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adcamo (DayZ)

Ideas for making Zombies more formidable

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(PDF LINK) Zombie ideas - To make zombies more formidable http://www.dark-hero...wnload/DayZ.pdf - click for better formatted version.

Zombie Ideas for Dayz Standalone

Zombies – On the whole, zombies need to be more of a threat than they currently are. Put the fear of zombies back into the survivors. They need to hit harder (like in dayz +), and they should have mechanics that make them formidable.

1. Zombie Variety

Zombie Types


1. Within the class of Military Zombies can be several subclasses of different military types. They would have different loot, and different potential abilities.

a. Hazmat Zombies

b. Army Zombies

c. Naval Zombies etc.. u get the idea

2. Military Zombies are usually but not necessarily always armored

a. This means they are harder to kill than your average zombie

3. Military Zombies should work together to some degree to try to track their prey. This should be noticeable when comparing the civilian zombies. When entering a building with 2 exits, half of the zombies would go to the other exit etc.


1. Much like the standard zombies we have now

2. These zombies can have many different appearances to reflect the different parts of society they are apart of.

Survivor Zombies

1. If a survivor dies in an area where zombies spawn, then it increases the chance that survivor zombies will spawn.

a. They will have backpacks, some will be heroes, some will be bandits etc..

2. Survivor zombies will have better than average loot, however they might be a bit smarter than your average zombie for example, or perhaps they can rally others.

Hybrid Zombies

1. These zombies are more rare, and are people who haven’t been completely changed by the outbreak. They retain cognitive abilities, and aren’t mindless at all. There are different types of hybrid zombies that have different abilities, & different agendas. Killing them would award exceptional loot.

a. Types

The Fearful One
– Characterized by their fearful nature, shy when approached. Their cries for help.. “Please help me”. But once your back is turned, they will try to eat you alive. They don’t hit you, they will feed on you where you stand, complete with you screaming for help.

1. Slow to turn into a zombie, this enemy is still partly human.

2. Still suffering from the hunger of flesh, they will try to eat you if you turn your back to them.

3. Exceptional senses, they know you are coming long before normal zombies

4. They aren’t particularly resilient, but they are smart, and will run from you and conceal themselves before they strike once aggroed.

The Angry One
– Characterized by his aggressive behavior, he can charge you and knock you off your feet. He is particularly strong and can shatter your bones. Shooting him pisses him off, and the more you shoot him the more aggressive he gets. Expect to put the better part of a clip into this guy.

1. Will Kill other zombies to get to you

2. Is smart and not easily hidden from

3. Can pull you from vehicles as he can open the door.

Children Zombies
(fear the children)

1. More uncommon than adult or teenage zombies (due to them just being eaten rather than just infected). 1 to every 100 normal zombies?

2. Different behavior than standard zombies. Very unpredictable.

3. Some children zombies might just sit there and just watch you (how creepy would that be) but if you did anything to alert them, they would scream to alert a horde. Some will chase you.

4. They have the tendency to grapple your leg to slow you down, cause bleeding/infections -keep them at a distance-.

5. These zombies would generally be more infectious than a standard zombie

6. These zombies lack outright strength to do much damage to you, so instead they stalk the survivor hiding behind objects and buildings but constantly following you, persistent, stealthy, very scary. They make little noise when stalking you, but once shot or scared they have the ability to alert all nearby zombies (the horde).

7. Unless killed with a headshot, can alert the horde.

vi. Teen

1. Teen models are only different from adult models in their look. Added for the sake of variety and realism.

vii. Adult

1. The standard zombie that’s already implemented into DayZ.


1. Male for all 3 age groups (Child/Teen/Adult)

2. Female for all 3 age groups (Child/Teen/Adult)

Zombie Attributes
– This will be a list of attributes zombies can have, I would suggest that there can be combinations of attributes that they can have (1 to 3 at a time?) and that its randomized. Different areas might be have more common attributes etc. (heli crashes might have more dismembered zombies?)

i. Fast

ii. Slow – Have the highest chance of breaking your limbs

iii. Grappler – slows the survivor, causes bleeds (all children zombies do this when attacking)

iv. Hunter – Stalks the survivor, is stealthy (all children zombies do this once aggroed)

v. Rally – A Zombie who can rally other zombies (children have a high chance do this)

vi. Infectious – Infectious zombies have a percentage chance to get infectious material on your clothing, or your skin. You need to get rid of infectious articles of clothing because it’s only a matter of time until you get infected.

vii. Tactical – Zombies utilize teamwork (military zombies do this)

viii. Wandering – Will wander past their normal spawn boundries

ix. Missing Limbs

1. Missing Leg(s) – Will crawl, it spreads disease through its blood, stay away

2. Missing arms – Can be fast, it spreads disease through its blood, stay away

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I basically don't like the different zombie types because is doesn't make sense to me in the in game fiction. I don't see how the same disease would cause all these outcomes. But I'm not a writer. Maybe they could convince me.

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I have an idea... Gun Zombies. Their skill is set to 100% and they're armed with non-lootable FN FALs. :ph34r:

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I have an idea... Gun Zombies. Their skill is set to 100% and they're armed with non-lootable FN FALs. :ph34r:

Almost gave beans and then saw your avatar and punched my screen,

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Almost gave beans and then saw your avatar and punched my screen,

Pony Zombies?

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no special zombies, rocket had said this before

Don't have to have "special zombies" in order to give them better or varying attributes. Variety in zombies would be welcome in my opinion, this is a huge area of DayZ that needs improvement.

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I like the idea of the children zombies, Just the sitting and staring at you. None of that alerting a horde BS. Just staring...

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I'm thankful that Rocket is a good Zombie fan. People need to stop with special zombie threads man, its annoying!

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The idea that works for me is to have lots, hordes of infected that can easily overwhelm you if you're not careful. Venturing into bigger towns should be near suicidal, but if successful can reap huge rewards.

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