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{GBYC} EvilBunny

GREAT SERVER, BALANCED, FRIENDLY, TRY US --> Devils Castle Will Fall | DayZ | [GBYC] - New Abandoned Cities | Alt Loot Tables | Sidechat on

Server Changes  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Day&Night Changes with Streetlights

    • Keep current setup 1.5Hrs night 6.5Hrs day every restart
    • Use setup of 3Hrs night and 5Hrs day every restart but add streetlights
    • Extend Night but dont add streetlighting.

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Just because you get away with it on the day doesnt mean our admin team wont find out and ban you anyway

SAM was found to have hacked on the 5/2/2013.

20:27:07 : (Side) Delta1: hey hacker we like you haha

20:27:19 : (Side) sam: yay you'd be one of the first lol

20:27:35 : (Side) Delta1: aslong as you dont fuck shit up to much haha

20:27:35 : (Side) Rick Grimes: Sam your the hacker

20:30:55 : (Side) sam: fuck im stuck lol

20:30:57 : (Side) Rick Grimes: I dont get it, how do you tp, do you like type something in chat or....

20:31:11 : (Side) sam: scroll and clikc your name ;)

20:31:12 : (Side) Delta1: always amazes me to

20:31:17 : (Side) Rick Grimes: oh

20:31:17 : (Side) sam: click*

20:31:26 : (Side) sam: woof

20:31:28 : (Side) Rick Grimes: Then how do you give yourself stuff?

20:31:38 : (Side) sam: i have a menu

20:31:47 : (Side) sam: you want an as50 loadout?

20:31:47 : (Side) Rick Grimes: I used to hack in mw2

20:31:51 : (Side) Rick Grimes: OK

20:32:04 : (Side) Delta1: whats plan?

20:32:08 : (Side) Delta1: pvp?

20:32:22 : (Side) Rick Grimes: Omfg, my first as50 that didnt break in my bag!!!!

20:32:24 : (Side) RippersGlory: cover me while i fix up the heli

20:32:58 : (Side) Delta1: you learn scripting then sam or a pragram?

20:33:05 : (Side) Rick Grimes: This is amazing

20:33:07 : (Side) PC: lmaooo

20:33:14 : (Side) sam: just learnt myself, it's not that hard

20:33:16 : (Side) PC: he cant die

20:33:21 : (Side) Rick Grimes: Bro, I want to be like you when I grow up

20:33:28 : (Side) Delta1: scriptting?

20:33:29 : (Side) RippersGlory: get in guys

20:33:31 : (Side) sam: nobody can die now

20:33:40 : (Side) Rick Grimes: what about zombies

20:33:51 : (Side) sam: i can disable zombies

20:33:58 : (Side) RippersGlory: u guys coming in the heli?

20:34:02 : (Side) Rick Grimes: Will tha lag server?

20:34:08 : (Side) Delta1: what about disable zombie and then pvp?

20:34:11 : (Side) Rick Grimes: Can I come for heli ride?

20:34:18 : (Vehicle) RippersGlory: who's in with me?

20:34:24 : (Vehicle) sam: me

20:34:28 : (Vehicle) RippersGlory: ahh ok

20:34:41 : (Vehicle) sam: fly over cherrno

20:34:49 : (Side) Rick Grimes: You should give us all hero skins then we go kill helpless players

20:34:49 : (Vehicle) sam: keep your altitude high though

20:35:00 : (Side) sam: lol

20:35:10 : (Vehicle) RippersGlory: high enough?

20:35:14 : (Vehicle) sam: move forward fast!

20:35:27 : (Vehicle) sam: :D

20:35:30 : (Vehicle) sam: might lag...


Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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(LOOOOL i just wasnt quick enough by about 5seconds lol... :( so server restart fixed it all.)

19:49:26 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: hero is a hacker then

19:49:29 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: :(

19:49:39 : (Direct) HERO: we both are dude

19:49:42 : (Direct) HERO: :)

19:49:47 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: both are hackers :S

19:49:55 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: they teleported here

19:50:02 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: and morphed into chicken

19:50:05 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: and a cow

19:50:37 : (Direct) HERO: you like :D

19:50:44 : (Direct) [bG] Tim: and that is?

19:50:48 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: now he planted a box with weapons and shit here

19:50:53 : Player #15 HERO (861208814b338bca01f927f46ae344df) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (self admited to hacking)

19:51:04 : (Side) [bG] Tim: he placed a box over here

19:51:05 : (Side) [RSB] slorgos: how that? :D

19:51:18 : RemoteExec Log: #17 Rim (7218c1cf69481479b8afcc9a8237c56b) - #0 "isnil( (x select 0) );"

19:51:19 : RCon admin #2: (Global) SHOOT AND DESTROY BOX PLEASE

19:51:24 : (Direct) [bG] Tim: aye sir

19:51:24 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: ok

19:51:32 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: i dont have any ammo now :D

19:51:36 : (Side) [bG] Tim: wooa it burns

19:51:39 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: its destoyed

19:51:47 : RCon admin #2: (Global) thankyou

19:51:53 : (Direct) [bG] that stupid Hipster: yw

19:52:10 : (Side) Rim: ;) enjoy this admin you prick

19:52:23 : Player #17 Rim (7218c1cf69481479b8afcc9a8237c56b) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (hacker)

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny
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DC senario tomorrow cant wait shame there is no flag you can hang off the wall that would be epic XD

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Whoa that's a pretty crazy hack you had there. Lol. Different.

lol yeah he was angry child :P

You had chance to test the server yet mate or you still away till this friday?

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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DC senario tomorrow cant wait shame there is no flag you can hang off the wall that would be epic XD

I am going to set this up properly if enough people are on.... we would need effectively 10 per side to make it work really well.. could cope with 5 per side but i know for a fact that wont happen atm for [GBYC] we are mostly all snowed with work. and i am thinking we migrate it to rog castle cus it near the coast for respawning ppl...

I will run it past the other 2 clans... maybe we can merge [MNG],[GBYC] and then [RSB],[bE] for the purposes of scenarios.. or maybe we should form an alliance anyhow... if they agree we could make it work with just soldier skin for [RSB],[bE] and we [MNG],[GBYC] would all have hero skin... solves that problem and unlocks camo for everyone again.

Lets put the scenario on hold till we sort something out. would rather wait than have one and everyone not like it.

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny
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I am going to set this up properly if enough people are on.... we would need effectively 10 per side to make it work really well.. could cope with 5 per side but i know for a fact that wont happen atm for [GBYC] we are mostly all snowed with work. and i am thinking we migrate it to rog castle cus it near the coast for respawning ppl...

I will run it past the other 2 clans... maybe we can merge [MNG],[GBYC] and then [RSB],[bE] for the purposes of scenarios.. or maybe we should form an alliance anyhow... if they agree we could make it work with just soldier skin for [RSB],[bE] and we [MNG],[GBYC] would all have hero skin... solves that problem and unlocks camo for everyone again.

Lets put the scenario on hold till we sort something out. would rather wait than have one and everyone not like it.

Plan would be i will build camp fires at the top of all the towers and the castle entrances, first team to have all fires lit and defend it for 5mins would be declared winner. Just an idea...

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Plan would be i will build camp fires at the top of all the towers and the castle entrances, first team to have all fires lit and defend it for 5mins would be declared winner. Just an idea...

I think my squad would love this, we do have to catch up to you guys somehow :P

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I think my squad would love this, we do have to catch up to you guys somehow :P

well we can all have a good chat tonight see if we can sort something concrete out for thursday night.

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Also just a quick request... if your forum names dont match your ingame names would you all please add your ingame name to your signatures or change the forum name to match i dnt mind which lol..



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START TIME 21:00 GMT+0 (if there are problems with this let me know we will see about rearranging)

Anyone wishing to take part please post your ingame name here... the scenario will run only if i minimum of 10 people sign up.

quote this post and list the following details.


Ingame Name - [GBYC] EvilBunny

Is time ok? - Yes

If no, my prefered time - N/A

Once we have 10 people i will assign each person a team which will need to be added to your profile name like this


[TEAM1] EvilBunny

PS since only a name change is required you can let us know on the day so long as its not underway already...

Edited by {GBYC} EvilBunny

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lol yeah he was angry child

You had chance to test the server yet mate or you still away till this friday?

No not yet. I'm still at work. 7 on 7 off. Will be home Friday morning Australia time and am super keen to play some dayz. See home I feel but will probably need a sleep as I'm coming off night shift. But during the next week Monday onwards ill be on most of the day during the day which I think is night there so should work out good.

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You and GBYC not playing Evil?

I am going to focus on getting it set up and then spread us across the teams when they are set up .. we will only play to balance teams out... so i wont add us till the last minute

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I am sorry for the hazard but I can actually play dont have to go somwhere after all so you can add me again even tho I think we will need more people

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I am sorry for the hazard but I can actually play dont have to go somwhere after all so you can add me again even tho I think we will need more people

Not a problem dude... readded u altho looks like even for 5 per side we need another 7 ppl... might have to move it to nxt week.

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