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Some ideas for SA

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Hey. i have some ideas for the SA since it less military grade weapons and more civi weapons

Ideas for silencer:

Old car/truck oil filter silencer:

The one time use silencer ( not as silenced as oilfilter):

Shells for the shotguns.

u can put many diffrent thing in the shells some do more DMG the others

Like taking apart a ballbarings or fire a battery. i think of it as a emergency solution when u are out of normal ammo

alot of wierd ammo here:

Hope you like the ideas

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Nothing beats a bit of DIY. Would combining objects in this matter change the feel of the game? I doubt it. Even if standalone doesn't have it at launch I'm sure we will see it included at one point or another. Making silencers isn't focused on PVP either. I suppose that's what we would try to do if we found out the infected were attracted to sound. Realistically though, it's not what anyone would think about after waking up stranded on the shore in the middle a zombie apocalypse.

On that note I hope sound is fixed in SA and there no such thing as SD bullets. What's the point in all this if you would have to find "plastic bottle" type bullets.

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mmmmm gun safety.....finger over barrel with a full clip. nice...

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Hell Id love to have sound suppressors, even if you cant fully silence a weapon, might actually start using the lee if its not a fucking citywide diner bell.

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