo 10 Posted June 18, 2012 hear hear to this, so true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadMaxOz 0 Posted June 18, 2012 What is it with you people? Everybody just insults everybody.If someone writes something like : "i searched 3 towns and 5 barns' date=' not a single canned food or pepsi or anything, the hotfix seems to screw up the loot spawns", 90% of the people will reply with either a sarcastic answer, or a failed troll attempt or something like "hurr durr go play cod", "n00b carebear" or something like thatI never complained about anything, still i got bashed many times for shit.Grow up jesus, it seems like everyone here is like 12-15 years old, just got their pubes or something, hang out on 9gag or something untill their brains rott.NOTHING bothers me. I am not a carebear, i enjoy pvp (never kill for loot, just for fun and pissing people off), i enjoy the super zombies, even more fun to lure to other people, i enjoy the dark, cityes are like Vegas....BUT, if i see something that can be fixed or done in a better way, i express myself. Why the fuck not, i mean it IS an alpha right? Every critic helps in some way. And what really bothers me is the people bashing on new members instead of discussing with them in a rational and non childish way.I spend almost every coffee break i have on this forum, and the way some people are treated makes me kinda sad.Thats all, my forecast is that the first reply is going to have 3-5 words, and we all know what does will be ;)EDIT: this ";)" smiley is retarded, go tell me to play cod where there are no retarded winking smileys please[/quote']Get used to it , it is the norm now . Don't expect intelligent and informative discussion on forums for games it is to rife now with kiddies or more appropriately adults with the maturity of 5 yr olds .But i could be wrong :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chickenbandit 2 Posted June 18, 2012 This thread is full of fail. Assumptions that some of the assholes on these forums are just slobberig idiots who can't find good jobs or play CoD all day. I'm one of those assholes, and I have a good job (in IT) and I tried CoD once with a friend and hated it.You can call a person's ideas stupid, idiotic, and retarded, and still be constructive while doing so. A lot of people came to DayZ because we wanted something different and innovative, something that doesn't hold our hand, that doesn't pat us on the back for reaching meaningless milestones, that doesn't protect us from failure at every turn. When we see people making suggestions that would do just that, we're right in shouting it down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elias (DayZ) 57 Posted June 18, 2012 "... only contribute towards the positive' date=' and move forward. Instead of posting something that sheds light upon the negatives of the community, its sole focus should be on improvements the community can strive for."[/quote']GoblinShark, I agree with you 100%.Focus on the positive, not on the negative. The negative should not use up all your attention.Someone says something you don't like? Best to just let it go and move on, there is no need to react from your own negative emotions; it will only strengthen theirs. If you do *have to* react to such a person, try to make it a positive reaction, something that contributes to the community. Focus on the people who are making the positive contributions and who see themselves as part of this community. In my opinion, it's very special to be able to alphatest this mod, working with / giving feedback to the developers. I think it's a great experience, and I'm sure many of you think the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haz_ah 5 Posted June 18, 2012 It's the people that act like dicks I have a problem with. Someone made a thread describing their difficulties as a brand new player in 1.7.1.Someone replied with: "Sounds like a personal problem."Are you kidding me? Since the patch there is virtually NO FOOD OR WATER (I know this is getting fixed) but comon, it's not a personal problem. Also people who made a sarcastic comment and end with ellipsis piss me off so much./rant Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revenoff 1 Posted June 18, 2012 oh look another thread about people being mean on the internetpoor baby Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stealth (DayZ) 3 Posted June 18, 2012 The thing I don't understand is this mod is free, people complaing about things saying they won't play it cause they are butthurt of some feature or change just makes me laugh, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 18, 2012 It's the people that act like dicks I have a problem with. Someone made a thread describing their difficulties as a brand new player in 1.7.1.Someone replied with: "Sounds like a personal problem."Are you kidding me? Since the patch there is virtually NO FOOD OR WATER (I know this is getting fixed) but comon' date=' it's not a personal problem. Also people who made a sarcastic comment and end with ellipsis piss me off so much./rant[/quote']Two classes of people make new threads on the forums. Class one approach the mod with curiousity. They read up on it, read what rocket has said, peruse the forums and learn about the game and how it works, try and get a grip on what rocket is trying to do and then they play the game with an open mind realizing it might not be your traditional experience. They also come with an understanding of what an "Alpha" is and why that means that not only is the game partially complete, but features are going ot be unstable, unpredictable, disappearing/reappearing, etc. and are willing to work around that and help test.The second class see a link on reddit or some site and go "Oh neato zombie game" then they download it, get into game, die, and then run to the forums to register an account and complain about how the game is this or that way and not that or this way. They have no concept of "Alpha" and act like the game is in release and the devs need to "get it together" or something...I will engage class one in reasonable discourse and intelligent discussion about the direction of the game and the design choices rocket is making.Class two? They can get fucked. They don't belong here anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted June 18, 2012 Agree with the OP. It's usually the Zombie's that flame because their brainz are rotting. Yes didn't youm know? The zombies come here to get tips on how to get us survivors! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rabbican 1 Posted June 18, 2012 The loot issue with newest patch seems to be if you leave zed lost inside building no loot re-spawns until you kill them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikhail 65 Posted June 18, 2012 Gotta agree with the OP 100%I've spent a lot of time on a ton of different gaming forums. This one is certainly special...and not in a good way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powermolch 3 Posted June 18, 2012 Ill post an answer, even if it will spammed away by "Damn its so hard!" "Internet is full of trolls" "I want a refund!" posts.If you read the forums on a daily basis, youll come to the conclusion many "players" are simply wrong. There are whines, criticism, "nerf this, punish that" , "I'll deinstall cause latest patch destroyed my fun" (with every patch. ;) ) posts everywhere. Most people who were kind of rude simply cant hear it anymore. And I cant too.We are supposed to test this game, and halb an hour after patch the forum is full of whines. How could somebody even test anything until then? Its plain stupidity.Zombie Aggro Radius got bigger. Zombie respawn got faster. You can now lose Zombies by breaking LoS. That what Patchnotes said. Anyone even read this? Many people didn't. Now comes the testing. How big is the Aggro range now? and how when I run, walk, prone, go behing, try at night, behind a wall, shooting, and so on. How can I break Los? Which Buildings Zombies still attack through walls, which not? What could be the reason?How fast do they respawn and what can I do to reach my goal anyway?To find out all possibilities it will take a few longer then running into forums and whine half an hour after the patch is out.Only a few percentage read the forums? Why are they Apha Testers ffs? Reading the Patch notes and playing around with it should be a minimum you have to contribute to this mod and the community.The community is fine, the whiners are not. Grow some balls and go testing or do not. Most people dont care. But please stop spamming the forums with useless information. And last but not least, its a PvP Game with big emotions. I have to say its pretty civilized in here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrBloodworth 1 Posted June 18, 2012 The thing I don't understand is this mod is free' date=' people complaing about things saying they won't play it cause they are butthurt of some feature or change just makes me laugh,[/quote']Its called feedback. You need to also realize, if people were not having fun, or interested in the game, they would not post. People post because, for them, something has changed, and its important to them to convey this.Posting "kthanksbye" helps no one.This community will be its own demise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nnuu 61 Posted June 18, 2012 What is it with you people? Everybody just insults everybody.If someone writes something like : "i searched 3 towns and 5 barns' date=' not a single canned food or pepsi or anything, the hotfix seems to screw up the loot spawns", 90% of the people will reply with either a sarcastic answer, or a failed troll attempt or something like "hurr durr go play cod", "n00b carebear" or something like thatI never complained about anything, still i got bashed many times for shit.Grow up jesus, it seems like everyone here is like 12-15 years old, just got their pubes or something, hang out on 9gag or something untill their brains rott.NOTHING bothers me. I am not a carebear, i enjoy pvp (never kill for loot, just for fun and pissing people off)[/quote']So you come here to complain about the trolls telling you to play COD and what not on the forums, but then you mention that you kill players without looting them to piss them off?Pot meet kettle. At least loot the players. Otherwise, COD & BF3 would be better suited for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladybrecky 0 Posted June 18, 2012 The forums are full of elitist hardened jerk players honestly. I don't care if you have survived for a ton of time and I am a noob I just want to fucking play the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genki Dama 49 Posted June 18, 2012 The forums are full of elitist hardened jerk players honestly. I don't care if you have survived for a ton of time and I am a noob I just want to fucking play the game.^this +100000000000000000000000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted June 18, 2012 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_development Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted June 18, 2012 Tegla I think it was a bad timing thing you experienced. There was a legimate beef to be had with the hotfix/patch not spawning food or bandages, combined with the reduction in starting bandages and how much every survivor is a hopeless hemophilliac that made things a little broken.Unfortunately there are a handful of people that will immediately look for conflict instead of discussion :P. So you got poo-poo'd from knee-jerk reactions, but mostly the community is pretty good. If only we could downvote the worthless posts like Reddit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enaver 25 Posted June 18, 2012 Sadly a lot of the DayZ community shown on the forum are a rude bunch. Most things I've said on the forum has been met with a sarcastic or rude reply from other players. Forum is full of them.However, I did get a lot of nice people show up when I posted my video. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ingway 4 Posted June 18, 2012 Sadly that normal nowadays, i guess that's then trying to be cool or sound really smartass with his statement, if not simply funny.I personally like to ignore people like that, but it's getting so common for people to act like that it's impossible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Boss (DayZ) 23 Posted June 18, 2012 Don't get bent over forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
w_epley 37 Posted June 18, 2012 I think part of the problem is there is a lot of people that bought arma just for day z complain about the realism of arma. Which I have no problem with. I've met a good group of brand new guys(I've been playing since day 1 OFP), but I've met a lot of other new players who constantly complain or suggest how the dayz should be changed. For example I was talking to a particular individual who was still downloading arma, and was telling me how he couldn't wait to literally quick scope other players. I explained him the best I could what he was in for. As a veteran arma player, I become quite frustrated with stuff like this. I refrain from posting unnecessary comments or chats in games and on forums. I understand new players are going to be ignorant, my best advice is forget what you did in battlefield or wow, because you're probably not going to quick scope someone with your m107 standing up from 300 meters, nor will there probably be a safe trading zone. Accept arma as its own individual entity as it is unlike most other fps games. So I urge Vets to be patient an direct the band wagons players, and for new players accept arma for the mil sim it is. This is my general stance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites