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Food and drinks impossible to find since

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did you install the latest beta patch as well? maybe that is the problem, i dont know havent tried the hotfix yet, but after hearing this, dont intend to yet xD

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did you install the latest beta patch as well? maybe that is the problem' date=' i dont know havent tried the hotfix yet, but after hearing this, dont intend to yet xD


Yeah I've got the latest beta patch and the hotfix, so I'm not certain where the problem is coming from. I would assume that the beta patch isn't a factor, but I'm no expert

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Well' date=' I won't be playing until this problem gets fixed. Otherwise I'm just going to blow through my stock then starve to death, and I don't really feel like going hunting


So there's food literally just walking around out there and you basically can't be bothered spending 10-15 mins to go and get it because you don't feel like it :huh:

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Hello Guys,

is that real that i didnt found ANY FOOD AND DRINK !

Wou tonight i raid Cherno ! Alone the server was empty and i didnt found ANYTHING NOTHING only Compas or Watch ... or Flaslight ... No food no drinking...

Whats happens i die BECAUSE no food and drink .. .spawn ... thats not good

what does the other player says ?

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Well' date=' I won't be playing until this problem gets fixed. Otherwise I'm just going to blow through my stock then starve to death, and I don't really feel like going hunting


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

You dont know how much I want to virtually smack you in the face :@. Don't let my fist hit you when you turn around

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For those who didn't know:

dayzdevteam So ahh... seems to be a bug with food and bandage spawning. The bean wars are on. Food is rarest resource at the moment.

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Watches are the new Tin Cans. :P

PS: People who claim they will stop playing make their opinions invalid. This forums are for discussion between people who want to play the game, test it and be part of the evolution of this mod.

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Well' date=' I won't be playing until this problem gets fixed. Otherwise I'm just going to blow through my stock then starve to death, and I don't really feel like going hunting


So there's food literally just walking around out there and you basically can't be bothered spending 10-15 mins to go and get it because you don't feel like it :huh:

well, that and I don't really see the point in using up food making a watch collection. I'm sure this will get fixed soon and then I'll have a reason to go out and look for gear.

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Don't get me wrong, I was stacked on beans and other supplies after 20 minutes in elektro (killed few guys, but yea...)


Zombies still drop cans of beans and sardines...

Just clear a village and you will be stacked with bandages, beans and soda, just from the zombies.

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*finds PDW, map, compass, ALICE pack, 1911, 3 matchs, knife, hatchet*

*finds no water*

Well then, looks like I better drink my own piss. :D

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no water or food

same here, havent found a single coke or beans for hours... had to kill a lot of players to stay alive. :D

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It is a bug in the latest patch. Rocket is aware and will most likely hotfix it today/tomorrow.

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i went in all the major cities found 0 food 0 water bottles or drinks thought my game was installed wrong so i reinstalled the whole thang lmao i guess i shoulda read this thread first :-/

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Yeeaahh, so I've got a 25 day old character, been living off lakes and sheep/cow/rabbit for more then half of that time, and canned food when i have some bad luck finding said animals.

Since this patch as come out, i have depleted all my food and have yet to find any anywhere but on zombies(1 can of spag).

I have resorted to logging out in a grocery store in hope that this issue is fixed some time in the near future, because if its not and i log back in I'm going to lose a 25 day old character to starvation. :/

Please rocket, PLEASE fix this soon. :(

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Watches are the new Tin Cans. :P

PS: People who claim they will stop playing make their opinions invalid. This forums are for discussion between people who want to play the game' date=' test it and be part of the evolution of this mod.


I don't believe I expressed any opinions. I made this thread to see if this was an issue I alone had or if it was more widespread. How I deal with it isn't your concern.

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and i got the Next Problem !

my Zombies are Stuck in the earth ^^ and when they see me the RUN to me and Stuck angain ^^ and i need to Shot in the earth to kill the Zombies

whats the problem there ?!

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ya I'm finding a alarming amount of Watches, Alice, bags, Maps... Etc, but I think I need to stay logged off till food comes back =\

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shit. i logged off and am not going to play until this is fixed but that means I have less than 2 minutes to find all the food i need when i come back on . :O


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I have found a couple cans of soda and some food on zombies which I think is awesome because it means we would actually have to deal with zombies then just sneak around them all the time.

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As things currently are, the game is unplayable as a newly spawned character. With no beans spawning, you have to hunt; hunting and preparing your food requires a knife, matches, an axe and a gun - and, of course, an animal to eat. I imagine it's close to impossible to find all that before you perish to hunger.

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Killed 15 zombies, 1 had a can of food. Don't care what is said, that's just a ridiculous waste of ammo. However I did have a thought. I've seen a grand total of ME using cans, actually picking them up, using them. And correct me if I'm wrong, cause I might be, but being that the loot system goes like this:

Waits for you to get in range of a lootable area, checks to see what loot is already there, if the loot spot is empty and the rest of the loot is old, it puts a random amount of new loot in the empty spot. Only very very old loot that no one is around is ever cleaned up.

If that's the case, the reason everything is choked with tin cans is because no one is picking them up and they only get removed on cleanup. for extrapolation: say we start with the small enterable houses. 3 spawn points, someone comes through, a winchester with some rounds, nothing and a pile of tin cans spawns. They take the winchester. Now there's 2 free spawns and a pile of tin cans. Few minutes later another person comes in, the cans are still there, and now another pile of cans spawns in and a makarov. Person takes the makarov and leaves the 2 can piles. Now there's one spawn left, and guess what's most likely to be spawned in. Now you have a house filled with tin cans that will not be cleaned up unless no one comes remotely close to the house for a LONG time. If that really is the case something needs to be done. Tin cans need to be cleaned up long before other types of loot, or something.

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"ololol,u find no foodz? go back to CoD whiny kidz,dem deliziouz tearz olololo"

Random Douche@DayZ,18.6.2012

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