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Weirdest / Worst / Annoying Hacker Moments

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Mine would be when I joined a new server and headed to Cherno, it was night so I start looking for some weapons and food etc. I went inside a barn to get some loot, I found a Winchester shotgun and some ammo. Then another player pops up behind me with a flashlight, I shoot at him, he falls unconscious, then decide to finish him off when he woke. But then it turns day-time instantly and I'm teleported to a big group of other players all with sniper rifles and other pretty good weapons, then I'm teleported again and I'm at some camp place and the words 'Opa Gangnam Style' pop up on the screen and I'm like 'dafuq is this?' Then someone starts firing and I'm dead. What. The. Fack.

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I was playing in Cheranus at Night , running though cherno low Pop server 4 People online (including me)

When i met an Survior - i started speaking to him on direct com. He responsed and seemed to be ok. When Frag grenades started hitting us.

Not only a few like a grenade storm was flying behind us. We both died to an explosion.

I spawend in Elektro and see a flashlight right next to me. There was my Cherno Survior that just had died with me.

Anyways he got angry and turned out to have hacks instant killing the other one... So now he had his revenge.

2 Cows approached us (never seen 2 on a spot before...) and 5 Meters in our front they turned into Surviors. And the Hackwars began.

They startet firing at each other with Miniguns (i think it was on) Crossbows with Automatik fire and Arrows Burned sometimes. I just landed on an 4 People Server with 3 Hacker and me.

Anyways was fun to watch. I even have seen a Dog since one of them turned into it ^-^

Edited by Paddy0610

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This was by far my weirdest. Was a little late in starting the recording. I lost that character but gained a decked out OP character. Thanks Hackers.

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I was gearing at my tent... And a dude teleported a tractor on top of me..... My first death in Dayz was by tractor :(

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Last night I was trying out Celle on a server with two other people and I land a plane at an airfield start running and while checking my back I see a guy teleport. Turn around and fire two m14 shots and over side chat all I say is "that is what I thought" then death. The guy had the nerve to yell at me for KoS after I respawned.

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Had a rabbit chasing after me (i was on a push bike) after i shot a guy outside novy sobre, the rabbit was yelling over side for me to stop... i didnt, then my legs broke.. but i was still riding the bike, but i decided to stop be fore getting insta killed, he asked me why i killed the dude yada yada, i gave some BS excuse, he then offered to grant one wish o free gear, excluding vehicles, i asked for a coyote back pack and i got it >:( BAD KingOchaos taking gear from hackers :(

This would be around june i think, at the time most creative hacker id seen

Edited by KingOchaos

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strangest thing i've seen while looting elecktro as a fresh spawn, flying bus station.... firing missiles...

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I've seen laser shows in Elektro, danced on a helicopter while flying it, been turned into a cow/dog/rabbit/zombie (being turned into a zombie sucked, you couldn't do anything without getting shot. Had some fun moments though!) I've had planes crash landing all around me, been sent to the Thunderdome, satchel charged to hell and even taken part in a tour of Chenaurus in a flying bus. As much as I hate hackers, the flying bus tour was great. For those of us who didn't log out instantly, we got taken back to where we were before the tour and still had all our original gear. Some hackers are good like that, just having a bit of fun, hackers who kill players or mess with their gear are total dicks though. Total. Dicks.

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I killed a couple of guys and next thing you know I was a sheep , but I used it to my advantage . I lost all my gear but I decided to make the best of it and troll some guys while I was still alive . I started walking around elektro as a sheep and used direct chat to freak other players . It was hilarious until a player shot me for my meat . Initially it was annoying but then I used it to annoy others .

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You know some guy just posted a topic about a flying chopper with 8 buses around it. Dafuq ? 8 buses flying and protecting the choppar. I guess hackers got bored too...

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Even on whitelisted servers hackers run rampant, this game is unplayable and not worth the effort. Hopefully the standalone will improve the situation....

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Someone shooting through walls in Cherno to kill me. Serious wtf? :blink:

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