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Face camo paint / Military camouflage ?

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Camouflage face paint is used by troops in the Armed Forces to camouflage the skin. Exposed skin reflects light and may draw the opposing forces' attention.

i was thinking this would work great as a tool item slot and with your hunting knife and matches ect.

you could right click this and apply to face , where by the face would change to have camo on it ?

Military camouflage refers to any method used to render military forces less detectable to enemy forces. In practice, it is the application of colour and materials to military equipment of all kinds, including vehicles, ships, aircraft, gun positions and battledres, to conceal it from visual observation, or to make it appear as something else

i thought this would be great for cars.

it would work alonge the lines of refueling the car. You would have the net on you the scoll over the car and then the option would say camouflage vehicle.

just some ideas



Edited by Apo11o

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military camo face paint is not just lying on the streets.

finding it in a forest will be hard because the package is not reflecting, and GREEN.

Military medical tents? kinda funny to rub wounds with camo paint: "not to worry! your cut blood vains just dissapeared!"

Choppers? meh...

just scrape your face along a wall and look like a zombie. or:

trip, fall, pull face out off mud, punch laughing buddy's, carry on, laugh at buddy with bullet exit wound in head..

just my 2 cents..

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Just don't mistaken sh*t for mud,....if you do you will be giving yourself a disease for sure in SA lol

I could see a DayZ comic about this..

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The camo facepaints don't show up in the profile menu but they are availible if you go to documents/arma2/yourprofilename and scroll down to face and type in "Face04_camo4" etc. All faces are available here http://community.bis...:_CfgIdentities :)

i'll take a look tonight thanks... .

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Look it would be nice but If you can't even have good enough camo from Camo Clothes then tis would One of those things that would just be taken out from complaints or it being to "OP". If camo clothes were more like the old bandit skin but different for regular players and hero's thenI would support it but That's just not happening any time soon.

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