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Top 10 Features to Remove

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  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Yes
  4. I think you should be able to choose if yours displays or not.
  5. Yes
  6. Yes
  7. No. Again, I believe it's a play-style choice.
  8. No.
  9. No, but it could be perceivable harder.
  10. Weapon attachments only. (IE Laser sight or flashlight)

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My goodness, people are still complaining about things in first person they can so easily change. Blue, double tapping - on the numpad will increase your first person FOV to well above regular third person, and it's virtually the same as third person after double tapping -. The headbob is easily changed, People say first person is clunky, which i admit can be true, but the real reason most people use third person is to look around walls.

And the OP means looking for zombies in an area to indicate the presence of a player when he says "Recon by zombies".

I agree. There is no reason to complain about first person. So many other games are first person and now complains about them. Simply adjust your FOV, turn down head bob to a reasonable level and go. Looking around walls is pretty cheap. And it needs to be address. Simply removing third person is the solution, I feel. That is my opinion.

I think Recon by Zeds is going to fix by Zeds spawning through the server.

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Running zombies.

Stupid sounding zombies.

Nerd fight hitting zombies.

crouching monkey zombies.

Flashlight is crap.

The animations when you run with no weapon.

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remove 3rd person you dispose of 50% of your player base, fuck you and your call of duty

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I agree. There is no reason to complain about first person. So many other games are first person and now complains about them. Simply adjust your FOV, turn down head bob to a reasonable level and go. Looking around walls is pretty cheap. And it needs to be address. Simply removing third person is the solution, I feel. That is my opinion..

Your reasoning is completely valid. But removing third-person would really upset a lot of the fan base. I don't use third person for the advantage of killing people, but because I relate this game to a survival mmo than a FPS. With the optimization of first-person in the SA I'll definitely tend to use it more in buildings and tight city streets, because it will obviously have it's advantages, but don't take away my options because of you're preferred play style.

Keep third person as a server option, don't remove it entirely. Both sides are happy and server capacities will tell who the majority was all along.

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By recon by Zombie I think he means looking for Zed spawns to see know if players are nearby.

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Your reasoning is completely valid. But removing third-person would really upset a lot of the fan base. I don't use third person for the advantage of killing people, but because I relate this game to a survival mmo than a FPS. With the optimization of first-person in the SA I'll definitely tend to use it more in buildings and tight city streets, because it will obviously have it's advantages, but don't take away my options because of you're preferred play style.

Keep third person as a server option, don't remove it entirely. Both sides are happy and server capacities will tell who the majority was all along.

I suppose. I guess it is nice to see your character sometimes. It is just a little annoying sometimes when you see people exploiting it.

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Why does everyone want third person gone, for me personally I can't play in first person it gives me a massive headache. I've had this same problem with just about all first person games, some aren't as bad as others. This mod in particular with all the bobbing around and shaking, it would be almost unplayable if I couldn't have my character in third person.

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Why does everyone want third person gone, for me personally I can't play in first person it gives me a massive headache. I've had this same problem with just about all first person games, some aren't as bad as others. This mod in particular with all the bobbing around and shaking, it would be almost unplayable if I couldn't have my character in third person.

The head bob is not a reason to support 3rd person. It was even stated in this thread i believe that you can change it in the options

Edit: I do support 3rd person in the game/mod.


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Most of those should be server settings. That is a legitimate disagreement to have lol I hope your #1 is just you joking also. I don't even understand what #3 is. Bloom should be a player option, so that is somewhat removing it. Some games do have that. Everything else, a server option, though dots have been removed already in the mod at least. The weapon optics one, I don't agree with at all though. There are guns that have zoom optics. This is just fact, there's no legitimate reason to remove them. Tweak and alter the higher powered snipers sure, but not remove.

There isn't really much I'd like to see removed, particularly feature wise, as it all pretty much works as it should. Most of it just needs tweaks to be made better.

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