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No Weapon = Crapshoot

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So I have always believed that the best games challenge the player in ways that they can overcome through skill and perseverance. DayZ is a very challenging game and I really enjoy it. However, removing a weapon when the player spawns is a terrible change. Less supplies and/or ammo would have been justifiable, and made the game more difficult which is good. Removing a gun takes the control out of the players hands and places initial success on luck. After 6 times in a row of being swarmed by zombies right upon spawn* with now way to defend myself I gave up. Please put the starting gun back into the game.

*I'm not an idiot, I find it necessary to mention that I was doing all I could to be stealthy, this includes crawling through every zombie populated area.

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No starting gun is good, you can't just expect to waltz through anywhere even with prone-ing. Watch the zombie patterns and wait for a chance before entering.

Also, consider sneaking into barns rather than into town. I managed to find a Makarov and 3 clips, all I needed. Like I've said before: DayZ is not made for you to win, it's made with the sole purpose of killing you over, and over, and over again. The gameplay is seeing how long you last.

THAT is the mark of true zombie survival.

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I agree with this. I like the new zombie improvements, but they make it unbearably difficult to survive when all it takes to be spotted is a zombie 50m away reversing course, or a zombie spawning in out of your FOV. If we had a makarov and couple weapons, it would be more doable while still making us pick our shots carefully since we wouldn't be able to afford dumping a magazine at a zombie or player out of suprise. Spawning without a weapon isn't inherently bad either. When stealth works it can lead to more intense gameplay when you start a new life. Both at the same times leads to whether you die or not being largely luck based, with the odds very much against you.

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Of course I agree on DayZ's purpose, I just think that a game stops being fun when you are not in control of the odds. Also, since the zombie system is in no way perfect, or predictable (at least not reliably predictable) it's only right to give the player some means of personal defense. (Even if that means only one magazine of ammunition)

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I dont see a problem with starting with a weapon. If this were real life, i'd have rifles and pistols already at my disposal that I own, as would many of other Americans. (not so much for europeans)

I think that starting off with no weapon was a big mistake and I agree with the OP. I died a couple of times restarting because I had no weapon and it was dark out, flashlight doesn't really do squat. Run into a zombie and you're fked. Probably wont be playing until the next patch.

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Funny how americans can't believe in a life without guns ^^... just kidding.

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Yesterday I respawned and did not die for now. Be cautious, wait for the right moment, sneak in and get your first gun. If you have just a little patience it's no problem an all.

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I have to say as a brand new player to this game that starting without a weapon is a nightmare. I've played about 10 games now and get face raped by zombies every time I try to find gear.

I watched tutorials on how to not make too much noise, where to go, what to do, etc... but I continue to get raped by zombies, I have no defense, give me a melee weapon or something at least.

Oh and at night time? Forget about it.

Very off putting.

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You assume that aim with a gun is the primary skill which shall overcome challenges in DayZ?

Must... resist... reference to age... and... call of.. duuttyyyyyyyyy.

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It is a matter of luck whether you even aggro though. If you're in one of the coastal towns that is a 30 minute walk away from cherno or elektro there is precious little you can do to avoid the zeds, if you aggro you sprint for trees or around the town and 9 times out of 10 the zeds seem to get stuck in what limited buildings are lootable, basically forcing your hand towards one of the larger towns.

By the time you get there, if you were even lucky enough to not lose blood, you urgently need food and drink which is quite rare to locate. Spent the better part of 3 hours trying to understand the zed behaviour and it is at a loss to me right now, the wall/attack thing that was supposedly fixed doesnt appear to be. I've managed to aggro most of the time a zombie through a building leaving me at a loss as to where I'm going wrong.

I think stealth is out the window now, aggro a bunch running through a place, run out to a corner of the town/forrest and try to lose them, then head back in? Don't make sense to me.

The learning curve for a brand new player to this game is going to be frustrating.

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jesus christ are you guys really that bad just run around cherno factory and you will lose the zed aggro FAST, stand up and run run, when you go through a building go crouched (to stop sound) upon exit and make a b-line for the closest fence/wall to hide behind, and Congratz you have lost your first zed aggro. REALLY EASY.

Quit your Q-Q and learn to adapt, i did and it was very easy and so fun.

There is even a guide showing how easy it is on these very same forums.

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You can easily find a primary weapon without firing a single round.

So I guess it's the psychological aspect of not being able to defend yourself that's bothering you.

To which I will reply " Deal with it " :D

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Exploiting stupid A.I. is a much worse concept than shooting zombies and there is no fun in it whatsoever.

Trying to avoid aggro from unseen zombies is not fun.

I have been 'playing' this game for like 2 hours now and I feel like I've done nothing but run around on a big map and seen some frustrating doors that won't close properly... and not a single gun. :/

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jesus christ are you guys really that bad just run around cherno factory and you will lose the zed aggro FAST' date=' stand up and run run, when you go through a building go crouched (to stop sound) upon exit and make a b-line for the closest fence/wall to hide behind, and Congratz you have lost your first zed aggro. REALLY EASY.

Quit your Q-Q and learn to adapt, i did and it was very easy and so fun.

There is even a guide showing how easy it is on these very same forums.


God you are the absolute cancer that plagues these forums.

Topic: "Hey guys I'm new and the difficulty just feels ridiculous for new players"


Seriously, some of the people who play this game are just hilarious.

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It's fun how the first thing (certain) ppl thinks of, during a fucking zombie apocalypse is: "let's go in that much populated city" .. pretending to be invisible, just because they crawl, and then blaming because you have been noticide by an horded of zeds (that you know they were there, since you decided intentionally to go into a city).

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How are you getting swarmed by zombies upon spawn? You spawn on he coast where no zombies are.

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After another couple tries I've decided a good fix would be to put simple pistols, or whatever the weakest weapon is, in more places. If you could at least get to them a bit easier then I could imagine the rest of the game coming in to play, rather than being stuck on 'level 1' for hours.

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I dont see a problem with starting with a weapon. If this were real life' date=' i'd have rifles and pistols already at my disposal that I own, as would many of other Americans. (not so much for europeans)

I think that starting off with no weapon was a big mistake and I agree with the OP. I died a couple of times restarting because I had no weapon and it was dark out, flashlight doesn't really do squat. Run into a zombie and you're fked. Probably wont be playing until the next patch.


Be honnest, you feel like you spawned without a penis the first time you spawned without a gun in dayz, right? ^^

EDIT: btw, chernarus is in america ,right?^^

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You can easily find a primary weapon without firing a single round.

So I guess it's the psychological aspect of not being able to defend yourself that's bothering you.

To which I will reply " Deal with it " :D

True, I never fired the Makarov when I just spawned, not enough bullets/crappy gun to fight of a horde. Better sneak and find a better gun, then I felt more confident to shoot zed's.

Plus I think I read that the Makarov spawns are increasing, so it's easier to find it anyway.

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You know what ? When I see a guy without a gun, I don't shot him, I tell him to run away ASAP or I will shot him. Not everyone listen to me, so I just give them warning shot into the knee, too bad they can't run anymore now.

If the same players would have a makarov or anything, I would instantly drop them dead as soon as I see them and I have a good shot on them and relatively good way of escape from another players who are doing the same as me, hunting carebears for beans.

So, I think it's indeed a better thing now.

No weapon, no bigger threat to me, beside being able to steal MY loot from villages.

No beans? Why would I waste a bullet on you, for painkillers ? For 1 bandages ? For a flashlight? Naaaaaah, I will pass, I prefer to spare your pathetic existence and tell you to GTFO from here ASAP or you will die.

Good changes are good.

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You know what ? When I see a guy without a gun' date=' I don't shot him, I tell him to run away ASAP or I will shot him. Not everyone listen to me, so I just give them warning shot into the knee, too bad they can't run anymore now.

If the same players would have a makarov or anything, I would instantly drop them dead as soon as I see them and I have a good shot on them and relatively good way of escape from another players who are doing the same as me, hunting carebears for beans.

So, I think it's indeed a better thing now.

No weapon, no bigger threat to me, beside being able to steal MY loot from villages.

No beans? Why would I waste a bullet on you, for painkillers ? For 1 bandages ? For a flashlight? Naaaaaah, I will pass, I prefer to spare your pathetic existence and tell you to GTFO from here ASAP or you will die.

Good changes are good.


That's the spirit :P

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I love the change. I feel far more inclined to help a guy with no gun being chased by zombies than a guy waving a pistol around shooting anything that moves.

Also I'm interested to see how many new players resort to trying to steal from peoples backpacks whilst acting friendly. You are never truely innocent in DayZ, even if you dont have a gun.

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So I have always believed that the best games challenge the player in ways that they can overcome through skill and perseverance. DayZ is a very challenging game and I really enjoy it. However' date=' removing a weapon when the player spawns is a terrible change. Less supplies and/or ammo would have been justifiable, and made the game more difficult which is good. Removing a gun takes the control out of the players hands and places initial success on luck. After 6 times in a row of being swarmed by zombies right upon spawn* with now way to defend myself I gave up. Please put the starting gun back into the game.

*I'm not an idiot, I find it necessary to mention that I was doing all I could to be stealthy, this includes crawling through every zombie populated area.


It's not hard to run those zombies to the nearest building and run through it and drop aggro with our without a weapon... QQ moar

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How are you getting swarmed by zombies upon spawn? You spawn on he coast where no zombies are.

This is actually not entirely true. I am an experienced player and since the last update I have seen how zeds DO spawn too close to the ocean to the point of aggroing the players even before they start moving.

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