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Kenji (DayZ)

Don't ever get a server through Defconservers.com

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That's fine. We aren't affiliated with BBB and could give a shit what they think

Very unprofessional response, they won`t last.

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I'm pretty sure this is not a forum to bash sever hosting company's.

Yeah sure, let`s not tell others about experiences with server hosts..bad or good..

Fek that, speak your mind, warn others if needed.

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I don't think anyone should be necessarily bashing server hosts but you should definitely make the DayZ community aware of bad practices. Fairly certain that you're either not a server admin or you are happy with your server host. In which case, great! But the first or next time you get the kind of treatment that some of these other people (including myself) are getting, you'll probably change your tune a bit.

For the most part people here are just telling their experiences with certain hosts. It's unfortunate that it portrays some companies in a poor way but thems the breaks. If these hosts would start acting more professionally and stop taking advantage of a community that they know they can exploit because of the game's current state or because of the target audience, you won't see threads like these.

The one positive thing I will say about all these hosts is that they are selling ARMA2 slots for far cheaper than all the established game hosts (i.e. Gameservers) are. ARMA2 servers require a TON of resources as everyone knows, so kudos to them for making DayZ an affordable game to host. That doesn't give them the right to treat customers like this though. It reflects poorly on the game itself, considering it's such a tight knit group. Alternatively it can be said that without DayZ, I'm pretty positive these hosts would have MUCH less business than they do now, so it's not all charity on their part.

Edited by KGoBlin

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Hello all,

I am the poster of the above Imgur posts and just wanted to throw out there that they have refunded my money and the owner did apologize. The posts made front page reddit so I am not sure how much damage is done, I would atleast like to let everyone know they tried to remedy the issue.

Whether true or not, they stated that it was one bad employee and that they fired him and are seeking legal action against him.

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Hello all,

I am the poster of the above Imgur posts and just wanted to throw out there that they have refunded my money and the owner did apologize. The posts made front page reddit so I am not sure how much damage is done, I would atleast like to let everyone know they tried to remedy the issue.

Whether true or not, they stated that it was one bad employee and that they fired him and are seeking legal action against him.

Good to hear!

I'd still move as that rogue employee may be seeking you out :)

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why did you place an order and then take it back seems to me there might be more to this story then you are saying LOL

There isn't. I bought a server through defcon, they're a bunch of douchebags. I asked why my server isn't showing up on the server list and they said "It's a user error."

I sat there for 4 hours monkeying with the damn control panel, updating - reinstalling and what not only to find out that they are blacklisted.

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