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Serious Stan

DayZ 2017 first impression.

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Hello. had a run on a 2017 server recently. it was top 7 players on it at most, i was there with 2 friends. server was dead like most servers nowdays.

I spawned in elektro, my friend spawned in kamenka...

No fear of dying with my freshly spawned gear that consisted of a flashlight and nothing more. I quickly got an instableed hit from a zombie with a cool new look, i run into the closest building and try to close the wound with the bandage i didnt have.

about 3k blood later i find a hospital that saves my life. After alot of looting and not much of a threat i venture towards my friend that has raeched chernogorsk my gear was graetly improved having one of the top 5 weapons in 2017 i belive. a winchester! :) and a cool backpack with homemade cups and all!

after some running we meet up, find this crazy lee enflield desperado on top of a firestation roof spwing out bullets around our heads, my friend only carrying a double barrel and me with a winchester we manage to smart him out despite our stategic disadvatage being our guns simply could not reach him from the only higher buildings we could find. I manage to knock him down with an enfield bullet and my friend finish him off with a slug.

Soon after that my friend had slightly other tasks to occupy him but he would come on later..

I venture alone further north to find happiness

Familiar to the land as i am i always have a destination, simply to find a vessel to carry me and my gear to happiness. Weak to motorbikes that would be my first objective! i fond nothing, but. find this fine lookin pushbike that made the trip a hell of alot easyer.

soon after finding the bike i hear this noise.. It was making ALOT of noise, i was sure this is some kind of special mission only DayZ 2017 could offer, like some kind of huge nuclear powerplant that was about to blow.. Ive been in namalsk alot so i am familiar with when i need to get safe from EVR an when it will hit.. But this was not EVR it was something else...

I step on it and get closer and closer. Come to see this rusty thing thats making the awful noise. What the hell??? i find a tank in the woods with the engine runnning. name of it being "they see me rollin" has 3 seats. driver,commander and gunner... it has no guns though. But oh my god, in this thing you are invincible. in 2017dayz in this thing... nothing can touch you.

The people on the entire map heard me rolling around, my friends heard me from 4km away.

This is an absolute monster! making my own road in the middle of the woods this thing is unstoppable!

Ok positive about this thing is:

Noone can touch you in it

it looks cool

They Hatin

kill everything in your path. EVERYTHING

Negative thing?:

everyone can hear you on the map.. literally everyone and i mean it.

if you jump out from commader or gunner seat you can break your legs and start bleeding.

possible a ridiculous amount of fuel to fill it up wich doesnt really take you that far.

goes very slow uphill.

well we parked it somewhere and took this rusty car thing that was armored. Tank was not very useful afterall.

Before all this i actually found 2 helicrashes with nothing to bring onto my journey wondering why the hell they were there in the first place.

I foudn a planecrash that had a ridiculous amount of guns. i bring an m14 aim from there, most of the guns was bugged and gave me invisible magazines in my inventory.

What i think about the new map? or mod. we was discussing if it was a map or mod, and i say its a map!

I think. there is not enough junkloot. the weaponloot and food, everything that has been taken out is replaced by empty tincans, so now its a sick amount of the same kind of trashloot.

But overall i liked it more than normal DayZ with 50 cal snipers and light machineguns. my character had a strange looking red beard and some wicked clothing.

thumbs up for further development and more low tier weaponry to choose from :)

Love the new vehicles skins, especially the push bike looked really cool. And the bus.

the small cars with bags on the roof was very glitchy but they also look cool.

Edited by Serious Stan

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I was not impressed. Went back to my Dayz server.....

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Another thread that should be in private hive discussion..

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I ran from Electro to Cherno and I was almost out of meat, so I had no real choice but to ran over the fields. It was dark night, so I had a chemlight in my hand. Suddenly, centimeters from my foot, a bullet hit. I instantly dropped the chemlight and ran further into the dark, just to circle my way back up north to the place I suspected the shooter. A few meter up the hill, I went prone and further shifted my position. Then I looked around, holding ALT, so my character would just turn his head, not his entire body.

I had a little conversation with the shooter in side chat, but besides that, nothing happened. About 10 minutes later, I saw his silhouette running past me. I instantly tried to aim at him, but in that half second it took me to aim my weapon, he already disappeared into the dark again. Another 10 minutes later, I proned up that hill, slow proning, so my aim would stay study, and left through the woods.

I am JoeFreedom, the shooter was battlechip. This is the story how we met in DayZ 2017. If we had met in ordinary DayZ, I'd just went on running. I'd have assumed, he got NV Goggles. Most likely getting me shot.

I really prefere this kind of low tech survival style.

Edited by Joe Freedom

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I wasn't impressed either. It lacks realism. You can't eat human flesh without going mad and if you ate infected flesh then what was the point in bothering to try to survive in the first place? Also, there's little to collect except empty tin cans.

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Could I have a link to what dayz 2017 is, i'm interested :P

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my biggest gripe of 2017, was the sheer amount of empty buildings with no loot or empty cans..

while it fits the theme perfectly if makes for a hyhper boring play session..

shame to cuz i love some of the art in 2017.

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I thought it was great. We've been playing it alot.

Another advantage of the tank is the optics. You can spot from a looong way away, which, if you're rolling in a group it makes for a great scout vehicle, though obviously they'll see hear you rollin'.

Of course there are alot of tin cans... the idea is that this is years into the apocalypse, so much of the good stuff is taken. We have however found cans of food, cans of dogfood, the standard medical supplies, etc. You need to loot cycle to make it work, and that requires locking down a location and defending against the hoards of zombies you'll generate doing so.

Ghostbusters have had a hellofa good time playing this mod!

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I wasn't impressed either. It lacks realism. You can't eat human flesh without going mad and if you ate infected flesh then what was the point in bothering to try to survive in the first place? Also, there's little to collect except empty tin cans.

There is a very high chance of infection if you eat either one im sure, you would have to be very desperate.

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I liked it as I usally run axe most days of the week, Seeing is that is the best option in game I was up to the top of the list in server quickly. Got up to about 3,700 humanity until I got hungry asked my buddy if he needed a blood bag. He was rolling 6k health and replied yes I axed him in the head and gutted him like a thanksgiving turkey. Another team mate came in and was extremely confused at my actions but kept it a secret. I made my way to zelen and met my buddy on respawn and feed him his own meat then told him an hour later. He logged out after wasting all his winchester ammo trying to shoot me down, 2017 puts an interesting mix in but I was back on my usual dayz within a two hour period soaking up rays @ pobeda.

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I really enjoy 2017.

But having more players on a server help makes it fun.

My server doesn't have a lot of players at the moment, maybe it will pick up. Shrug.

I still enjoy it either way :P

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For me I love it and its gonna get even less loot in future updates. :o Its not for everyone for sure but if you like the survival/scavenging style more then it will be your type of game.I just died to hunger on 2017 and was super immersed.My blood was slowly dwindling away from hunger due to me spending too long trying to get this moto bike up and running.For some reason no animals were spawning except for a rabbit I spotted off in woods.I snuck up on it and took my shot killing it but when I ran to it I couldn't find it in the grass. :( Made my way to Stary supermarket finally and was hoping to find a can of food as I was fainting from malnutrition but alas.So with blood icon blinking and me fainting here and there I did the disgusting deed.....I killed an infected and gutted it.Funny thing is that before I could even cook it up I died a few feet away as I fainted and was finally eaten myself. :thumbsup:

I feel that infection should be severe to discourage eating of infected as has been pointed out it kinda removes the survival feel with so much food roaming around.Dropping blood down to the fainting level should work well to deter eating infected peeps.It should be a last resort that your gonna be screwed if you go down that road until u find antibiotics.Eating other players though shouldn't cause infections.

I really hope that SA allows modding soon after release as many other players as well as myself like this style of gameplay.I doubt it will attract a huge portion of the players away from the SA so I don't think its a bad thing.

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I wasn't impressed either. It lacks realism. You can't eat human flesh without going mad and if you ate infected flesh then what was the point in bothering to try to survive in the first place? Also, there's little to collect except empty tin cans.

It isn't going for realism much like DayZ. The game tones down all the trigger happy sniper kiddos who have the only goal of getting "end game" gear and killing everyone in sight. By eating human flesh I believe you lose humanity and I think you have a chance to become infected. i'm not sure about that last part.

I have found more low tier weapons in 2017 than in most DayZ servers. The only problem is that people like you are upset about not being able to find anything other than a Enfield and now they are seriously considering putting Assault Rifles in the game.

Dayz 2017 is a nice getaway from the current Dayz community. I have had nicer games (except for all the hackers) in public servers. Mind you, I still get killed but at least the combat takes place within 300-400 meters and not from 1200 meters away.

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