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About SinisterPrime

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  1. Hey all, having a hard time finding a server that fits me. I would prefer a difficult server with most if not all extras are off. The ones that I absolutely do not want are: - 24/7 daylight - A ton of vehicles - 3rd Person - Nametags If you have or know of a private hive that fits that, please let me know. Thanks, SP
  2. Playing on a server with all the noob shit removed (3rd, xhairs, tracers, nameplates, death messages, etc.) Trying to get a squad of good people together in US timezones to have a good time doing whatever comes our way. If interested, reply here or send me a message.
  3. SinisterPrime

    Wanting to put together a squad.

    No one huh?
  4. SinisterPrime

    Wanting to put together a squad.

    I am not one to dictate what a member of my squad does. If a person does not want to partake in shooting someone, they don't have to. Normally we would be raiding the NW airfield and such. Personally, I am a KOS kind of guy due to getting stabbed in the back trying to help people.
  5. SinisterPrime

    Don't you love making others feel miserable

    So, if I found an AS50 and camp to kill someone to get loot, that makes me a coward? What, were back in the civil war days lining up and shooting each other to be brave? On top of all this, you later post about how people that do this are important to keeping the game interesting. So, basically, we're all a bunch of assholes...but you need us.
  6. SinisterPrime

    Why don't more players play like this?

    The game has no way that it "should" be played, that is the beauty of it.
  7. I am looking to get together a good group of people in US timezones to play on a Mercenary (No 3rd, x-hairs, nametags, tracers, death notifications) server. Would prefer people over 18 yrs of age and you must be willing to join Teamspeak with the squad. Daily activities would include killing...everything.
  8. SinisterPrime

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You made my weekend! Is there any chance that the tents/vehicle saving issue has been resolved?
  9. Hello all, I am the poster of the above Imgur posts and just wanted to throw out there that they have refunded my money and the owner did apologize. The posts made front page reddit so I am not sure how much damage is done, I would atleast like to let everyone know they tried to remedy the issue. Whether true or not, they stated that it was one bad employee and that they fired him and are seeking legal action against him.