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♫ Gypsy ♫

What do players REALLY want?

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Hi all :) I have my own server with my clan and a few randoms. My question is this, what do you as players want from a server? My server has custom bases, weapon crates and you spawn with NVG's I am lost as to what people want :blush: I leave it a plan server it is dead.. I enable rMod and people came for a day then dead again.. Now I have the custom map and have had traffic, however, people who joined my clan have left saying that it is not like DayZ :huh: I am so confused.. I would like input from daily players :thumbsup: Thanks for your time! :D

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I will Share one of my older versions of my Map if you would lIke, you can then add on to it in Map editor. My Server is fairly full 7 Days a Week.

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Why not add custom gear that may hype up population or make it a 24/7 day time, custom vehicles wrecks, new buildings on NWAF and NEAF, it just depends on what people on the server want enable side chat and directly ask your current players maybe?

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Maps without custom bases and easy to get loot.

It's not DayZ.

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or you could try a new Taviana Map Server.

Also to added Normal DayZ is kinda boring after a few Months of Game Play....

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Yea, spawning with gear is not so cool, its the hunting for treasure while fearing for yah life that makes this game. Custom loot tables are all good though, and servers with plenty o vehicles seem to populate well.

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Thanks for all of your feedback!! :D I actually have over 200 vehicles and you spawn with NVG (24/7 daylight really not needed) you also spawn with a golden revolver :P my map has been worked on for weeks and have custom buildings and bases (to take over) and also NWAF has custom barracks with weapon crates. Has DayZ lost its charm? keep the feedback coming :rolleyes:

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DayZ has its charm, its the players within DayZ that make me have second thoughts.

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Given beans in two different posts in same topic?


you may have my beans Gypsy. :beans:

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Thanks for all of your feedback!! :D I actually have over 200 vehicles and you spawn with NVG (24/7 daylight really not needed) you also spawn with a golden revolver :P my map has been worked on for weeks and have custom buildings and bases (to take over) and also NWAF has custom barracks with weapon crates. Has DayZ lost its charm? keep the feedback coming :rolleyes:

Getting the stupid circle-jerk over beans out of the way, loads of people, myself included do not like servers likes this.

Servers that:

A) Have too many vehicles

B) Have end-game loot at the start

C) Have guns at the start

Are all retarded. It defeats the purpose of DayZ when you get everything handed to you from the start, there is literally no point in the game if you already start with weapons and there are so many vehicles, there is no end-game or anything to aspire to whatsoever.

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Agreed. You have to remember what brings people to DayZ to begin with. If logged into your server and had NVG's in my gear I'd log out instantly. The point of DayZ is starting with nothing and the adventure you have whilst scavenging.

I personally really hate servers like this, it breaks the very concept of the game. Kudos for at least asking though, there is still hope.

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Rossums then it's simple, don't play on that server. This Server also seems like a copy of what mine is :thumbsup:

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Rossums then it's simple, don't play on that server. This Server also seems like a copy of what mine is :thumbsup:

What was the point in this post?

He asked what players want, he was told what I want - it's the point of the thread.

You seem lost.

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Rossums then it's simple, don't play on that server. This Server also seems like a copy of what mine is :thumbsup:

The very point of this thread is that he wants our opinions. If you have an opinion for him then share it, otherwise leave the thread.

Edited by Fraggle

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Thanks once again for all the feedback :D I like where this is going :thumbsup: But I need more feedback of what people prefer, plain DayZ or custom DayZ ^_^ I also am not a man :lol: I love this game and want to do it the best :rolleyes:

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I would say I have to agree for the most part with these guys. I don't like joining a server where you're hand is held. The real problem you face, is that people are split and you will never please everyone. Some people will never want to play a game like Dayz because in vanilla, its hard. For some its impossible for them to grasp why anyone would want to be challenged. Too many people want their hand held. I wish someone would make their server even harder. No flying vehicles, no thermals, no sniper rifles, no nvg and zombies that don't give a crap that you're hiding in a bush/tree. That would be my ideal place to play. Listening to me though, will instantly turn off 95% of the players of this game but that's my point altogether.

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I have updated my server :) I have removed all weapon crates and also you will only spawn with a bandage flashlight and pouch :D The custom bases are still on the map. The zombies are lunatics :lol: Thanks so much for all the input!!

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have to say not a fan of giving any gear when starting, a bandage, torch and packet of painkillers is more than enough. You give high end gear to new spawns and you wipe out one of the most important parts of the game hunting for gear!

give them nothing and let them find it, don't rip out one of the fundamental parts of the game to please a few spoilt kids that want everything NOW!

UPDATE: just seen your post above. Nice Choice :thumbsup:

Edited by trichome
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Agreed that starting gear completely defeats the purpose for me but that is what most of what DayZ player base wants, the kiddies at least.I ran a vanilla server with some custom modifications, debug monitor, removed the m107/as50/dmr/l85a2 aws. My players only spawned with a chech bag, a bandage, and a flashlight. Those changes put me in the same place as you, I think my peak was 2 players LOL. Before private hives, I had a 40/40 server that was full almost 24/7. Private hives gave admins to much power over the game and completely destroyed the mod, now if you don't start with a gun, have over 1k vehicles and 24/7 daylight your probably wont get many players. This is why I shut my server down until the standalone.

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You guys are all awesome!! I invite each of you to my server :D Thanks so much for the input :thumbsup: Beans for all :beans:

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