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marked for global ban...and I've been playing for 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ok I bought arma2 and op arrowhead 3 days ago and been having fun since now last i played i was just chilling on a random server and now the next time i play im fkin marked for global ban by BattlEye now i want to kill the developer/s of BattlEye or the hacker that did this if a hacker did this. this is exacly what it says:

You where kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Global ban #b5653b)

how can i play dayZ again?!?!

and buying arma again is NOT an option.

Edited by eldon3379

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Read the stickies.

You are proven as a hacker by BattleEye, thus you will be treated as such, here on the forums.

And shouting death-threats doesn't exactly encourage anyone to help you.

Was it worth it?

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On some servers I've been playing on they have global text that reads "Ignore 'marked for global ban' and similar messages. They originate from script-kiddies trying to scare legitimate players".

Not sure if that applies in your case since you appear to have been actually kicked off or banned.

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even if u didnt hack, the chances that the ban will be lifted are as low as pretty much zero

hackers cant trigger battleye bans on u, so its either u were hacking, or battleye THOUGHT u were hacking. either way, ure out.

deal with it

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Read the stickies and contact Battleye, we don't deal with Global bans and have no power over them.


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