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Sio (DayZ)

NZ|Snap!| Banned BEC: GameHack: #26

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I was playing on the server as I do when I was being shot at from a sniper, when I died I was disconnected with the reason BEC: GameHack: #26; After researching why, it is because at some point during the game cheatengine.exe must have been running.

I didn't even open it, however as I clicked the button for it instead of steam, I got the admin notification for it, which I closed.

As this is a server ban I was wondering if I could be unbanned.



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Cheat Engine isn't a hack, I googled and some random using Cheat Engine was unbanned by a Shogun: Total War admin so there may be something to this.

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I Googled cheat engine and from the website it can be used to reverse engineer executables, study memory variables etc etc. All this can be used by cheaters, Further more the program has links to cheats for other games using that software.

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Well I can see where this is going. I'll get the shovel.

Fraggle or any other moderator, There's another hole dug in the graveyard for you.

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Ha! It's being made - nearly finished. This is a project Snap staff are doing a spare time. Not long to go :)

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Its not a hack, no way, its used to make you look like your hacking, for example you can change the code of your gun making it LOOK like a sniper, yets its a pistol.

Not hack.


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Its not a hack, no way, its used to make you look like your hacking, for example you can change the code of your gun making it LOOK like a sniper, yets its a pistol.

Not hack.


Imo thats altering game content, which I think isn't allowed.. I'd understand why script detection would class that as hackzoring..

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