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How do you start your game usually?

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When you first spawn, where do you go first? What you're looking for? Where are your waypoints? This thread is all about that.

Personally I prefer spawning nearby Chernogorsk or Elektro, Kamenka is OK too, but if I spawn in Kamenka I usually run to Zelenogorsk...

First I just go for a backpack or gun, and even if I have bad gear I try to engage players. In the start of the game, I tried, really _TRIED_ to be friendly to people, but I got desperate because after bloodbagging/giving morphine, all I got was shot in the face. So now I shoot everyone, except my group.

Todays story:

I spawned in Krutoy Cap, and I find Lee Enfield and a ghillie from a dead player. I go do a quick run for ATV on top of Pik Kozlovka (is that the name of the mountain?) and when I'm coming down on the west side I see someone with AKM running to the lighthouse, I shoot a crazy shot from the woods to the back of him and he goes down. I go loot him and find my basic survival gear, such as M9 SD, AKM, binos, hatchet & all that water bottles and stuff. Then I head to North, and I find a bike spawn. Just when I jump on the bike, I see a heli crash. I quickly go there with my bike and find an FN FAL, and I'm like giggling from joy. Then I look at the loot map of dayzdb.com, and I see there's another bike spawn nearby. I go check it and voilá, another bike spawn. I take the bikes to woods, have a nice fireplace set up there and enjoy my meat.

Propably the most enjoyable day of Dayz I've ever had.

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I tend to die only once a month or so... so I usually just start up where I left off.

Wow, how you survive? I usually die in ambushes. Like last day I had Mk48 Mod 0 I got from my friend... I survived only for a day. You're a beast 0.0

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I dunno I haven't played Chernarus for ages now; I think that Namalsk way better IMHO. There I head to the nearest army base gear up and go to A2

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I dunno I haven't played Chernarus for ages now; I think that Namalsk way better IMHO. There I head to the nearest army base gear up and go to A2

I like Namalsk too... Though I don't like that you find weapons so easily. I wanna really deserve them :D

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I like Namalsk too... Though I don't like that you find weapons so easily. I wanna really deserve them :D

Try to find some basic-supplies like food&water ;) Getting into Lingor more than any other map, atm. DayZ 2017, and the "+" are 'new-fad' that I enjoy. Namalsk, hell-yeah..Just wish I could find some warm-clothes

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I like starting in kamenka, I can easily head north to Zelengorsk which has a grocery and a much lower chance of pvp than Cherno, Elektro etc.

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Seeing as how I lone wolf 90% of the time, as a fresh spawn I "dash n grab" through the nearest town with a supermarket. Once I have a knife, matches and hatchet, it's stealth all the way up north for some good personal protection.

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Usually spawn, open my gear, figure out what is needed and go on the search. Normally try meet up a friend.. Generally just explore..

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