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Ok I just started playing today. I joined a USA server and asked in side chat how to get back to that server. A guy told me to search Token each time and it would show up. It was night time on the server and for some reason I spawned in a city. so I went on playing and found a motor bike standing up in the middle of the road. I just hopped on it and drove it off. I'm like cool my first vehicle find. I drive it around for awhile and out of the corner of my eye I see a Helicopter crash (I had been playing all day my first day and found nothing more than a crossbow in a barn lol) I saw the light in the sky from the fire. I park the bike and crawl forever all the way to the heli (there was a good 10 zombies surrounding it) I managed to crawl up and found an AS50. I was so excited to have found both these items. I crawl back to the bike and as soon as I get to it I get this message. "You have been banned for hacking and spawning in items we were watching you" and boom disconnected. Now I'm so mad right now I can't even explain. I played all day never finding a thing and as soon as I do I get banned for doing nothing wrong. I'm trying to find out the server IP as we speak. I just bought the game today even have the Steam receipt they e-mailed me. There is no proof I was hacking because, well.. I wasn't.

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Stories aren't what we want in the ban appeals section.

Please post in the correct format.

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