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Train Transport

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There should be a runaway train that goes around the map that you can hop onto like a hobo. You have the ability to jump off at any time that way there aren't campers waiting at train stations for example.

When you jump out of the train you should take like 2k fall damage or something, maybe even the possibility of breaking a leg that you have to fix up.

Just a change of pace. Instead of running to NW airfield in 20+ min, you can maybe do it in 15 min and take a step away from the computer.

Reasons NOT to take the train though:

1. It's not that much quicker to destinations and perhaps only circles the entire map so running to the middle of the map would still be important.

2. If a heli guns down the train, maybe it blows up or derails killing everyone? Respawns every X min/hours at random spots if that happens

3. Everyone that hitches a ride are in the same cargo. If you are in first person (Like being in a vehicle) you can see who else is in the train and when they hop out. If you hop out, theres a possibility for PvP or someone stalking/scouting you.

A GREAT reason to take the train

More social behavior. Make new friends and perhaps you can trade weapons in the cargo

Any thoughts or additions?

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You're not buying the train conductor eatin by a horde of zombies with a runaway train?

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Yeah, no.

And keep your suggestions on one thread, too.

How about no? I hate having to sift through a few good ideas buried in an ocean of bad ones, all in a single topic.

Presenting reasonably ONE concept per topic means that not only the topic title can be related directly to the suggestion (instead of "a few suggestions from X"), and it can be debated properly.

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I like the idea. I can only imagine how cool it would be to be in cherno when all of a sudden, a train derails and smashes half the city... Other players running for their lives and stuff. :D

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I would like the idea if the train is rare, only spawning every 10 or so hours.

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No, for following reasons.

1)We're MONTHS or even YEARS after the infection, a run away train would have run out of fuel in a couple of days or even hours, there's no electricity running (that goes to say Chenarus' lines are not electrified, neither 3rd rail nor overhead gantry lines)

B)Trains are actually FAIRLY easy to derail and the tracks are not in best condition (especially when you got Derpski the Zombie doing maintenance)

iii) Didn't know if you noticed but Chenarus' rail line isn't set up like a continuous run model railroad layout, Berezino is the end of the line.

4) Trains are very hard to 'jump onto' even when you've been trained properly, (Most US freight railways require a locomotive to be completely stopped before crew can board/disembark to do their duties, although weather this 'rule' is followed or not is up to the crew and if there's a supervisor watching) I have trouble some times with a train thats going slower than 5 MPH (around 2MPH if that), the engineer knows I'm getting on, and on flat, level ground with proper grab irons and ladder rungs).

5) You honestly have more chance of dieing jumpping on a train than you do jumping off (jumping towards the multi ton moving hunk of steel with crushing wheels, as opposed to jumping onto it)

Trust me, I'm an Engineer Brakeman

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No, for following reasons.

1)We're MONTHS or even YEARS after the infection, a run away train would have run out of fuel in a couple of days or even hours, there's no electricity running (that goes to say Chenarus' lines are not electrified, neither 3rd rail nor overhead gantry lines)

Excellent point. How about an abandoned train and you have to gather coal from those coal refineries you see in game to fuel it up.

And about the jumping on/off. Yeah thats true but a game is a game. Jumping on it like a hitch hiker sounds like "fun". I guess if you wanted to make it real you could implement the aspect of like a 1% chance of dieing if u jump on.

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Chenarus' railways seam to be dieselized (theres what looks like a road engine sitting on the docks in cherno with a boxcar), a steam engine would take TONS of coal (literally, tons, not an overstatement). Probably the 'best' setup if they do add rail vehicles would be a switcher/road engine with a boxcar and caboose (passengers and cargo), would take MUCH longer to fuel up than even a chopper. A RDC (or soviet equivilant, think bus on rails) would be another alternative, as well as handcars and speeders. Even then you still need to worry about things on the right of way, (if theres a RDC on the tracks you've got to move it out of the way and onto a siding)

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I really like this idea, i also agree that you should be able to jump off at anytime! Sounds like a great addition!

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Take the runaway aspect away and make the railroad system player controlled and maintained and I'm game.

I think that this would greatly add to the society/base building part of the game and would simply add more things to do for the players.

We could for example have a player faction controlling and maintaining the network, but they could then charge other players if they wanted to take a ride on a train.

Sounds pretty cool to me.

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It'd be difficult to pull off. And honestly there isn't really a 'system' to take control of. In America you have CTC systems, control towers, hubs, ect. Chenarus only has one mainline, spur tracks, industrial branches, one or two 'yards', and a couple of sidings. Unless you have people actively patrolling the tracks (and even then, no garente) you'll have bandits setting up tank traps on the right of way or some other form of sabotage (a 'stick' bigger than 2" in diameter can derail a 45 ton loco if its placed right). It would be lovely if we could repair a loco and the tracks, but it'd be too hard to control completely. It'd be something you repair so you could get from point A to point B, load up a bunch of crap and move on to Point C to unload said crap.

If it does get added, something like sniping/killing the driver would make it a runaway train (at least for a mile or so, not sure what 'Dead Man' switches Russian Railroads have)

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