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Is it only a certain type if gun that makes the "cracking"sound when shot at u?

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It is the sound of the bullet hitting around you, it is pretty unrealistic in a forest, but it does not give you any hint to of what weapon was fired. You can tell by the report of the weapon, and the distance. I know that if someone is 50 meters away and I can't hear their gunfire its surpressed, if I hear machine gun fire I can narrow it down to what weapon(Learn the sounds of M4/AK/LMGS). If it is anti material, if you do not hear it, its an AS50, if you hear it, it is an M107. Most of the time it does not matter, and the pros of Dayz recognize what it is within seconds, because most engagements in DayZ, you A) Die instantly B) Engage someone within 50 meters C) 100-400 meter engagement

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The cracking is the sound of the supersonic bullet producing a miniature sonic boom compared to what a plane would make, it represents what you would hear in real life if someone shot over your head with supersonic rounds.

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The cracking you hear is the bullet breaking the sound barrier. The only weapons you wont hear that from are guns that fire subsonic bullets, Which are suppressed weapons for the most part.

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The cracking is the sound of the supersonic bullet producing a miniature sonic boom compared to what a plane would make, it represents what you would hear in real life if someone shot over your head with supersonic rounds.

Subsonic dont make cracking sound because the bullet doesnt travel faster fast than the speed of sound. The cracking comes from the bullet traveling the speed of sound

Edited by SnakeDoctor

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The cracking is the sound of the supersonic bullet producing a miniature sonic boom compared to what a plane would make, it represents what you would hear in real life if someone shot over your head with supersonic rounds.

This. Very disorienting for someone who has never experienced it. It's actually louder in reality but it's the only game I know of that simulates this.

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If you can manage to keep your wits about you, you can get a rough idea of your distance from the person firing at you by noting the time interval between the "crack", and the report of the firearm; bullet will be traveling minimum 340m per second in order to break the sound barrier, so, 1.5 second interval equates to 510m for example.

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