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My first 6 kills in 5 min, how i became a bandit, share yours

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ok so here i am looting cherno after playing Dayz for like a week without a kill. I go to loot the super market found and enfield and go to the dfirection on elektro where i suddenly see a bandit with an m24, give him a perfect headshot and take his m24 and head to elektro through the mountains where i stumble across a driving truck with 5 people in side get two shots on it killingthe driver. The other 4 get out and i shoot the first one,right next to the bus the other one 50 m away and two of em try to flank me shoot one in the head right next to me and then the other one.

And thats how i became a bandit, the best thing is how tyour heart beats when you kill the survivors,. priceless....

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Looting NW airfield saw a survivor,killed him and got his sweet m1m4

Better kill and get better gear than be dead with nothing,right?

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Shot the person for his drink. I was attempting to take it from his backpack, but he found out and the situation escalated from there.

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My first kills were actually a multi-kill. I was heading to Stary to loot the camps with a friend and after sweeping the tree lines for snipers, we were coming down the back wooded hill next to the tents at this point I was rather careless as I was certain there were no snipers in the area. Only to hear my friend shouting over TS that 2 people just went into the tents. This was the first occasion I had even seen another player, before I realised what was even happening I told my friend that I was engaging, I had an M14 Aim. I killed the first before he even knew what was happening, the second guy jumped up on to the air conditioning vents behind one of the tents. He got anhilated swiftly without either firing a shot.

I left their bodies as I was feeling quite bad about KOS without any provocation. We decided to vacate Stary heading North through the little copse of trees. But by this point my friend was lagging behind so I jumped into a bush to wait for him, just as he caught up with me some random came charging out of the bushes and killed my friend only to receive a headshot for his insolence.

By this point the polygons were eating my screen up and I could barely see. I headed west to stay by the wall and hopefully have some cover and concealment while waiting for my friend to return. 20 minutes passed and I had tabbed out briefly, when I tabbed back I caught a glimpse of something moving. Again, the screen glitches were making it very hard to distinguish. Then I realised what it was I was looking at, a guy slow crawling to the copse of trees where my friend and the insolent one died. I stood up and charged across the field and caught up with him, he had no idea I was practically on top of him until I unloaded into his back.

I decided discretion was the better course of valour and headed north into the tree line, as now I knew that there was atleast 4 people heading back to Stary for their corpses and anyone in the area had probably heard my shenanigans. One of the lucky devils I killed had obviously stumbled across a bike, I engaged but the distance was too great for my noobish skills at that time. He had hidden my friends body and looted his own.

Either way, it was a clear victory on my part.

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i crawled up on electro hospital to get meds. had played like a week with "stealth mode" on. so whenever i meet a player i just proned till he was gone. i saw a dude with a DMR inside the office. i shoot him in the head with my lee (i had a medium level of sniping skills. because i had been playing Arma 2 Free edition since i learned about DayZ) i take his DMR. then i leave electro. on the way out. a sniper shoots at me with his AS50. i sprint to a tree and engage him. and kills him. and suddenly i get a bandit skin (the old one though. that bandit skin looked awesome. instead of just a towel wrapped around your head). when i run over to loot the guy. a team of 2 armed with double barrel and winchester goes to loot the sniper. i kill them both and get geared up with everything you might want (all tools. range finder. AS50 + 3 mags. MK48 mod 0. coyote backpack.) i survived 60 days on that character. loging in almost every day

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how i became a bandit ..

went north to stary sobor with a friend, he had a Lee Enfield and a M9SD (which he found in the AT Tower at Balota), i got an AKM.

we were about 2km from Stary away, when he said "chances are high that we'll encounter players from here on" about 5 secs later, a guy peeked around a tree, looking straight at us. "Playaa!" i shouted thru TS, taking cover behind a tree in the same second (by that time i played ArmA2 / DayZ for about 2 days so i wasn't expecting too much bullet-resistance from a tree, but better than nothing). that guy just kept starring at us, even as i moved toward him from tree to tree. i got to about 50m next to him, when he said "hey enfield guy there, drop all ur gear, and fuck off, and then maybe we're cool." - told my friend to do as he said, as he obviously had no clue i was there (can't believe he didn't saw me until today). So when he was going for the loot of my mate, i walked up behind him, saying "I don't think this belongs to you. Any last words?", he didn't say anything for like 5 seconds, so i said "obviously not. well then, good night." and shot him in the head.

as if this wasn't enough already, in the same second my mate was coming back over the edge to collect his stuff again, he said "behind you, player."

almost instantly i turned around spraying a whole clip of AKM bullets into the air. it was, lucky as i was, my last full mag aswell, only had 2 bullets in the other one left. shot both at the random guy, he felt unconscious. walked up to him as i pulled out my Revolver, saying "not today, son. once you wake up, feel free to leave. don't turn around, don't shoot at me, just walk 1km straight north. if you don't, you're dead."

well, he didn't walk northwards, he rather preferred to attack me with his hatchet (i don't know how he got to stary alive with only a hatchet, but he obviously made it). was a big mistake to him, Revolver vs. Hatchet still Revolver wins.

from that point on, and some more shooting on all kind of people (no matter wether survivor, bandit or hero) with all sorts of weapons (starting with AKM, M4A1, M16A2, to M4A3 CCO, eventually ending up with a L85A2 AWS and an AS50. that character survived for like 30-40 days before i was killed by hacker using godmode, his PDW and a hatchet .. - he survived 2 AS50 hits with NATO ammo, not to mention the 50+ bullets out of my friends M249 SAW)

i got the irremovable bandit skin and that rapid heartbeat people get when aiming at some bandits, like i was carrying the whole sky on my back.

Edited by not_today_son.
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how i became a bandit ..

went north to stary sobor with a friend, he had a Lee Enfield and a M9SD (which he found in the AT Tower at Balota), i got an AKM.

we were about 2km from Stary away, when he said "chances are high that we'll encounter players from here on" about 5 secs later, a guy peeked around a tree, looking straight at us. "Playaa!" i shouted thru TS, taking cover behind a tree in the same second (by that time i played ArmA2 / DayZ for about 2 days so i wasn't expecting too much bullet-resistance from a tree, but better than nothing). that guy just kept starring at us, even as i moved toward him from tree to tree. i got to about 50m next to him, when he said "hey enfield guy there, drop all ur gear, and fuck off, and then maybe we're cool." - told my friend to do as he said, as he obviously had no clue i was there (can't believe he didn't saw me until today). So when he was going for the loot of my mate, i walked up behind him, saying "I don't think this belongs to you. Any last words?", he didn't say anything for like 5 seconds, so i said "obviously not. well then, good night." and shot him in the head.

as if this wasn't enough already, in the same second my mate was coming back over the edge to collect his stuff again, he said "behind you, player."

almost instantly i turned around spraying a whole clip of AKM bullets into the air. it was, lucky as i was, my last full mag aswell, only had 2 bullets in the other one left. shot both at the random guy, he felt unconscious. walked up to him as i pulled out my Revolver, saying "not today, son. once you wake up, feel free to leave. don't turn around, don't shoot at me, just walk 1km straight north. if you don't, you're dead."

well, he didn't walk northwards, he rather preferred to attack me with his hatchet (i don't know how he got to stary alive with only a hatchet, but he obviously made it). was a big mistake to him, Revolver vs. Hatchet still Revolver wins.

from that point on, and some more shooting on all kind of people (no matter wether survivor, bandit or hero) with all sorts of weapons (starting with AKM, M4A1, M16A2, to M4A3 CCO, eventually ending up with a L85A2 AWS and an AS50. that character survived for like 30-40 days before i was killed by hacker using godmode, his PDW and a hatchet .. - he survived 2 AS50 hits with NATO ammo, not to mention the 50+ bullets out of my friends M249 SAW)

i got the irremovable bandit skin and that rapid heartbeat people get when aiming at some bandits, like i was carrying the whole sky on my back.

I'd just like to say it's not always the way, I was a new spawn and decided to screw around with a hatchet before going to get gear and move inland, I walked into the electro store and there was a guy with a revolver he put 3 bullets into me but I still wound up victorious, if only to die from zombies from the revolver shot, but still it was hilarious.

Onto my first kill though I believe it was with a CZ and had spent the last hour roaming Cherno, I saw a guy in the Firestation and decided I was sick of trying to be the good guy and shot him, and then I notice on chat that he was telling his friend he was just shot so I decided to wait and sure enough his friend comes up to loot his body and I kill him too, and leave the loot and continue on.

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this happened an hour or so ago: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/118611-i-just-killed-someone-i-think-for-the-first-time/

after that happened i joined another server, was scouting for bandits at firestation when i hear this guy saying he wants to kill me or who ever is "on the roof", then i climb down (almost exact same situation) and see this guy, lying down searching for loot (the same guy) so i unload 3 slugs on him, i come down and boom gold mine, i find an ak47 and an m16a3 (or something) and a camp, i left both since i already had a m1014 and i don't know what's better, but my shotgun did 4500 damage or something. the guy's brother in ghillie and some other guy come to the firestation with hatchets, i shoot one guy (2 shots, almost dead) and run away from the other. fuck, what a night.

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First kill for me was while looting NWAF. Was in the tree line opposite the hangers an off road came charging up the middle of the runway. A player gets out to look at the plane stood on the runway. I have my M24 on him, heart beating thinking do I shoot or not. He stops checking the plane and raises his DMR to scout the tree line I'm hiding in. Just before he looks directly at me I head shot him....instant kill. Feeling guilty and chuffed at the same time I realise there was two of them. The other one just got into the vehicle and sped off north. I left the body and continued on. Noticed in chat the second player saying he was going to hunt me down to avenge his mate. He hasn't found me yet 20 days on :-) Logged on everyday since but only seen a couple of other players one was a new spawn so didn't do more than watch him pass and the other I didn't have a clear shot so didn't engage. Quite a rush that first kill nothing like any other game I've played....and I've been killing other players since Unreal and Unreal Tornament 15 years ago!

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My first kill...

i spawn near Elektro enter a house and find a makarovPM 2 mags and in another a hatchet. i leave the house to see two guys running from 4 or 5 zombies. since i was killed earlier that day i decide to go bandit. noticing all i had was a makarov i stay as far behind as i could not attracting any attention.i follow them from Elektro to Churno incountering 2 fresh spawns whick i kill with axe to be as sneaky as i could while stalking the other 2 unfortunate survivors. i stick to the tree line not knowing if i had been spotted. they take position in the churno hospital killing the last few zombies with his hatchet. after the last zombie i immediatly run up the stairs with my makarov unloading a clip into 1 of them and 3 bullets in the other which 1 was a head shot. scavenging them i find blood packs, epi pins, and morphine auto-injectors, with a enfield no ammo, and a hatchet which i already have. i stayed there for 5 days killing all that had came in (which had been atleast 12) then i am sniped and finally killed with a shot to the head. i was disappointed but knew i could do it again.

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I was driving with a convoy (2 trucks, 1 jeep, and a helicopter) when out of nowhere someone shot the helicopter, crashed onto the jeep, and they were killed. we were still 6-7 guys in number so we decide to make a run for it in our trucks. well, they had about 3 jeeps and they were 12 strong. we were on a chase until our fuel ran out. so we decide to make it to a major city with our 4 or 5 minutes of fuel left and so we go into eletro. For some reason they turned around like, this is enough, and left us. explenation: 3 guys with ak47's which we fought but still barley won. it was epic, one of the few moments as most of dayz is scavenging not trying to get shot.If your wondering i joined their convoy because they were my in real life friends and heled me out, i am still kindda a noob XD.we were not pretty well equiped so we refuelled after that and declared a sort-kinda victory.

Edited by Rigjuce

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I was looting cherno, still in "bambi mode activate". I had my winchester in my backpack so nobody wouldtake me as hostile. Big mistake. Right as i leave the supermarket, some asshole in what looked like a hero skin tried to shoot me with a lee enfield. Somehow, i had aggroed a zombie, and the zombie blocked the shot for me <3. I ran behind the supermarket, and emptied 5 shots into him. He had nothing on him, but I learned that it is kill or be eaten by zombies.

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So, I am being a lone wolf and I found a red vw golf in cherno. There was a M4A1 with red dot sight and silencer and i took the car. I drove around the city, then I found a lootable house. I parked my car and went inside there. All the sudden I saw a bambi going inside my car. I shot him to the head through the windshield and he died...Sadly. Then the server restarted and the car went gone. So, I was right there, running around the city randomly, until a guy with a sniper shoots me from the hill next to cherno. I ran into cover and managed to sneak up behind him. There were two of 'em, both with AS50. I took 'em both out because they were shooting at me. That's how I got my bandit skin and AS50. I'm loving this gun :D.

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Can't remember my first kill, but I can remember my funniest!




Aaand I won. Unfortunately his friend killed me right after, but hey, did it for teh lulz.

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About an hr ago, I was playing on Namalsk (still am), when i'm looting the fire station I hear footsteps come up behind me and then I turn around to see a player aiming down his sights at me, I run out the backdoor and slowly creep back in and realized that he has put barbwire across the entrance to upstairs, well I tried to hop over it but it didn't work, I then remember there is a ladder so I walk around the side and he is coming down it. I lay the whole magazine of my PDW into him and that KO's him so then I shot him in the head with my double barrel. Ever since then I've been knocking off players trying to loot the army base. One didn't like it when I kept taunting him so he decided to combat log. ;(

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After a lot of mishap lately, I've finally decided to take out and stick to the M4A1 CCO SD.

So the other day, I was outside NW airfields west barracks, crawling to the entrance not to alert zeds on a 4 man server.

When suddenly something runs up to me.. I Panic, stand up (dont ask why) and started shooting for his legs but missed.

He ran into the barracks (later found out his name was "iPC" or something) and he grabbed a M24 SAW in there, so I run and lay behind a tree, while hes killing zombies. For 5 minutes I try to get a clear shot, but it doesnt work -_- so I'm getting frustrated, and see him run into a room.

You must understand the SAW makes A LOT of noise, and I was surrounded by zombies everywhere. He was in the last room in the barracks still shooting the gun,

killing zombies (he seemed to have alot of fun with that lmfao); And I go to the window, try to get a lean shot but its unsuccesful.

The guy probably didn't even hear me, since I stepped to the side of the window, saw him in a corner, and shot 8 straight shots at him, lunging all on torso.

He falls down, and the corpse dissapears, and reappears after 30 seconds. He had an alice backpack (I have coyote anyways) I was a bit dissapointed, until

I scout through his items.. NVG. Bingo.

So walking out (didnt take the SAW) I find his M4A1 CCO (NOT SD LIKE MNE) he entered the barracks in. After hiding the corpse (NO M24 SAW FOR ANYONE!) I took his gun, and ventured back away from NW.. Its the Night life for me now..

Edited by DaestE

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Oh just adding, the best kill I ever made, was when I was on a server and still owned a lot of cars. I Had a military Jeep, and decided to ride to komarovo to pick up my friend, he was a first timer back then.

Somebody asked me to "stop the #%#%ing car" through side channel, and of course I Told him (%@#(% himself

Anyways, on the road between Kamenka and Komarovo there was a bandit running. I didnt know, and thought it was a noob so I wanted to help.

Before I know it the bandit already hopped in my damn car -_-. So im telling him to get out, and eventually get out myself not even 50 meters further, to shoot him.

As I shot him, he took my car and drove off. (he was probably laughing). He nearly left my sight until I got the idea. I had an m4A1 Holo and 3 HE grenades.

I shot a grenade up in the air (Just for fun didn't think I'd hit him), and started running in the directions.

Suddenly I notice a HUGE FIRE. so I walk there, and see the guy crawling out the car, bandaging himself.

So in my rage mode, I watched him bandage and let him get up and run. (Stupidly, he started running to me).

So as I was shooting him, I kept missing by his super slick nooby movement, and my terrible aiming. So I took out another HE and fired, and missed.

And then the third (and last) he and it landed right behind him as he was less then 100 meters away from me.

He flew from the ground, and died there.

Moral is, Never take a strangers car. You dont want to know what happens when you do that.

Edited by DaestE

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A guy showed up and told me he was going to kill me if I didn't drop my weapon so I decided to take him down instead.

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i joined a carebear server

there was a massive congo line of like 4 heroes and 10+ new players

As soon as i found a M4 I mowed them down

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Threw an empty tin can at a helicopter.

Didn't end well for him.

It destroyed it.

Good lord that's funny! In a universe where tin cans are like anti-material rounds...

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