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What to do once you have all your stuff

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I just logged off inside a building, as per usual. In my inventory I have:

- Camping Tent

- Compass

- Watch

- Hatchet

- Box Of Matches

- Hunting knife.

Do I go live in the wilderness now? I've basically got what I need to make myself baked meat all the time.

How does the camping tent work? Is it tied to the server it is used on, or does it spawn along with you?

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Tent is server only, it wont follow you. So pick a good server or have your own because when an update is released its very hard to get back.

Also stash your tent someone good, and not obvious.

OP, you go explore now, get more stuff, and stock up and then survive, at the moment there is no real goal, when the web developer finally adds in leaderboard i guess that it something.

Or you can try fix car and quads and stuff.

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You should head straight for the NW airfield... via stary sobor... raid the military tents whilst not getting snipied or chewed. You need a coyote backpack(bigger than alice) A decent assualt rifle, (m14 acog M16 A4 acog etc) and may be a smiper rifle... you also NEED NVG's.

Now doing this stuff whilst not getting shot is where the fun begins... its a lil less huggsy wuggsy at NW or stary in my experince. ;-)

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I managed to get everything except nvgs and it just wasn't worth the risk. You don't need nvgs critically unless you're planning to kill survivors out of boredom, or kill bandits.

I lived up north near a dam for 3 days RL hunting animals and it was clear that if you want to get on the leaderboard for longest alive (when it goes live), that is what to do. But it was so, boring. The aspect of this game really is rinse and repeat trying to clear towns to find and kit out, it really, really needs a pve aspect with some risk/reward in it.

I ended up heading to cherno north and popping all the newbies as they came towards the fire station, ended up raking in around 20 kills before I got really bored and reset to begin again.

It's just ironic that when you finally have your nvgs which you would find useful when trying to locate your kit, you end up not really needing them and killing others from the advantage it gives you and out of utter boredom.

Perhaps the secret is to try and find a bandit crew, but im yet to find a decent one.

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I would try to join a clan/gaming community and join up. Try to repair a vehicle and make it yours, helicopter raid on Cherno?

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chopper raid on Cherno would be pretty epic

I still think the game needs some victory condition. Finite number of Zeds (which will reset the server) or the complete fixing of a helicopter, vehicle, or maybe just having all the people on the server alive cooperatively for a set time period.

I think it would be pretty slick if the Arma2 engine could create "events" such as a military convoy clearing out some cities then moving off the map. Would be fun to watch... but likely not possible on the server

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Keep in mind there are other ARMA maps that could be "easily" converted to DayZ maps according to rocket...so maybe you fly away from Charnarus and crash land somewhere else...

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I just logged off inside a building' date=' as per usual. In my inventory I have:

- Camping Tent

- Compass

- Watch

- Hatchet

- Box Of Matches

- Hunting knife.

Do I go live in the wilderness now? I've basically got what I need to make myself baked meat all the time.

How does the camping tent work? Is it tied to the server it is used on, or does it spawn along with you?


You dont really seem to have anything... that is the basic starting gear to go and play the game, my group and I dont use tents but we all have that gear, plus NVGs, GPS, silenced weapons, largest backpacks and secondery rifles...

your goals will always change, today I found a push bike and a tractor... we also had a shoot out 2v4 and we won! (us being the two at the time) you always have something on your list or little check lists - need more SD ammo or meat, would like a better rifle or supplies and then after that you have player interactions/confrontations... and then again after that is personal goals... With one character I wanted to kill 10 players as a small goal and another time was to stay alive for more than 10 days... another was to get nightvision and once it was to fix up a car!

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