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Animations/moves used in DayZ (sitting)?

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Does anyone know the move for the sitting animation in DayZ? I'm trying to recreate it in the single player editor but I can't find the move anywhere.

Also, not as important but if anyone knows the moves for the three animations shown in succession

then I'd be very grateful.


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As the guy above me said, its in the controls, somewhere below the look controls.

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Thanks for the replies, but I don't think you guys understand quite what I'm asking for.

What I need is the name of the actual animation that's being performed... it'll look something like 'ErcRflLow_sitTable' (but that's not it).

Edited by PearShaped

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Thanks for the replies, but I don't think you guys understand quite what I'm asking for.

What I need is the name of the actual animation that's being performed... it'll look something like 'ErcRflLow_sitTable' (but that's not it).

If I understand correct there is two options for you - go hardway http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA2:_Moves or easy way and download http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6056 in both places you can get loads of animations

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That works great, thanks :D Didn't find the exact animation I was looking for but found a good substitute!

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