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So are there now gangs of armed Bandits hunting defenseless Survivors?

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Just wondered if the new spawn loadout has seen a rise of murder happy players stalking the beaches as they gleefully take potshots at weaponless guys? Or has the new super-zombies balanced that?

Or is it a totally bad case of new spawns having to run the gauntlet of zeds and snipers?

I'd just like to hear people input of what they've seen on the beaches since the changes. Do people seem more likely to band together or is it in a world of the unarmed, the one with the gun kills everyone?

Please post your experiences here.

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When ever I approach another player weaponless I always end up getting killed.

At this point I just join a low pop server until I'm geared and can head out of the major cities. At that point I usally just join a low ping/day server regardless of size.

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I shun everyone. My only contact has been watching people who cannot see me, or exchanges of gunfire.

You're all infected. I am the only sane one left.

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I initially saw way more banding together and non-hostility when the patch launched. I've heard this has died down somewhat however, namely due to zombies no longer being as hard mode as they initially were and axes being more plentiful.

I don't have much first hand experience of how it is now however as I don't spend much time on the coast. I did get insta ax murdered though during one re-spawn.

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Personally I think it has made Day Z better, I've encountered people shooting at helpless survivors sure, but that's hardly new. Most of my experiences have been good, where I think people go wrong, is they assume that people are going to be automatically friendly and they run up to them and type in chat Friendly? Whilst if you have a microphone you can try and ascertain their intentions.

You need to foster and build relationships in order to survive, not expect them from the get-go.

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Hard to "foster a relationship" when everyone you meet just shoots you, often from afar so theres 0 chance of communication.

So yes, there are bunches of bandits that camp the beach to kill newly spawned players. I have not been on a server yet where anyone has actually banded together apart from the bandits.

Probably because everyone is so worried that everyone else is going to kill them, so everyone shoots on sight now.

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I've not been killed on the beach since the update. Mostly I'm killed by other players in town or even in the wilds where I used to like to spend my surviving time. It doesn't matter if I am armed or unarmed, how well or poorly equipped I am. My attempts to communicate with them make no difference. I play alone and have been killed by snipers, other jumpy loners, players grouped together. Of course the zombies get me too. I fight back against the Z, though, if I'm armed, but not against other players. My integrity is firmly intact. It's kind of like a one man army game with zombies now.

Before the bunched up panties brigade starts flaming my post (those zealot pvp supporters)... no I'm not complaining... you play your way, I play mine. Sometimes I live 15 minutes sometimes I can get a few hours. No big deal either way for me.

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I've barely even seen other people on the beach when I spawn, and I usually play full-capacity servers.

I've not been killed on the beach since the update. Mostly I'm killed by other players in town or even in the wilds where I used to like to spend my surviving time. It doesn't matter if I am armed or unarmed' date=' how well or poorly equipped I am. My attempts to communicate with them make no difference. I play alone and have been killed by snipers, other jumpy loners, players grouped together. Of course the zombies get me too. I fight back against the Z, though, if I'm armed, but not against other players. My integrity is firmly intact. It's kind of like a one man army game with zombies now.

Before the bunched up panties brigade starts flaming my post (those zealot pvp supporters)... no I'm not complaining... you play your way, I play mine. Sometimes I live 15 minutes sometimes I can get a few hours. No big deal either way for me.


I'm definitely in the "mad pvper" crowd that you mentioned, but you're good. Because, you're not asking the game to be changed, and you're not mad because of dying in a game where we're all meant to die. Those other idiots don't get it, but it seems like you do. *respect knuckles*

Your integrity is your choice and that makes it matter so much more.

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Ill be honest, one time I saw this guy with 20 zeds chasing him. he just spawned, he was asking for help.

Bam, lee enfield in his face. he died. I laughed. Good day sir.


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Ill be honest' date=' one time I saw this guy with 20 zeds chasing him. he just spawned, he was asking for help.

Bam, lee enfield in his face. he died. I laughed. Good day sir.



You get enjoyment out of this?

I hope you brought down every Zed within 5 miles down on your ass.

Or perhaps you DC right after you shot the guy.

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Hard to "foster a relationship" when everyone you meet just shoots you' date=' often from afar so theres 0 chance of communication.

So yes, there are bunches of bandits that camp the beach to kill newly spawned players. I have not been on a server yet where anyone has actually banded together apart from the bandits.

Probably because everyone is so worried that everyone else is going to kill them, so everyone shoots on sight now.


Do you communicate over microphone and try and see what their intentions are? Or do you just run up to them and assume they won't shoot you and then complain when they do.

I've never seen any bandits that camp the beach.

Once again, I've encountered a few people that shoot you on sight, sure. But I've also encountered a lot more friendly people that I've banded together with and fostered relationships with.

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Tell me where to go, I'll shoot up some bandits... I'll be the hero Cherno deserves...

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That video is a superb example of the future of Day-Z. I even like the comments,


They even did the "We're friendly!" bit in chat.

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That video is a superb example of the future of Day-Z. I even like the comments' date='


They even did the "We're friendly!" bit in chat.


You think they'd drive a vehicle on the coast if all the new spawns had makarovs?

You *NEVER* saw that before rocket took away pistols, because even if YOU are a horrible shot, many players would kill snipers et al with makarovs (or in this case, shoot at your windows). Whether they used a diversion, assaulted with greater #'s, or just had better aim, this happened OFTEN. I know because that's how I would often gear up after death. Hit up cherno/elektro, find the resident sniper, dome him in the head, and take his stuff. Usually it was a group of 2 or 3, enough gear for all of my friends.

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If I can't find a gun but I find a hatchet I just chase other new spawns until I die. It's kinda funny sometimes, other times it's just boring. But it beats spending your entire playtime just looking for a gun.

To clarify, I am a bandit because if I wasn't then other people would just shoot me first, aside from those who haven't the ability to do so.

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You mean like this?

Heh' date=' kids playing bandits with crosshair and third person and still acting all hardcore.

While it might be a nasty surprise for a first time player (what you mean you didn't read the guide?) that there are savages with guns running around and killing for fun it really shouldn't be all that hard to avoid them if you're smart (and I guess the vehicle noise pulls the zombies away from you, so go Yoink! some loot from the now empty houses...).

As the new player guide says, get the hell out from the beach.

As it has been stated, this isn't these "modern day" games where you're sheepherded through an easy path of learning simple controls and then the difficulty is moderate at worst (I remember those 90s shooters, damn they were hard, I never invested enough time to be able to properly play them on "hard", medium was challenging enough and forget about "nightmare")

disclaimer: I'm a fairly new player in DayZ, on my third life, all the time playing solo and never ran into anyone who had KOS-Policy, one guy helped me to fend off some Z (of course he was after share of the loot but he could easily have left me to die and have all of it) and then we went our separate ways, ran into a group of 3 (one was injured) in a building, after a few tense moments I left them be and wasn't shot in the back (both in the first life when I had a makarov on spawn), second life ended pretty badly when I walked into a zombie at night trying to get away from the beach, managed to lose them in the forest and bandage myself but then was very low on blood and while scavenging on next location (switched to a day server in between after getting fed up with the flashlight and the stupidly black night [which is another thread so do bother commenting on that']) a Z surprises me and I bleed out. Now I'm doing fairly fine, somethingmumble saved my ass once (was very low on blood due to not quite managing to sneak past a bunch of Z).

I actively avoid servers with CH on, 3P I don't mind as much but never use it myself. I've played ArmA2 a bit before DayZ, OFP quite a lot (esp FDFMod that has some insanely difficult missions).

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If there are gangs of armed bandits roaming the south coast, good. I never stay there anyways and those that do just haven't learnt yet that what they are doing is very predictable.

I've never seen it as a big deal to be killed on the coast only to respawn immediately with very little lost. These bandits seem to be wasting their time and ammo camping the coast, perhaps they are just trying to farm kills for the farmer boards or something or maybe they think that people actually give a shit and are trying to grief I guess.

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maybe they think that people actually give a shit and are trying to grief I guess.

Dude, people totally give a shit. Look at all the carebear sobbing on this forum! "Boohoo, I didn't have anything and someone killed me. I'm so upset about this!" or worse yet "I finally got all the perfect gear I wanted with help from my clan and now that I'm dead, the game's not fun anymore!"

Makes me happy.

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I pose the question

'So are there now gangs of armed SURVIVORS hunting defenseless BANDITS?'

If not, why? you get handy audio indicator now. Seems like a great task for a group of survivors, and as a bandit i would love it.

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If I can't find a gun but I find a hatchet I just chase other new spawns until I die. It's kinda funny sometimes' date=' other times it's just boring. But it beats spending your entire playtime just looking for a gun.

To clarify, I am a bandit because if I wasn't then other people would just shoot me first, aside from those who haven't the ability to do so.


Nope youre a Bandit cause you like killing defenseless people. Thats what we all can read in your text.

The Overall Black and White thing is wrong. Yes there are complaining people who get murdered at the Beach. Yes there are some funny persons who are in the mood to Coast-Camp (Were more before the "No-Unlimited Makarov Ammo" Patch)

The other people who don't complain here every day are teaming up with Friends, Clans and sometimes Random People and simply play the Game.

I died 2 times since the No Makarov Patch and wasn't killed afterwards, ran away from the Beach and got enough Loot in Towns and Villages a bit up North. Chernogorsk and Electro are PvP Areas, always were.

I roam mostly in small Teams and I wouldnt call myself a Bandit most oft the time but if you cross our way you're doomed. Thats how we play the game, grey not black or white. And most People do.

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