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M16A2 vs M4A1

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Hello dayz community, I am new to the forum and game. I would like to have opinions on the difference between the M4A1 and the M16A2. I have both, and am deciding between the two... I have played the shooting range mod for Arma 2 AO and have noticed the following differences between the two. The M4A1 has a full auto setting, and shorter length, while the M16A2 has the burst firemode, and is longer in length. For my purposes, I want a weapon that I can use in the city and the fields if needed. What I want to know is if the barrel length is a significant factor in room clearing, and is full auto really much better than burst?

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I'd say the best overall variant for me is M4a3 cco, flashlight equipped for night settings, awesome for city areas. The only variant I like from the m16 in dayz is the acog for distance. I carried these two as a combo for a long time. I never use full auto on my selector simply put if I can't get it done without wasting ammo I deserve to be dead. Other than that iron sighted not much difference between the two in game go with your play style. All my combat ingame is upclose and personal so I prefer M4's.

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Is barrel length a major factor in close quarters though? I haven't noticed any problems with "hangups" in corners and loss of manuverability, other than the longer barrel being a visual distraction/

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I prefer the M4 and variants as opposed to the M16 and variants. But when it comes down to it, those change in fire rates, and visual length. I cant see a difference between them.

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Hmm.... So in other words, the barrel length matters little? Some people cited the barrel length as a factor, but I really didn't notice it. Ok, thanks. I will use the M16A2, until I pick up an M4 CCO variant, or M16 ACOG. I have a dmr at the moment that is sitting unused.

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Not to big a fan of the M4, but I'd take it over the M16. Although the M4 having the ability to use Fully Auto I waste a lot of ammo.

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M16 has longer range, and M4 has CQB superiority and a bit faster RPM. Your pick. And as most of DayZ is close-quarters, I'd go with M4A3 CCO specifically.

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Out of the two I prefer the M16 for some reason. I think its because I like a full rifle and the range is better on the m16. Semi is all you need anyways.

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M4 vs. M16 = personal preference... in game unless one is scoped or silenced they are about the same m8

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M16A2 has iron sights.

Mistake, I thought we were talking about the m16 ACOG

Edited by fathairybeast

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You really shouldn't use the full auto or the burst feature. If you need multiple rounds, you can double tap just as fast without wasting the third (or more) bullets) and be more accurate. Full auto causes too much barrel raise even in the 556puney

From my experience (granted that is not a lot) this game doesn't recognize the barrel as being able to stop you from turning (ie catching on things). Stand in a doorway and turn, you'll see your barrel go through the wall.

Fire rate vs range. The fire rate difference isn't going to make all that much difference (can you really click that fast?).... and the range... well a standing target is damn hard to hit at 800m in real life with iron sights (and I'm a decent shot, 40 out of 40 on last 4 trips to range hopefully keeping htat streak going *knocks on wood*), much less a video game with fuzzy graphics at range.

So.... its equipment. CCO vs ACOG vs Iron sights.

To choose between a straight M4 vs straight M16 (no attachments).... I would go with the M16 just for the availability of the added range (may as well).

Between an M4 CCO and M16 ACOG? Most probably go with the CCO.... a little better close up, quicker target acquisition.

Me? I'll have the M16 over the M4 unless the M4 is supressed, but thats just my real world prejudices setting it rofl.

Now, the real question is: Why the fk can't I take the dam CCO off and put it on the M16... it takes 5 seconds (ok, maybe 2 min to sight it in as well, but it should be close) and no tools are required.

Also: Why the differences in ammo? I should be able to shoot non SD rounds (with slightly greater noise) in a SD, fkn SD rounds are all that much different in sound on a 556 anyway. Not to mention SD rounds range is greatly reduced, as is damage (over 150m, actually slightly greater under 150m due to higher propensity to tumble with lower velocity).

Am I over thinking this?

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I prefer M4's for no reason in-particular. Never use full/burst and never really payed attention to the barrel length. I suppose it's just because the CCO is a lot more common and has 3 variants of it. I mean sure, if I'm going single rifle loadout and find an M16A4 ACOG, then yeah I'll take that, but those are much harder to find than a standard M4A1 CCO, or A3. Probably wouldn't drop a M4A1 CCO SD for an ACOG, but that should be pretty obvious. But straight up iron-sights, there's really no difference as far as the game is concerned.

ltDan2014, I feel your pain, I do, but that's just how it has to be for the DayZMod. Rocket certainly wants to be able to transfer attachments among many other things with weapons, but it's not possible. It's they way weapons are handled in the engine. For Arma II, weapons are handled as references to one weapon object, to reduce overhead I assume, so there for there's no way to add an ACOG sight to your M4 without adding an ACOG sight to everyone's M4. From what I've heard, standalone will handle each weapon as a unique object, so you can add/remove attachments, and even need to clean and maintain it. Just have to wait.

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I probably slightly prefer the M4, generally, if you can see it, you can hit it, and full auto is actually good for hatchet-range encounters, like RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU.

What matters more to me is if it has a red dot or not. I find the red dot a lot better for gunfights even if you lose a bit of precision because the target is a lot easier to see. Bohemia made most of the red dots way too large.

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M16A4 w/ACOG suits my Lone Wolf style as I can get dinner at a distance without the whole of Chernarus hearing it.

Very useful for PvP outisde cities as you have the range marker on the reticle and no zeroing.

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I probably slightly prefer the M4, generally, if you can see it, you can hit it, and full auto is actually good for hatchet-range encounters, like RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU.

What matters more to me is if it has a red dot or not. I find the red dot a lot better for gunfights even if you lose a bit of precision because the target is a lot easier to see. Bohemia made most of the red dots way too large.

Real CCOs are like that..... the size of the dot depends on the power setting you set it at, more power = bigger (and brighter) dot. In the game it is set at full, which is for very bright days with lots of glare (even then its too much).

A real CCO has adjustments starting at off (obviously) ... with about 6 or 7 clicks before you can barely see it in a dark room, then about 6 more till it looks like the game. The lower settings are for use with nods.

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Well, I made my choice a few days ago (M16A2), but thanks for backing up my choice!

@ItDan2014 Using non SD rounds in a weapon equipped with a suppressor to my knowledge would not only damage the suppressor, but would also be futile, as there would still be a signature "crack" as the bullet broke the sound barrier. But thanks for clarifying the problem with barrel length. A lot of other posts swore that barrel length was an issue, but I never noticed it. Although I could see the problem if you were too close to the door when cutting the pie, as the barrel would expose your position. I also only use semi most of the time. I just wanted to know, if I was clearing a room would full-auto have a major advantage. Using burst at the range, I found out to 25m, all three shots would land very close to each other. At 50m, you can also land 2-3 shots with one burst if you aim at the enemies right knee, as recoil is diagonally up to the right.

@ Gews Well, it only takes ~ 4 stanag shots to kill (Body shot). So there probably isn't much difference, granted that the hatchet already broke your legs by that time. How did they get that close, unless you were caught in a building....

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@ItDan2014 Using non SD rounds in a weapon equipped with a suppressor to my knowledge would not only damage the suppressor, but would also be futile, as there would still be a signature "crack" as the bullet broke the sound barrier. But thanks for clarifying the problem with barrel length.

You don't really need SD ammo. There are more factors affecting the "crack" sound and the difference can vary from barely noticeable to not. I always wondered why the ammo was called "SD" instead of "cold". Cold ammunition has less gunpowder in it so it doesn't break the sound barrier. Anyway using normal ammo in silenced weapons should still be really quiet and totally silent with cold ammo.

The subsonic Russian ammunition is a totally different matter and it does really change things. I don't know if there is anything better ATM.

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I'd rather carry a Fal or M14 Aim than either these guns but a M4 sd is Defo handy for zeds.

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@ItDan2014 Using non SD rounds in a weapon equipped with a suppressor to my knowledge would not only damage the suppressor, but would also be futile, as there would still be a signature "crack" as the bullet broke the sound barrier. But thanks for clarifying the problem with barrel length. A lot of other posts swore that barrel length was an issue, but I never noticed it. Although I could see the problem if you were too close to the door when cutting the pie, as the barrel would expose your position. I also only use semi most of the time. I just wanted to know, if I was clearing a room would full-auto have a major advantage. Using burst at the range, I found out to 25m, all three shots would land very close to each other. At 50m, you can also land 2-3 shots with one burst if you aim at the enemies right knee, as recoil is diagonally up to the right.

Using non SD rounds in a suppressed weapon will not hurt it. I've done so many many times before in RL. As far as the bullet crack.... this is true of all 5.56 rounds, regardless of SD or not (you can get two types of what would be called "SD" rounds.... "low flash" and "low velocity") .... In a 5.56 regardless of what you do, if you are to stay within tolerances, you cannot get the bullet below the speed of sound, thus there will always be the crack (mostly what are used in supressed rifles are low flash, which have a faster burning powder, and does not have a flash as it exits the barrel). The same cannot be said for pistol rounds, however. It is possible to bring a pistol round below the speed of sound (the 45 is already there, 9mm is about 300 to 500 ft/s above depending on type of round).... so in a 9mm, it is possible to obtain "low velocity" rounds, specifically designed for suppressed weapons to reduce the bullet crack (bullet breaking the sound barrier).

FYI: speed of sound at sea level at 70 degrees F is 1128 ft/s ..... the velocity of a 5.56 with a 63 grain FMJ bullet (nato round) is 3070 ft/s .... so bringing that round down to below speed of sound would severely impact effectiveness (out, it would kill effectiveness, making it almost nill) not to mention the weapon would no cycle.

The 9mm with 124 grain FMJ (nato round) is 1,200 ft/s ..... low velocity rounds can bring this into the 1000 ft/s range and still cycle the weapon (some ammunition will opt for a heavier bullet, like the 147gr blazier ammo... which brings velocity down below speed of sound without the need to reduce powder, keeping performance reduction to a minimum).

At any rate..... yes I might know a little bit about firearms =P

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I've noticed when shooting a m16a2 at around 100-200 meters the bullet go's upwards to where you are aiming at, quite a bit actually.

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