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For those who wonder if they can run it.

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I see lots of people asking if their system will run this, most of the time its just people showing off (will my shitty i7 at 4ghz with a 690 run this?) but sometimes its genuine, even more often people wonder if they need to get a better/more expensive laptop. I normally play on my desktop which is more than powerfull enough, however I wondered if it would run on my A8 equipped laptop. The answer is yes, and my laptop cost me just over 400$ about a year ago. Some info and screenshots below The screenshot without the options menu open is running low settings, both of these are void any tweaking to the games files for performance, and I took them in wasteland because that is what I was playing at the time.

Also, even though they say its running at 24/29fps it seems much smoother than that while playing, more akin to 35ish its hard to explain, but it doesn't feel choppy or anything at those frames, so I consider it totally playable.


System Information


Time of this report: 1/16/2013, 01:04:10

Machine name:

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120305-1505)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard

System Model: HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC

BIOS: InsydeH2O Version CCB.03.61.09F.21

Processor: AMD A8-3500M APU with Radeon™ HD Graphics (4 CPUs), ~1.5GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM

Card name: AMD Radeon™ HD 6620G



Edited by squat251

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I'm fairly certain that the performance is akin to whatever map/mod you're playing. I believe Wasteland runs better than DayZ mod for some reason. And in Chernarus I get good performance at 1920x1080 on a mix of high settings whereas on DayZ Taviana I have to play on medium to low to get a framerate above 20 in certain areas. This is a surprise because I have a Radeon 7870 graphics card which is more than capable of running more or less any modern game at their close to highest settings. DayZ Taviana is the only game on my PC which runs like shit :(

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The only sure way to measure ArmAII/CO performance is to run the Stress Tests that come with the game.

Make adjustments in the options and study the results.

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yep there is a built in benchmark in scenarios single player missions

tbh if you want to play this game at a exceptable level you want a fast 4 core cpu and a decent graphics card. iwouldnt even try and play on anything less

Edited by dgeesio

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or you could.... you know........













go to canirunit.com

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Or better yet the 'Can I Run It?' thread...

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