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Anybody else having trouble finding food/water?

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I seriously am about to die of thirst.

I've looted every building in Balota and Cherno w/my first fresh spawn. I've found an MP5 w/more ammo than I know what to do with, a g17 w/5 mags and an alice pack.

What I have yet to see is a single fucking can of beans or water/soda anywhere. Anyone else? Or am I just SOL.

EDIT: Also, not really related, but I kinda dig the unarmed spawns. Getting rid of zombies hasn't proved too tough, and it's made teaming up w/people a lot easier when one/both parties aren't armed. Made a party of about 5 earlier w/mixed arned and unarmed people earlier that would've never happened before. Keep things this way for a while and let people get used to it imo.

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I'm having similar problems, but instead of guns, I'm just finding watches. literally, at least 25 watches in cherno. I think the loot is bugged dewd

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Find a map or download a map and print it out.

Then learn to navigate by landmarks etc. Find the ponds and bodies of water. You can fill your water bottles at the bodies of water or wells in some towns.

Food you can find everywhere; cans of everything.

If you can get it all together after a few days, the matches to light a fire, the hatchet to cut the wood, the hunting knife to gut the animals and take the meat....you can hunt, shoot animals, then take the meat, then light a fire and cookthe meat for high quality food.

Then you only need to set up near a lake and hunt and you are good for food and water for weeks...well, forever.

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I've been hopping from thread to thread about this.


They have all the food and colas!

Agro some Zombies, funnel them into a building, kill them, loot them.

During the day, I can actually hunt zombies out in the open from a distance with something as crude as the Winchester. I usually only have to kill four to six of them to acquire beans and soda.

With the hotfix, you can actually manage zombie hunting without getting swarmed so long as you're smart about it.

Of course, this assumes you've managed your first priority: a weapon.

Good luck!

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I would kill for a box of matches right now....and some flares.

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I've been running around and not finding any food as well. But then I started downing the military zombies at deer stands and voila, pepsi and coke galore. I have yet to find any food, but as Sinaz20 said they're bound to drop some. Besides military zombies also drop smoke grenades and AR ammo.

I'm starting to think it's a bug as well. I visited maybe 4 farmhouses that used to have a lot of loot, but now I'm barely finding any. Not to mention that farmhouses also have at least 4 zombies in the middle of them.

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Find a map or download a map and print it out.

Then learn to navigate by landmarks etc. Find the ponds and bodies of water. You can fill your water bottles at the bodies of water or wells in some towns.

Food you can find everywhere; cans of everything.

If you can get it all together after a few days' date=' the matches to light a fire, the hatchet to cut the wood, the hunting knife to gut the animals and take the meat....you can hunt, shoot animals, then take the meat, then light a fire and cookthe meat for high quality food.

Then you only need to set up near a lake and hunt and you are good for food and water for weeks...well, forever.


Have you even played the new patch? You don't start with a bottle that can be refilled, and cans have gone from common to nonexistent. Food is the only thing you can get your hands on anymore, and only through hunting. Yet I've found about as many maps and watches in the past day as in the rest of my time playing DayZ. As it stands I have the gear to get food, but it doesn't matter since I can't find a single can of soda, or an empty water bottle.

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I've just spent 2 hrs looking for either a water bottle, a coke or something to eat. Nothing. Weapos, ammo and other items seems to spawn normally, but all the food has gone.

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Is this a problem or a feature? Either way would make sense. Too bad no one with some authority over the situation hasn't announced anything. Should i try to play as it is, or wait for a hotfix? I already learned to enjoy 1.7.1 patch, but now you take away my beans :(

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About 12 hours of play here, lots of dieing (new player), and one successfuly venture to a northern town. Not once found: A weapon that wasn't surrounded by zombies; any food; any ware or way to get water. Broken much? I think so.

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Well yeah, I find less food and water. But I found a refillable bottle and I just look around for ponds and pumps to fill it up.

So that' problem is solved, food is scarce. But I'm with a friend who can make fires and I got a hunting knife so we just need to find animals to hunt and we're set!

It's harder now because u spawn without anything. But it's cooler this way. Even harder then it already was. Altho I think it would be logical that you'd spawn with 1 food can and a pepsi or something..

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looks like the only way to get Beans/Coke is killing Zeds.

And it feels broken, tools like watch/knife etc. always or the most time spawned with other stuff like Cans but not since now they spawn alone and way too often.

I really hope this is kinda bugged, let food/drinks spawn less but dont force us too kill zeds for it, just doesnt feel right imo. :)

Maybe (if this is even possible and this loot change was no bug ^^) give Players an empty bottle at least if they start fresh ;)


Since this is my first post, I FREAKIN LOVE THIS GAME cant believe its just a mod ^^

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I have to agree with the zombie post.

I was unable to find many drinks for a bit. Then I remembered reading zombies loot drops were updated. I rounded up a handful of zombies and lit them up. Found two cans of soda and some sardines.

I am also finding an increased amount of animal spawns, providing plenty of meat. Being forced to engage zombies is a bit nerve racking, but with the new LoS feature I can grab a few, duck into a building, shoot a couple, get out of the building, aggroed zombies loose interest and I loot up the corpses.

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There were waayy too many cans of food and drink around before this patch. I think it's a good move (if it is indeed intended) as it encourages you to hunt and will make places with fresh water supply more contested just as they would be in the event of an actual apocalypse.

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Worst day ever, after about an hour+ of scavenging, i reached cherno, with my food and water icon blinking red, saw the supermarket, 50m away from me. I was so happy and saw food and soda, only to be gunned down by a sniper right on the edge of the door. I couldn't find any food and water on my way to cherno, killed about 30 zombies and cleared 2 towns, nothing, no water no food at all.

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It's opposite for me. Found more food and drinks than I could carry and absolutely not a single weapon anywhere, died like about 10 times now and all I find is ammo and endless supply of food.

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Find a map or download a map and print it out.

Then learn to navigate by landmarks etc. Find the ponds and bodies of water. You can fill your water bottles at the bodies of water or wells in some towns.

Food you can find everywhere; cans of everything.

If you can get it all together after a few days' date=' the matches to light a fire, the hatchet to cut the wood, the hunting knife to gut the animals and take the meat....you can hunt, shoot animals, then take the meat, then light a fire and cookthe meat for high quality food.

Then you only need to set up near a lake and hunt and you are good for food and water for weeks...well, forever.


This would be true if it was actually spawning. I quit playing last night after several hours of searching large and small towns with only 10 bullets found and one can of pepsi off a zombie. You no longer get a canteen, so when canteens aren't dropping and there is no other beverages it becomes a bit crazy.

Those are great suggestions for when the loot is functioning as has been designed in the past.

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Spawn with no weapon, no friends and no food or water? Outnumbered by hideous creatures and people who want to kill you for whatever you MIGHT have? Ladies and gentlemen, may the odds ever be in your favor! Lol, i think rocket is a closet Hunger Games fan ;)

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Same problem here. No food or drinks spawning. it is just impossible to survive a longer time. i play the patch.

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I'm playing the patch and I've yet to find a water bottle! I'm down to my last can of pepsi that I got off a zed, it don't look promising...

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i can't find shit. no weappons. no drink/food. no nothing. i've found more car parts then guns or food :S

waited arround usual spawn points for hours and nothing, and absolutely every single building has a shit load of zombies arround it. the only usable loot i've found so far is from other dead players.

personally i find this version to be waaaayyyy to difficult as it is right now. i can understand starting without a gun, but not being able to find absolutely anything it's just retarded.

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