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cannot join properly

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everytime I try and join a server on any map I just get kicked for the ping being too high or I cant play as the ping is too high, can anyone give me a solution for this issue? im using Dayz commander and am selecting servers with low ping settings of <30 when I joins to the multiplayer setup screen and shows my ping its still <30 but once the game loads I just get kicked for a high ping or the ping is too high to play. my speedtest result is ping 18, down 35 up 9mb. when I played this before Christmas I had no issues and don't have any playing any other games online.

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Hmm that is odd of the commander is telling you the ping is low. Do you have Dayzcommander set to close when you join a server? maybe that will help. Otherwise, I am not sure. Odd that commander would say the ping is low and then ya cant join because ping is too high, does it ever tell you its ping when it kicks you?

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when I initially join in the multiplayer setup screen the ping matches the Dayz commander one but when the game loads my character im kicked and the ping it tells me is either 1500ish or 2500ish varying by server

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Try closing any internet browser you may have open, I find I get kicked for high ping whenever I open the dayzdb map and it takes a while to load.

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What's happening in your PC's background? Do you share the connection with other users?

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I restarted my computer and first server I joined worked fine. think I had updates pending and that was this issue. I fully blame Windows 8 as it is the source of all the worlds problems. thanks for the help and suggestions

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come on you cant blame windows 8 blame Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer for the ideas that lead to it

Edited by AmberHelios

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