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Loving the clothes in the Standalone

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I really am liking the look of the clothing in the standalone. You actually look like genuine survivors now as opposed to military personnel. The hoody looks cool, the jeans look stylish, and the shoes look like Adidas shoes or something. Really cannot wait now. I wonder what other clothing items there will be?


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I don't know, it adds a new elemet of simulation to it but tbh I'm going to shoot you no matter what you are wearing, if i get a new pair of shoes in the process happy days

Edited by Guest

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Now the douches will not kill for beans instead now for shoes :b

"Hey brah,you got a nice pair a nike" Bam bam dead :b

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Yeah I think there'll be some simple clothing options to choose from each time you start a new character. E.g. picking a blue hoody as opposed to a red hoody, maybe a couple of t-shirts or jackets. I reckon there'll be some better items in-game though, stuff like proper army jackets and whatnot. Ghillie suits, etc will obviously return.

Edited by OldWorld

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I can just imagine people having fights over the color of they're clothes.

You are wearing a red-shirt, ima kill you fool

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Reddit post from rocket on clothing system

Boots are part of the clothing system. currently the followwing clothing systems exist for standalone:

Headwear (e.g. motorcycle helmet)

Vision / Face

Torso (jacket, hoodie etc..)

Vest (anti-stab etc...)

Trousers (e.g. cargo pants)

Footwear (e.g. boots, trainers, sneakers)

I believe footwear, like in "the road", will be one of the most important items in the game.

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I think the clothing, like the weapons, will have durability to them as well, so after being mobbed with zombies and blood-stained with bandit blood i can understand it.

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I am looking forward to costumizing clothing of my character. It will make it much easier to know who is the man you're rolling with if he has different clothes from almost everyone else.

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I always wanted to play dress up Barbie in my zombie apocalypse game! :P

I just hope there end up being more options then you can shake a badger on a stick at.

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Now the douches will not kill for beans instead now for shoes :b

"Hey brah,you got a nice pair a nike" Bam bam dead :b

The Cherno Shoe Wars.

"Yeah I'm friendly"


"LOLjk just wanted your Adidas :)"

People will be heading to the NWAF not for military equipment, but the legendary Air Jordans.

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I'm actually a little apprehensive that there will be a ton of idiots running around without pants on because they think it's funny.

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I'm actually a little apprehensive that there will be a ton of idiots running around without pants on because they think it's funny.

I for one will be sniping while nude.

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I for one will be sniping while nude.


I can only hope that you'll freeze to death or have some other penalty for doing that.

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Is that an actual alpha screenshot or did you just represent what the clothing you can wear on the standalone will look like by using ArmA II?

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Is that an actual alpha screenshot or did you just represent what the clothing you can wear on the standalone will look like by using ArmA II?

Where have you been mate? ;)


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The more options in clothing to wear the better. I want to change my clothes to match my mood. Feeling like a groovy survivor, got to grab the birkenstocks. Put on the suit and tie so that when someone snipes me, Ill make a good looking corpse.

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The stance also looks a lot more natural. Something small, but always hated the rigid unarmed models in Arma.

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