melby 4 Posted January 18, 2013 So I dunno if this has been discussed in this way before but cba to look through the forums for it.But why do some people seem to have a real problem with having nice things in dayz? Maybe it's because I played vanilla arma 2 before Dayz, but I don't understand the issue with having some nice military gear scattered throughout a post soviet bloc state following a zombie apocalypse. I can think of many, many reasons that there'd be lots of military loot around. Maybe local militias existed before the zombie outbreak. Or there were leftovers from a recent military invasion. etc. etc.Either way, I can't see an enhancement to my gameplay from carrying around a winchester for all time.So discuss, or if its been said ignore this terrible rant. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 18, 2013 I think the issue first cropped up when duping was a big problem. Every player seemed to have the best gear and plenty of it which took away from the game. I have no issue with high-end gear being in the game as long as it's rare and the ammo is hard to come by meaning players need to think hard before wasting ammo. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cdrive 60 Posted January 18, 2013 I could understand finding AK's in a 'post soviet bloc state' but I think (at this moment) that high end weaponry like M249's, AS50's, M82/M107's and even the FN FAL. If you could only have 1 or 2 per server then it may be acceptable on a server with 100-150 people (in standalone) but at the moment it seems like everybody and their mother has stashes full of these guns.I can agree though that we shouldn't be limited to sidearms and civvy/farm weapons. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 18, 2013 I think the issue first cropped up when duping was a big problem. Every player seemed to have the best gear and plenty of it which took away from the game. I have no issue with high-end gear being in the game as long as it's rare and the ammo is hard to come by meaning players need to think hard before wasting ammo.I have a harder time when the stuff is rare. So many need to have a vast advantage over their opponent rather than their brain being the advantage. Take away their OP gun and they get beat MOST the time. There are always exceptions but the exceptions wouldn't need the OP in the first place and would be fine with the absence of 1 hit kill or thermal if they are honest. I'd rather have everyone running around with an AS50 than 1 or 2. M107 ammo drops are WAY to high for the ammo being rare to work. NOT SAYING I endorse duping. Anything against the rules should be punished.If I had my way the best guns in the game would be 1911, M16A2, and the CZ 550 with variations off of those but the same stats as it's counter part. All weapons under those would have less stats ie fire slower/do less dmg.Buts that's just me. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TacticalN29 89 Posted January 18, 2013 I could understand finding AK's in a 'post soviet bloc state' but I think (at this moment) that high end weaponry like M249's, AS50's, M82/M107's and even the FN FAL. If you could only have 1 or 2 per server then it may be acceptable on a server with 100-150 people (in standalone) but at the moment it seems like everybody and their mother has stashes full of these guns.I can agree though that we shouldn't be limited to sidearms and civvy/farm weapons.I think the majority of AS50's and weapons like it are duped and when SA comes out it will most likely be fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PracticalTactical 164 Posted January 18, 2013 I would like to see more setting appropriate weaponry. Chernarus is eastern bloc, very rural with lots of small towns and villages. Even the "cities" are pretty small by all standards. We need to see more single/double barrel shotgun varients, more pump action shotguns, bolt action rifles without scopes, more pistols and AK varients. I am OK with military arms as long as they fit the setting and are not found at every corner of the map. Military rifles with complex optics/silencers should be very, very uncommon but military type AK's with no fancy optics or just a single GP-25 grenade launcher should be more commonly found.All in all more civilian weaponry is needed. I like to use winchesters and enfields, but everyone else wants to use goddamn m4 holos and AS50s. AS50s and M107s should be taken out entirely and replaced by either an RPG or some sort of similar Russian built anti material rifle. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bearderus 17 Posted January 18, 2013 I don't know if the weapons are the issue (They don't just up and disappear as time goes on), but ammo definitely is all too common. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pennyworth (DayZ) 33 Posted January 18, 2013 As50s aren't common.. M107's aren't common... L85 isn't common... The m240 is not common... The mk 48 mod 0 is not common.Been playing since may and have maybe found 1 as50 from a crash site. Maybe 2-3 m107's, never found an l85, found maybe 5 m240's and maybe a handful of mk48 mod o's.I have owned 3 servers on lingor and have farmed the fuck out of all high values for hours only to find ak variants, m16/m4 variants and tons of dmr's.People cry about the abundance of high end gear because they never seem to have it and are almost always on the receiving end of it.I play maybe 20+ hours a week on lingor and can say the only time I end up with a m107/as50 is when a scripter is generous enough to give the entire server an op setup.People cry all the time. Sad thing is the once who cry are few and need/ want to express themselves to the masses in an attempt to resolve what they consider a problem. Now the people who don't have an Issue are the majority! Yay! And we dont give a fuck. We don't feel we need to cry and make posts expressing our outrage and opinions.The cry babies need to be heard ad unfortunately they are the loudest. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 18, 2013 (edited) When you have a chopper and can go scout chopper crashes, especially at night after reset( by either killing someone with NVGs or finding them on a crash or just adjusting the gamma/brightness) AS50s and M107 are plentiful. I've prolly found 30+ of each and I've only been playing 3.5-4 months. Only about 10 L85s but they are gone now THANK GOD.The smart, clever ones don't have any problem finding them.Seems to me the majority of the community voted to get rid of the L85. That's not a few DERP :rolleyes: The AS50 drops will be lowered. I RARELY get killed by an AS50. I just took one from an admin a few days ago with a Bizon and never got hit. Don't assume because someone is voicing an opinion that they suck at the game. Like I said, the only ones who complain about NOT wanting OP guns out the game are the ones who really appear TO NEED them or it really wouldn't be an issue at all. Some will run from a level playing field and I get a kick out of their failed rationalizations.*Norbit* How you doin'?I feel like a BLT with some avacado. :murder: Edited January 18, 2013 by NoyZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingflip 42 Posted January 18, 2013 The only thing I think this game needs more of is ak variants as someone said. Sounds stereotypical, but being a russia based game, id expect more of that 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cdrive 60 Posted January 18, 2013 As50s aren't common.. M107's aren't common... L85 isn't common... The m240 is not common... The mk 48 mod 0 is not common.Been playing since may and have maybe found 1 as50 from a crash site. Maybe 2-3 m107's, never found an l85, found maybe 5 m240's and maybe a handful of mk48 mod o's.I have owned 3 servers on lingor and have farmed the fuck out of all high values for hours only to find ak variants, m16/m4 variants and tons of dmr's.People cry about the abundance of high end gear because they never seem to have it and are almost always on the receiving end of it.I play maybe 20+ hours a week on lingor and can say the only time I end up with a m107/as50 is when a scripter is generous enough to give the entire server an op setup.People cry all the time. Sad thing is the once who cry are few and need/ want to express themselves to the masses in an attempt to resolve what they consider a problem. Now the people who don't have an Issue are the majority! Yay! And we dont give a fuck. We don't feel we need to cry and make posts expressing our outrage and opinions.The cry babies need to be heard ad unfortunately they are the loudest.Yea! You're SO COOL. Look at you, being cool and shit. Do you give autographs? Gosh I hope so. I can only hope that one day I'll be as hip and cool as you are.Seriously though - regardless of how rare they are in the natural environment... through whatever means causing it there is a problem with the amount of high end guns being around. So regardless of how super awesome you think you are for not complaining, it doesn't make it any less of a problem.Get off your high horse, nobody likes a narcissist. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pennyworth (DayZ) 33 Posted January 18, 2013 (edited) Yea! You're SO COOL. Look at you, being cool and shit. Do you give autographs? Gosh I hope so. I can only hope that one day I'll be as hip and cool as you are.Seriously though - regardless of how rare they are in the natural environment... through whatever means causing it there is a problem with the amount of high end guns being around. So regardless of how super awesome you think you are for not complaining, it doesn't make it any less of a problem.Get off your high horse, nobody likes a narcissist.You are an idiot. plain and simple.My point is/was These guns arent as common as people think they are and if there is an abundance of these guns//ammo then it is due to hackers and duping.I dont believe that removing or making the high power guns more rare then what they are is a fair way of combating hackers/dupers. Especially since they already have the power to dupe or import items.... so by making the chances of you finding them less isnt going to change the amount that are duped//hacked into the game. all it will do is punish the legit players for being Legit.So now we are stuck running around with an enfield or maybe an Ak with 1-2 clips worth of ammo.. But buddy boy hacker is still running around with his as50/M14 aim combo with all the ammo he could ever want.So like I was trying to say... The high end guns are pretty rare... and if people are willing to take the time to farm the high value military spawns for them.. then they are still going to exist to the point where you are complaining that to many people have them.I dont expect you to understand, but I know you will go on the defensive. Edited January 18, 2013 by Pennyworth Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cdrive 60 Posted January 18, 2013 (edited) You are an idiot. plain and simple.xHeh? You clearly read something else. My point is/was These guns arent as common as people think they are and if there is an abundance of these guns//ammo then it is due to hackers and duping.I dont beleiveIt's amazing how short and easy it is to sum up your paragraph without being completely and utterly condescending to everybody who doesn't share your view point, isn't it?Maybe you should lead with that instead of opening with an ad hominem. Edited January 18, 2013 by Cdrive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingochaos 131 Posted January 18, 2013 I dont have an issue with there being high end military gear available... there is plenty o evidence that there was international military intervetion/aid at the out break, so its not inconsistent... butend o the day, i aint allthat worried either way... i do however think that people may be surprised to find that in ex soviet block countries, they do drive other cars than lada's,they have heard o optics, probably... I have 7 or 8 hunting rifles... everyone has a scope... all but my lil m10 22 out hit a 7.62... scopes are cheap and common, soft nose rounds make BIG holes... take a .270, its 1000fps faster than a 7.62, its flat shooting out to 500, but looses punch faster past that compared to 7.62, but if we are being authentic, this should be a 1 hit gun... as would most hunting rifle, roundd combos... so if yah want mid last century weaons, call em that... hunters are killing animals up to 5 times our size, and a lot tougher than us to boot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 13 Posted January 18, 2013 Imagine The Road with as50. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 18, 2013 (edited) I'm are (fixed) an idiot. plain and simple.My point is/was These guns arent as common as people think they are and if there is an abundance of these guns//ammo then it is due to hackers and duping.I dont believe that removing or making the high power guns more rare then what they are is a fair way of combating hackers/dupers. Especially since they already have the power to dupe or import items.... so by making the chances of you finding them less isnt going to change the amount that are duped//hacked into the game. all it will do is punish the legit players for being Legit.So now we are stuck running around with an enfield or maybe an Ak with 1-2 clips worth of ammo.. But buddy boy hacker is still running around with his as50/M14 aim combo with all the ammo he could ever want.So like I was trying to say... The high end guns are pretty rare... and if people are willing to take the time to farm the high value military spawns for them.. then they are still going to exist to the point where you are complaining that to many people have them.I dont expect you to understand, but I know you will go on the defensive.Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit. Rationalize more. I see 'em on nearly ever server I play 'cept ours. You know you need them. I'm VERY glad you can't figure out how to find more. I find them easier than hell. I would stay off of any servers I play on cause if you don't have one, I'm fairly certain you'd have my axe buried in your medulla oblongata.Like I said, the ones that need them will run from a level playing field. The L85 was taken out for a reason. Most don't like OP weapons in a game they play.You'll never see Punky Brewster up there in a DayZ 2017 server. He'd be completely lost without his OP weapons he can't seem to find. LMAO!!! I'll be on as NoyZ. Come show me what you got big boy or are you ascared of me axe?EDIT: I'll not wait all day. I smell an excuse coming. Edited January 18, 2013 by NoyZ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pennyworth (DayZ) 33 Posted January 19, 2013 Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit. Rationalize more. I see 'em on nearly ever server I play 'cept ours. You know you need them. I'm VERY glad you can't figure out how to find more. I find them easier than hell. I would stay off of any servers I play on cause if you don't have one, I'm fairly certain you'd have my axe buried in your medulla oblongata.Like I said, the ones that need them will run from a level playing field. The L85 was taken out for a reason. Most don't like OP weapons in a game they play.You'll never see Punky Brewster up there in a DayZ 2017 server. He'd be completely lost without his OP weapons he can't seem to find. LMAO!!! I'll be on as NoyZ. Come show me what you got big boy or are you ascared of me axe?EDIT: I'll not wait all day. I smell an excuse I am online right now At the moment. Come Axe me"bigboy?" lawl Quez server Ip. Lingor. Come play my friend. I cant wait to see your axe swing!Also. I work for a living.. much like most people in this world... So as for an excuse as to why I was unable to log on earlier this afternoon...... Well I believe work is more of a reason. Same reason why your mommy and daddy are gone throughout the day while you are home playing dayz.Come play little man! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 19, 2013 (edited) lol.. I am online right now At the moment. Come Axe me"bigboy?" lawl Quez server Ip. Lingor. Come play my friend. I cant wait to see your axe swing!Also. I work for a living.. much like most people in this world... So as for an excuse as to why I was unable to log on earlier this afternoon...... Well I believe work is more of a reason. Same reason why your mommy and daddy are gone throughout the day while you are home playing dayz.Come play little man!Yet another fail. I lacquer and do fine finishes on cabinets. I also paint houses. Winter time is UI time. We get the occasional interior to paint. I get a couple months off every winter. UJELLY? Why not come to DayZ 2017? Is it cause you already have OP weapons and want to use them? Lets do it on a neutral server without the weapons we are arguing about. Does that make sense to you or no?Careful now or your going to prove my point for me. :facepalm: Edited January 19, 2013 by NoyZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pennyworth (DayZ) 33 Posted January 19, 2013 Yet another fail. I lacquer and do fine finishes on cabinets. I also paint houses. Winter time is UI time. We get the occasional interior to paint. I have a prevailing wage job coming up soon. I get a couple months off every winter. UJELLY? Why not come to DayZ 2017? Is it cause you already have OP weapons and want to use them? Lets do it on a neutral server without the weapons we are arguing about. Does that make sense to you or no?Careful now or your going to prove my point for me. :facepalm:What point am I proving? That I enjoy playing on servers that offer military grade gear? And that I also feel that these types of guns offer IMO a better gaming experience? That if the current % chance of finding all these as50's/high grade military gears was so out of whack, then why hasn't it been adjusted? Never played dayz 2017.. I've only read how much "fun" it is running around for hours in cherno looking for a can of Pop! Great use of my time.As I said before I feel that the high end military gear is hard enough to find without either A. exploiting the game by farming/refreshing high/med value military spawns. B. scripters importing the gear/dropping boxes. C. Scripters being generous enough to give the entire server a L337 Kit (which happens pretty often. Imagine being on a full server with all players being given As50/M9sd/coyote and other supplies) D. People duping gear and stashing it in safe locations.Are we gloating about our jobs now? You go on UI (employment insurance?) each winter? Grats dude.. Totally jello of you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mick17 93 Posted January 19, 2013 Personally I think the high end weapons are rare enough. The AK's, M4's, and M16's are fine as well to me.I could see adding single shot only AR-15's and AK's because those are plentiful in homes (at least in the Unites States). You guys are forgetting the fact 'military weapons' only difference is the fact that they fire fully automatic. Civilian guns are just as powerful. Its also all about what the guns shoot and allot of civilian guns shoot pretty high powered rounds. Personally I shoot pretty much all weapons in semi-auto. All that said though, my point is lower the amount of fully auto, but add back single shot only versions to make the spawn amount the same as before. Then drastically lower ammo amounts as that is actually what determines the power of the weapon. The more powerful the less plentiful. Kinda how it is in real life now. .50 caliber BMG rounds are pretty expensive haha (also I could buy an M107 as a civilian for $15, 000) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TacticalN29 89 Posted January 19, 2013 Personally I think the high end weapons are rare enough. The AK's, M4's, and M16's are fine as well to me.I could see adding single shot only AR-15's and AK's because those are plentiful in homes (at least in the Unites States). You guys are forgetting the fact 'military weapons' only difference is the fact that they fire fully automatic. Civilian guns are just as powerful.Its also all about what the guns shoot and allot of civilian guns shoot pretty high powered rounds. Personally I shoot pretty much all weapons in semi-auto.All that said though, my point is lower the amount of fully auto, but add back single shot only versions to make the spawn amount the same as before. Then drastically lower ammo amounts as that is actually what determines the power of the weapon. The more powerful the less plentiful. Kinda how it is in real life now. .50 caliber BMG rounds are pretty expensive haha (also I could buy an M107 as a civilian for $15, 000)Exactly! You can buy .50 BMG caliber rifles, or .7.62x51, or 7.62x39, or 5.56. I've even heard of a private citizen in the U.S. owning a WWII era anti-tank gun. It kinds looked like a howitzer. Also rifles like the M107 and AS50 would be that powerful in real life as they were not originally intended to be used on people but objects such as vehicles. Their name says it all. Anti-material rifle. If you've never seen a .50 BMG round you should look it up and try to find a comparison picture to something you know the size of. Those things are huge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoyZ (DayZ) 66 Posted January 19, 2013 (edited) What point am I proving? That I enjoy playing on servers that offer military grade gear? And that I also feel that these types of guns offer IMO a better gaming experience? That if the current % chance of finding all these as50's/high grade military gears was so out of whack, then why hasn't it been adjusted? Never played dayz 2017.. I've only read how much "fun" it is running around for hours in cherno looking for a can of Pop! Great use of my time.As I said before I feel that the high end military gear is hard enough to find without either A. exploiting the game by farming/refreshing high/med value military spawns. B. scripters importing the gear/dropping boxes. C. Scripters being generous enough to give the entire server a L337 Kit (which happens pretty often. Imagine being on a full server with all players being given As50/M9sd/coyote and other supplies) D. People duping gear and stashing it in safe locations.Are we gloating about our jobs now? You go on UI (employment insurance?) each winter? Grats dude.. Totally jello of you!My point is that you need them aaaaand you made the point for me. Everyone else sees you needing them too. You are too easy. :facepalm: :facepalm: The AS50 drops got adjusted or do you never look at the rolling update thread? You a noob huh . . . at least I know you won't come on our servers. lol We don't allow AS50's. We check all chopper crashes after resets and bury them. If someone does get one, we ask they get rid of it and we replace it with something else . . .ie DMR. Working on getting them out of the loot table.For you . . .fun=gotta have better gear.Me=having fun winning with lesser gear.Which takes more skill? Lets hear something clever now. :rolleyes:You gloated over having a job and then assumed I didn't. :facepalm: :facepalm: Whatever you do I hope they don't pay you much. They're getting ripped off if they do.I frequent DM servers that start you out with Mod 48's, DMRs, M16A2 ACOGs and the like. I don't think you could come close to handling those servers. . . needing to have better weapons than your opponents like you do.My work here is done. Edited January 19, 2013 by NoyZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sutinen 635 Posted January 19, 2013 (edited) Weapon spawns are way too high at the moment.. I say do not add single shot AR-15's, keep them military, but make them rare.Then, add in some hunting rifles, crossbows/bows, .22's and melee weapons. Done.Deer Stands wouldn't spawn mil loot, they would spawn hunting rifles, ammo for the hunting rifles, etc.Firestations wouldn't spawn military weapons, they would spawn military equipment, fire axes, etc.And then just add some more military spawns up North. Maybe even small camps in the woods.Oh yeah, and remove the damn military loot from the indrustial spawns Edited January 19, 2013 by Sutinen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the LawsOfFire 20 Posted January 19, 2013 I would like to see more setting appropriate weaponry. Chernarus is eastern bloc, very rural with lots of small towns and villages. Even the "cities" are pretty small by all standards. We need to see more single/double barrel shotgun varients, more pump action shotguns, bolt action rifles without scopes, more pistols and AK varients. I am OK with military arms as long as they fit the setting and are not found at every corner of the map. Military rifles with complex optics/silencers should be very, very uncommon but military type AK's with no fancy optics or just a single GP-25 grenade launcher should be more commonly found.All in all more civilian weaponry is needed. I like to use winchesters and enfields, but everyone else wants to use goddamn m4 holos and AS50s. AS50s and M107s should be taken out entirely and replaced by either an RPG or some sort of similar Russian built anti material rifle.the KSKVS or whatever it is called is a 50 .cal russian bullpup anti-material rifle. and its already ingame. and its harder to hit precisely with it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted January 19, 2013 So I dunno if this has been discussed in this way before but cba to look through the forums for it.But why do some people seem to have a real problem with having nice things in dayz? Maybe it's because I played vanilla arma 2 before Dayz, but I don't understand the issue with having some nice military gear scattered throughout a post soviet bloc state following a zombie apocalypse. I can think of many, many reasons that there'd be lots of military loot around. Maybe local militias existed before the zombie outbreak. Or there were leftovers from a recent military invasion. etc. etc.Either way, I can't see an enhancement to my gameplay from carrying around a winchester for all time.So discuss, or if its been said ignore this terrible rant.cause the majority of these super guns like large snipers and so on are used by unskilled spawn raping nabs who are basically useless at the game. by making basic guns more wipdspread and the milartry guns either super rare or none existent it stops the majority of these long range sniper low layers and makes people move about the map and actually play.also alot of peole get the guns through dodgy ways either by hacking them in by themselves or a scripter dying and finding them on there body. how many times can anyone say they have honestly found a spawned as50 or rare super gun? i play everyday since near start and on one hand i can count the amount of times ive actually found them spawned naturally. i cover evey ince of the maps aswell so its not like im new .funny thing is the best weapons in the game for amount of kills is probably the lee enfield but everyone wants a as50 or something. lee enfield is pure awesome once you master it and you wont even need anything more then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites