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About PearShaped

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Nowhere particularly interesting
  • Interests
    Graphics, gaming, video editing, music...
  1. PearShaped

    Animations/moves used in DayZ (sitting)?

    That works great, thanks :D Didn't find the exact animation I was looking for but found a good substitute!
  2. PearShaped

    Animations/moves used in DayZ (sitting)?

    Thanks for the replies, but I don't think you guys understand quite what I'm asking for. What I need is the name of the actual animation that's being performed... it'll look something like 'ErcRflLow_sitTable' (but that's not it).
  3. Does anyone know the move for the sitting animation in DayZ? I'm trying to recreate it in the single player editor but I can't find the move anywhere. Also, not as important but if anyone knows the moves for the three animations shown in succession then I'd be very grateful.Thanks.
  4. PearShaped

    Standalone HD skins...

    Alright, well that's great - the blurry skins really are awful. Saves me a bit of money too. Horizontal stripes > *
  5. Considering whether or not to buy some ArmA 2 addons, thought I might as well ask this now... Will DayZ still use models from PMC and BAF upon it's standalone release? If yes, will it be the proper HD versions or the same old Lite versions?