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Chronx (DayZ)

Do people like whitelisted servers more? suggestions?

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I currently admin this server here


I was curious if locking it and setting a whitelist would bring in more activity. We are looking to get it more populated than it is and are asking the general public what YOU want. We are open to any form of criticism. Look forward to seeing responses.

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Whitelisted + Private Hive = No hackers. :D

Appreciate the quick feedback, still waiting on a few more replies from the community seeing as how I want the server to compliment the community.

+1 can of beans!

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I personally prefer public servers (that way I don't have to remember a server name, I can just play whenever and pick the server with the best ping) BUT the hackers.... :/

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Currently admin on a server that doesnt have a whitelist yet, experiencing hackers every day 24/7.

Waiting for the last preperations for whitelist right now, gonna be sweet without so much hacking!

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I cant promise you your numbers will increase but ill tell you this as an experienced DayZ player I will ONLY play on white listed servers.

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I personally prefer public servers (that way I don't have to remember a server name, I can just play whenever and pick the server with the best ping) BUT the hackers.... :/

you need to sack up and come play with Mr Nasty at balota buddies sir.

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Most people prefer whitelisted servers, yes, because that means admins are active.

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Most people prefer whitelisted servers, yes, because that means admins are active.

How does this mean admins are active? Many whitelist servers have maybe 1 admin for the entire server because they bank on the whitelist to guarantee no hacking... but admins are needed for more than just hackers. This does not mean admins are more active in the slightest. Many whitelisted servers run on automated scripts. You input ur GUID on a website forum/fill out a few boxes and its automatic.

Whitelist is great if you have a good following, a good solid group of people who play the game on a regular basis. If not, stay off whitelisting for a while, and admin ur damn server. Not hard to find the hackers if your server is set up correctly.

Okay, I suppose I wasn't thinking of the same whitelisting process.

What we do at Balota Buddies is that we manually whitelist people, and question them. It weeds out the hackers. Not the automated scripts.

Edited by Inception.

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