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Sleep Mechanic?

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Has there been any discussion on a sleep mechanic being implemented?

Such as sleeping indoors can increase your change for disease resistance or something along those lines?

Having your character's staying logged into that server and suceptable to theifs/bandits until logging into a new server?



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Has there been any discussion on a sleep mechanic being implemented?

Such as sleeping indoors can increase your change for disease resistance or something along those lines?

Having your character's staying logged into that server and suceptable to theifs/bandits until logging into a new server?



Never thought of a sleep mechanic. That could be a good feature. Say have it cure you of cold/illness and refresh your health to maximum for when you log in but you have to sleep for 5-7 hours.

I would say sleep for 8-10 like I do but I know sure as hell that I would not be sleeping well in a zombie apocalypse unless I had a session with that blonde from Big Bang Theory the night before.

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I'd like this if it was a log-off mechanic, like if you log off you go to sleep, and you are suspectible to bandits and so on. To prevent getting too cold, you could sleep indoors or in camping tents. This would prevent combat loggers, and make DayZ much more interesting. While being asleep/logged-off you would slowly regenerate your blood at a rate of 1 per second, a.k.a in one hour, you would have 3600 blood back. This would also make bases more useful, because they are these safe places you can sleep in without getting found.

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I'd like this if it was a log-off mechanic, like if you log off you go to sleep, and you are suspectible to bandits and so on. To prevent getting too cold, you could sleep indoors or in camping tents. This would prevent combat loggers, and make DayZ much more interesting. While being asleep/logged-off you would slowly regenerate your blood at a rate of 1 per second, a.k.a in one hour, you would have 3600 blood back. This would also make bases more useful, because they are these safe places you can sleep in without getting found.

I agree. This would be very interesting. Maybe it could even send you a message through Steam telling you that there may be something nearby. I mean who sleeps through hordes of zombies rushing past them, even if indoors? Just something to think about.
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I agree. This would be very interesting. Maybe it could even send you a message through Steam telling you that there may be something nearby. I mean who sleeps through hordes of zombies rushing past them, even if indoors? Just something to think about.

Absolutley - Was thinking the same thing. Maybe a text to your phone? I did see there were mentions of API's in the future with standalone. whether they can do that or not - i have no idea. I believe an email would be possible though

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yes. staying online while not being logged in would be a half decent idea because you would have to find safe haven to sleep and heal your wounds, sleep is the best cure in real life.. but its a fine line to becoming to much and no longer becoming fun at all.

as long as it keeps the thirst for life im happy!

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I saw this thread when i was about to post my sleep mechanic idea, but i guess, this thread will do just fine. :)

Anyway, Here's my idea:

Basically, the sleeping mechanic will be connected to the vaccine & disease system but more on the vaccine system.

•Every vaccine has a chance to give you a side-effect (ie. Dukoral (cholera vaccine) which uncommonly gives people head-aches, abdominal pain and 2 other side effects)

•The duration of the side-effects may vary (Minimum of 30mins to 1hour)

•If affected by a side-effect or a common sickness (cold, flue, fever, etc.), Player could rest/sleep which would dramatically lessens the duration.

•While in rest/sleep state, You could choose on which sleep state you are gonna take.

•Two sleep states:

•Alert state - You could hear sounds but your screen will be black. But it'll be not as effective than,

•Deep sleep - You'll hear no sounds and your screen would be black. But you'll get better alot quicker.

Examples of a situation i have in mind:

1.) One of my buddies are infected with cholera and just found a vaccine. We head out the nearest shelter that we could find and administer the cure there. We set up defensive positions to make sure our buddy could rest peacefully.

2.) Going solo, i just looted a vaccine for my disease. Decided that it's too risky to take the vaccine now because the risk of side-effects. I headed out the wooded area and decided to pitch a tent for me to rest in. I would be on Alert state because i have no one to defend me, and if i hear a sound i could be waken up much quicker.

That's it! i hope you guys, like my idea. :D

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Forgive me for the any spelling mistakes, on my phone :( but I love the idea of the alert state and deep sleep. And also the idea of tying it into the disease features of the game.

If integration with steam messing, cell phone or email would be possible, it would be beneficial to the "alert state"

The tricky part would be implementing in a way that doesn't punish players for NOT sleeping. As you don't want them to feel they HAVE to be logged out for long periods of time incase they want to roll a 14 hr dayz session

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It has it's risk and reward. And it doesn't differ if you have a group of not. Because if you got a guy on your group sleeping, you guys would be sitting ducks by protecting him. Same as going solo. Besides, what i was thinking of about the duration of sleep would be dependant on the sickness you have but it won't certainly have like a 5-10+ hour sleeping time. IE. You got a headache, which lasts about 30-50mins game time. When you sleep, that duration decreases to 15-25 minutes.

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I think having to sleep while offline would be to much. Why not either have sleeping bags you can pick up or enterable homes which you can loot for food and sleep in a bed. and the sleep would only be 5 minutes. I know 5 minutes sounds short and not very real but when you knock out for 5 minutes in game, you are waiting anxiously to the last second to get up. So I believe making you sleep for 5 minutes would work, or 10. What should be allowed though is if your player goes to bed and then you log off then he stays there for the 10 minutes and the character doesn't log out of the server until the time is up.

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I don't really like the fact that you'll log out of the game just to sleep. A black screen would be enough to emulate sleeping, imo. 5 minutes is too short to be a risk. 10-30 mins makes it more a risk, again, imo.

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I support the idea of linking sleep to logging out but it shouldn't be a required action. Sleep as a gameplay mechanic for a multiplayer game is boring and with all of the other realistic aspects of dayz implementing it halfway or part-way (i.e. you have to do nothing for 5 minutes) would be silly. So what I propose is instead of making how long you sleep or the need to sleep important, just make WHERE you sleep (read: where you log out) important. Logging out in the wilderness without first setting up a tent should be possible like it is now but should carry the penalty of a temperature drop or chance to catch a disease on login after a certain amount of time has passed. It would also make some popular concealed places to login and out (i.e. sniper hills) less desirable since doing so would increase the chances of catching disease and would make logging out in wierd places like the tents in stary sobor or the NWAF barracks less common. Again it would still be possible to log out there without pitching a tent but you do so at risk of disease due to improper shelter during sleep.

Tldr: Sleep should coincide with logging out but not be a "need". Where you log out and the shelter it provides should be what matters.

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i think that the idea of logging off while sleeping keeps your character there, but keeping every player in-game even when logged out would nuke the servers. sleeping should not be forced when logged out, but if you started sleeping and then logged out, you should stay for as long you decided to sleep (sleep time chosen with an alarm clock or something).

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