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Stopping due to cheaters

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Hello fellow survivors!

I've been playing Dayz for about half a year now and it has been a great game to play! :thumbsup:

But in about 2 weeks I've been killed 8 times. And the funny fact is, all were cheaters..

I've been teleported away and killed 3 times, frozen-headshotted 1 time and 3 times they teleported behind me and emptied an LMG in my face. All in different servers by the way. I'm getting quite sick and tired of those kids who don't have the balls to gather all their gear on their own so just spawn everything. I can't see why that should improve the fun? You work for your gear and eventually will get killed by someone. Thats sad, but that's the game. But being killed by cheaters is just gay..

So I'm quitting dayz for now. Looking forward to the standalone where all these issues are hopefully solved. Because I really love Dayz! I know I'm not the only one getting killed by cheaters and stopping for this reason so I think I speak for many of them ;)

Hmm, and sawry for any mistakes with my english. I'm just an ordinary Dutchman :)



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Whitelist servers.

That is all.


I haven't seen a hacker for months...

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I haven't seen a hacker for months...

Sounds great! So the thing is I pick a server, by example from this list. And sign up to play ingame, and that's all? :)

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Yup, basically try and find a well established server that looks like it has a good community, that's usually a sign they're doing something right. As above a haven't seen a hacker for months.

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I've been playing on Balota Buddies for about 6 weeks now without a single hacker experience.

Check them out at balotabuddies.net

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Make sure they have a whitelist so that people have to register to join. I would recommend Balota Buddies or AWA. :)

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I will check things out then! Thanks for the info. Been of great use :) Looking forward playing on a hacker-clean server!

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Public server i filled with hackers , its so frustrating , lost all of my gears my a script kiddie ...

Havnt encounter any hackers in my private server though.

Edited by 20thCenturyGamer

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Translation: Private Hives are lovely and splendidly on the whole script kiddie free.

Edited by orlok

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Translation: Private Hives are lovely and splendidly on the whole script kiddie free.

Totally true , havnt had a hacker script kiddy in my regular private hive since i started playng dayz

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I now play on a private hive with a whitelist. We still sometimes get a hacker but it's quite uncommon and the admins are on it very quickly. Best thing I've done was move there.

You should check out the RhinoCrunch server where I play. It's easy to get a whitelist from his website and it's a very nice community.

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Our pvrivate hive will give you the protection you need man,also we have a lot of stuff different from other servers..like custom wehicles,custom choppers and we ussualy help a new guy's gearing up before we go in to a fair firefight to anihilate each others.

Check sig for more info!

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So reading the original post, I understand how you feel.

I am a Head Admin on 2 private hive servers where we do not tolorate hacking, duping, scripting or combat logging. (BTW-if anyone is interested, pm me)

some players enjoy being on the public however they constantly get hacked. Private/passworded/whitelisted servers are the answer as all these owners are saying.

the pupose of me responding is the "I am quitting." Hackers are cheaters and to lazy to actually play within the parameters of the game. Most of us have been shell-shocked by their immaturity but truly most are not hackers at all, we've just dubbed them that for simplicity. IOW-you hit the nail on the head calling them "cheaters."

most of these morons will go off and play/cheat another game when the standalone comes out because of the parameters Rocket, and crew, intends. the reason they will is they won't be able to hang with the reality they can't cheat.


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I was thinking about joining whitelist/pw protected server as well. Anyone recommend a few websites for me to check out?

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