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Food and drinks impossible to find since

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year but ^^ my problem is the zombies are Bugging ^^ and stuck in earth ... and i only got 1000 BLOOOD ne BLOOOOD transfusion ^^ :p

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So, I log in. I DID have an empty canteen. It's gone.

My character is hungry. My character is literally at flashing red dehydration, which I have NEVER seen before.

I use my last can of soda.

I go to a different server, because FUCK playing on a night server. I am once more on red flashing dehydrated.

So I server hop a little bit, looking for a SINGLE CAN OF SODA to fix this error. So that MAYBE I can play the game without losing my character to a glitch.

Even wasted the last three mags of my M1911 on zombies to see if one of them would drop a drink.

But lolNOPE. Sorry. Drinks and canteens don't spawn any more. So now my character who is dehydrated due to a bug, is completely, utterly buttfucked.

I have a ghillie suit, and a DMR, with six spare magazines. It took me hours, upon hours, upon hours to find that bloody thing. And I'll be damned if I'm losing it because someone screwed up the loot tables and completely removed any source of hydration, which, you know, you need to LIVE.

Oh, and new players don't even spawn with water any more! So I can't even turn to banditry to save my character, which is the one time I would consider actively hunting another player.

Someone wake me up when the game when is playable.

and before the moron comes in saying 'hurrdurr game is too hard go back to CoD'. There's a difference between 'hard', and 'hey, no food, no water! You're dehydrated already. Have fun dying!'

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Strange, I logged in after patching to and 30 min later I had already found 2 cans of beans and 1 can of sardines (I looted the beans from zombies, found the sardines in a loot spot.)

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I can confirm that loot is indeed bugged/nerfed horribly. I did a test @ the supermarket/redbrick house and 2 wood cabins (the one with the dining room) in Polana. I checked a total of 10 servers running 1.7.1. I found NO food. 1 can of soda. About 4 guns and ammo. 2 backpacks, and trash items galore (tin cans/steel bolts). I can understand Rocket wanting to nerf loot rates, but this is a bit overboard. Otherwise, love the changes thus far!

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Well' date=' I won't be playing until this problem gets fixed. Otherwise I'm just going to blow through my stock then starve to death, and I don't really feel like going hunting


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I am kinda amazed. Just 4 posts and you are already going full retard.:angel:

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Searched every building from Elecktro to Kamehka without a single morsel of food and eventually died of hunger. This certainly sucks :V

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I have found a couple cans of soda and some food on zombies which I think is awesome because it means we would actually have to deal with zombies then just sneak around them all the time.

+1 waiting for new fixes

food and water is really hard to find.

haha, I am so lucky, the only food (can of pasta) I loot on dead zombie, and died because I couldn't find any 'water'...

(a little bit OT)

Please correct me, is it I cannot refill water using empty can/bottles in the lake ? last time I can refill water, but today I died because I can't.

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I've been running from town to town in search of just food and I haven't even found a can of beans. I'm not a murderer but those noobs better watch out for their beans, I'm getting kind of desperate.

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I've been running from town to town in search of just food and I haven't even found a can of beans. I'm not a murderer but those noobs better watch out for their beans' date=' I'm getting kind of desperate.


Noobs DONT have beans.

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Hmm, I am glad that I have managed to find a canteen and the necessary items to hunt animals. I guess with this hotfix/patch rocket introduced the uber survival mode, where no food or drink spawns apart from zombies, which you can't kill without first finding a weapon by sneaking past the zombies :P.

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I've been running from town to town in search of just food and I haven't even found a can of beans. I'm not a murderer but those noobs better watch out for their beans' date=' I'm getting kind of desperate.


Noobs DONT have beans.

This game is taunting me. I'm killing zombies and risking my life for just a can of food and I can't use noobs for food.

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Posted this in another thread, thought it would be helpful here for those that haven't seen it yet.

Rocket just sent out a tweet regarding this:

Food and water to be fixed in a hotfix tonight. Located the bug. Something stopped working for no apparent reason. #codingisfun -Rocket

Hope this helps!

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Ah... ok. So that's why I went from the coast to halfway up the map without ever finding anything but empty cans. I was on the verge of dying from thirst when the server had the good grace to crash, and when I joined another I magically had full water and food.

I came here to suggest there was something wrong, but it seems it has already been recognized.

But other stuff seems to be missing too. Very little ammo, no bandages. With zombies in buildings now, this makes things kinda difficult/impossible.

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Same here. I played on three different servers yesterday, and hardly found anything other than empty cans, bottles, and a ridiculous amount of ammo for a double barreled shotgun, which I never found either. I checked cities, villages, deer stands, etc. and hardly found anything. So I'm starving, and can't find a knife or matches to cook my own either. I'm by no means new to the game either.

A lot of the spawn points just seem to be completely empty too. I guess people could have scooped it up immediately prior to my arrival, but due to the number of places I searched, I kinda doubt it.

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