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NonovUrbizniz (DayZ)

Double vehicles on my server after multiple stops/starts/restarts

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Anyone have any idea how to remove multiple vehicles? I've even manually destroyed a couple of them and they keep respawning... 2 v3s's 2 ural's 2 mi17's 2uh1's 2 littlebirds etc etc etc.

I only have FTP access hosted by gameservers.com

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If anyone in the know is reading this I'd REALLY like some help. Gameserver.com is clueless....

I went through and destroyed EVERY duplicate vehicle many of them at their spawns... they keep coming back in doubles... sometimes right on top of each other so the clip or destroy themselves if someone fixes them....

PLEASE HELP I REALLY don't want to have to wipe the server and bone all the people who have legitimately stocked up tents and repaired vehicles.

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Cricket cricket.... SO I've been going back and forth with Gameservers.com and they have no idea other than re-install...

I don't want my players to lose their stuff so I'm not really ok with that...

First I went around and destroyed ALL the vehicles... not every single one but damn near... (luckily enough hacker had spawned a hacker box with 50 of everything so I saved a all the satchel charges for rainy days (I use them mainly to blow up hacked vehicles and hacker camps (I fly around the map so I can't drive over the tents))

So that seemed to work, but the first time I did it I only did the ones at the spawns.... I'm not sure if it was the next day or what, but there was another busy day on the server and hackers crashed just about every vehicle on the map.

After the next restart the double spawns started, Two of every vehicle where the original and the hacked one's had been destroyed... weird thing is the legit ones have the proper damage and spawn contents (Mt. Dews in Mi17's, Ammo/grenades in UAZ, tents in ATV's etc etc) but the hacked ones had NO contents and SOME damage but all had a little bit of gas so you could hop on and go....

First time I noticed this I was going to move some, but they were spawned on top of each other and lots ended up either blowing up themselves or making the other one bounce off it and blow up as soon as I got in... I almost died like 5 times... other times they just separated fine and the hack one could drive off...

I blew them all up hoping it would correct itself after stopping the server for a couple of minutes and doing a restart..

No luck.

I've moved almost all the vehicles I know the spawn points for and freaking drove them to the corners of the map and damaged the crap out of them... it's prob. the most rediculously PITA thing I've ever had to do though.... I run to a vehicle, HOPE it doesn't kill me when I get in, use parts I've saved to fix it, and then drive it 3-5k into the woods and shoot the shit out of it... like 2 out of 10 have gotten destroyed half way or more into the journey or while I'm shooting them to damage. So they just respawn again...

It's making me totally insane that I have to spend every minute of time I have to play running and moving vehicles I will then never use again as they're not legit lol... but I don't know what else to do...


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I really don't want to re-install but I literally can not stomach all the work it takes checking and moving the double vehicles I'm most concerned about... lol I'm also running out of parts which I REALLY didn't think would be possible, but I guess with no time to play and shit tons of extra vehicles it makes sense.

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Yes. PUBLIC hive server. Hosted by Gameservers.com the one listed in my sig.

I don't really get what I can do to change it. but it keeps happening. everytime we have a major hack attack over the weekend and I go to check spawn points there are either double vehicles or one one day then another the next... depending on the timing of the vehicles being destroyed and their respawn rates...

I had problems with non-legit stuff sticking on restarts before (thunderdomes and hacker boxes (empty after restart but the set piece remained)... For those stopping the server and waiting a couple minutes then restarting it fixed it up fine... this I can't get to go away...

ALL the hacked vehicles seem to spawn with normal damage but at least some fuel if not full ( I don't know if it's leaking out as time goes by or if they are actually spawning with variable amounts of fuel) they also DO NOT spawn with any equipment like the legit ones do, IE no CZ's in White Offroad.

Driving and parking as many as I can stomach off map helps for the low value vehicles cuz no one bothers, but the heli's and big trucks get stolen or teleported or destroyed almost EVERY weekend...

I've lost any ability to play the game for fun... all I do is run around trying to keep the vehicle quantity as close to legit as I can... I REALLY don't want to do a re-install but I"m going to change the welcome message this week and warn people...

Last time legit tents stuck (some duped but TONS disappeared) but vehicles all went back to day one... at the time there was no AH6 or Mi17 and our map had previously NOT been spawning a UH1 so the reinstall actually corrected the lack of UH1 (I don't know if that was a product of the reinstall or a change to the public hive that ensured every map had 1 heli)..

Any help is GREATLY appreciatted. I wish there were more resources for Mods who want to host and keep a server running for dedicated legit players... I hate the idea of password locking or whitelisting but I feel like that's turning into my only option.

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