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CD Key in use

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My CD key was stolen i dont know how. Whenever i try to play dayz it says CD key in use. I bought Arma 2:CO off steam. I have not used any hacks what so ever, So i have no clue how somone stole my CD key.Are there any ways to get a new one or how i'm able to play the game again?

Edited by x341allday

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You probably had some type of malware or phishing program on your computer that stole it. You should scan your computer. In the end, if it really was stolen, it was your responsibility to keep it safe though. Sorry. :(

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Lets say you didn't download fake hacks, have you downloaded like a frame rate increaser or anything along them lines?

Edit: If you did download fake hacks, say so. Honesty has a better chance to help you.

Edited by MacabreLlama99
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I have not downloaded any hacks. I run a server though. I have scanned my computer there is nothing wrong with it. I just don't know what to do about it. i was just wondering if there is anyway i can get it back or do i have to rebuy the game?

Edited by x341allday

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some av dont find them because they don't replicate themselves they access the reg and send data to the internet just like any other program

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I THINK I had a problem like this a few days ago, when I reinstalled Arma 2 and OA, and Beta, too, which I didn't use before.

This is what fixed it for me:

Launch ArmA II first, then launch ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead, then launch Beta after all those 2 are launched at least once. I don't know if this will help you, but I sure hope so.

Cheers, and good luck!

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