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Forges/Recycling Centres

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All around the map I see two things which seem rather useless/underused.

-Scrap cans/tins


So one night in Cherno while trapsing around through some empty cans, I thought to myself, "Goddam all these cans, I wish they had a use". Then it hit me, I have no bullets. Bullets are made of metal! Cans are made of metal! LETS SHOOT CANS!!!

Unfortunatly no one on the server agreed with me but I did come up with the idea of smelting down old cans into new bullets. Ammo is scarse in the game to the point that I wont even dump my winchester for an AK (Pre patch) but what if I could make bullets? I'd be able to keep my gun!

My suggestion is inside factories and other buildings perhaps, there is a device called a forge. Putting wood inside the forge and firing it up (requires/consumes matches) and then it allows you to place cans and tins inside the forge and make bullets.

Now I realise cans and tins take up a lot of space, so since they're so light, maybe you can find a can bag. This somewhat uncommon item takes up a binocular slot and houses all your cans and tins. Also, eating a tin of food or can of soda adds it to your inventory as empty.

You can also add that you need gunpowder which could be found in farms.

The rarer/more powerful ammo requires more cans and gunpowder.

You could also use scrap metal to make bullets or tins to make scrap metal. Maybe even car parts.

Maybe rework the czech vest pouch can be the can bag... since its so useless as is.

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you could make the shittiest shotgun slugs from tin, if you were desperate

but I wouldn't fire them from my M670 or M1014

so no

>lighting a forge with matches


I'm posting in a troll thread ain't I?

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No you're a troll posting in a legitimate thread. Just because their tin doesn't mean they can't become bullets....

This game isn't 100% real, dont stifle a good, fun idea just because its not quite realistic.

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Well you'd need to put the forges into places. Factories make the most sense but small towns could have outdoor forges.

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So your plan is you make lumps of tin to throw at zombies?

Good luck, also bullets need gunpowder (or what ever the equivalent is these days in modern ones) to shoot.

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Good luck' date=' also bullets need gunpowder (or what ever the equivalent is these days in modern ones) to shoot.


I'm glad you added that bit. Cause now I can assume you're an idiot that doesn't read.

I included the thought of gunpowder... And wtf is with everyone being so uptight? Who cares if its tin? Its still metal. I'm pretty sure baked beans dont magically spawn next to you in real life. I'm pretty sure that as a everyday, normal citizen, you can't even operate a firearm without taking out an eye or a shoulder.

Get off your realistic high horse and think about this in terms of what it'll bring to the game instead of how much you want to insult me personally ok?

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Whoa whoa, everyone calm down. No need for him to be dismissive, no need to blow up at him for it.

I rather like your idea, and besides even though:

No you're a troll posting in a legitimate thread. Just because their tin doesn't mean they can't become bullets....

This game isn't 100% real' date=' dont stifle a good, fun idea just because its not quite realistic.


Chernarus has got to be such a backwards depressed ex-Soviet state that I'm sure all of the cans are made of lead from recycled bullets anyway.

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Thats right, they may have some lead content in them. Thats why you can make only a few clips from a bag full of cans.

And I'm sorry TheDee and I'm sorry Sandy State Phantom for blowing up at you after you... critiqued my idea...

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I like the idea in essence, perhaps drop the bullet part from it and have them craft into something else. Maybe as a form of scrap metal.

"tin-plated metal is also used for food packaging, giving the name to tin cans, which are made mostly of steel."

or as solder to be used with the tool kit. (maybe to repair items like night vision after so much wear and tear? players say it should have batteries or "something"?)

"tin is conductive of electricity and has a high melting point"

The applications are big and its a good idea. I'm behind it don't be deterred.

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Why drop the bullet part from it? Me as a largely pacificist person I hate killing people because I believe IRL, I'd not kill people because they are a real live human being. If I get lucky with an AK or M4 or some big weapon in a fire station, I can't take it because it only comes with 2 clips. If I want reliable ammo I have to kill players or go to a high player area like NW airfield.

This allows players a pacificist way to have high firepower. A way that they can use their gun on zeds, without it being a waste of ammo.

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Sooo many tin cans around while loot is bugged...

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