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Dark Terror

Removing M107/AS50 in favor of increased sniper damage?

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The only problem I find with this suggestion is many hero's (such as myself) rely on the "knockout" factor to safely "restrain" people we feel might be hostile yet we don't want to kill. Making every sniper a one-hit kill would not only make them much more OP than the other weapon classes (AR's, LMG's, etc.) and would also increase the banditry in the game, of which there is way too much as of now.

Well it's not banditry but just "snipertry"... See someone, aim, shoot, keep walking until the next target is sighted / stay put and keep camping.

If we had normal hitpoints the threshold would be lower and you wouldn't need a superweapon to disable players.

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My only problem I have with the as50 and the m107 is even tho they are both rare spawn I feel way to many people have them I'm assuming through dupping or hacking which hopefully both should be fixed in the standalone but I am a firm believer in making it harder to snipe right now its far to easy and the extra challenge would be that much more rewarding when you land that epic shot

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Well it's not banditry but just "snipertry"... See someone, aim, shoot, keep walking until the next target is sighted / stay put and keep camping.

If we had normal hitpoints the threshold would be lower and you wouldn't need a superweapon to disable players.

Yea, but the thing is you already don't need those weapons to kill players. Only pussies need the scoped weapons because they are to chicken to get up close to kill someone with an AK or a shotgun. And if you think the AK is not killing players fast enough then ask a buddy to help you with ambushing players with an other AK. Thats the gameplay I would like to see instead of kiddo's far away on a hill sniping the shit out of the game. I think If you want to be a bandit or a bandit hunter then there needs to be risk involved and you need to get within a 100 meters to fire accurately or even better do a very close range ambush on a player. Now that is fun, because there is equal risk involved for both sides.

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Um. Let's not make all snipers one hit kills... okay? Now let's start using our brains and the public information on this little thing here we call the internet.

AS50 is an Anti-Material Rifle using Anti-Material rounds. There's different types of Rounds like "Cop Killers" stronger and able to pierce through Tactical Vest, Kevlar, etc. So an Anti-Material round doing the same (maybe a little more damage) then stand rifles like the M24 but doing more damage to vehicles seems a bit more logical to me.

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What does the rest of the community think about the idea of removing the M107/AS50 on grounds that the rest of the snipers are "boosted" in damage?

I think that's a terrible idea, you don't "boost" sniper rifles without boosting everything else that fires the same cartridge. This isn't Battlefield.

Saves the devs a lot of time nerving them and balancing them while they should not be in the game in the first place.

"This isn't Battlefield."

"This isn't Battlefield."

"This isn't Battlefield."

"This isn't Battlefield."

"This isn't Battlefield."

"This isn't Battlefield."

"This isn't Battlefield."

"This isn't Battlefield!"

Edited by Gews

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Snipers like this exist in real life, why can't they exist in the game?

Snipers should be with thier unit, or already roaming around the countri side after you arrive. You are not a Sniper, you are a survivor. Just washed up on the beach. The way I look at it, during this Outbreak, the military has been defeated, they had no time to keep their weapons clean and in operating condition. I would think most most of the high-end, rarer style of weapons would be dirty, grimy, and worn, basically ready to blow up in the face of any civillain that tries to use it.

Don't you think the military would ur their best gear to protect themselves, and get rid of these things?

And use them up. Wear them out. To the point that most would have broken under the onslaught of the hordes, or end up being dropped in the dirt and mud as as the soldier ran away when all was lost. Or how about that soldier that held onto his weapon when he was attacked, his gore would be all over it. And then some survivor comes along a week/month later. Where is this survivor that finde a weapon coverd in gore, dirt and muddy get the training to clean it? Don't say he was in the military, for I am sure anyone with military training has been called up to deal with the outbreak.

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Just remove them, it's not a simple survivor weapon, but a high class military rifle. Saves the devs a lot of time nerving them and balancing them while they should not be in the game in the first place.

Remove scoped weapons

Completly agree except there should be scoped rifles on the caliber of deer hunting rifles. But high end, high tech scopes and weapons, yes lose them.

I would also remove GPS. GPS requires satelites which require substantial infrastructure to keep operating. Do not think that infrastructure will exist or be kept up in the ZA.

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