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How bad are the hackers?

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Im considering buying this game but my friend tells me it has many cheaters, Is this true?

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Most of the servers. You gotta look really well for one. Try looking on the forums for those private ones. Sometimes they are good, admin always active. Thou the occasional hacker does get through from time to time. *shrug* but its all for fun.

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yes it does, but i and many others recommend buying the upcoming standalone version that is coming out sometime this year, probably early this year. it will have lots of problems solved, as well as the hacker problems (hopefully).

however it is your money and your choice, and DayZ is still a damn good mod.

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Arma 2 with all expansions is 15 bucks on steam and the mod is free to download. It is well worth the 15 bucks cause you get arma2/dayz/ and now you can play some wasteland mod too. So yeah... do it!

Edited by ApocalypseMaow

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Find a well run, whitelisted private hive; I recommend Balota Buddies.

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Im considering buying this game but my friend tells me it has many cheaters, Is this true?

Yes, unfortunately hackers are rife in this game. In DayZ you spend hours, dayz, getting your equipment and building yourself up, its really annoying when you get killed by a hacker and have to start again as a bambi on the coast. There are a few good private hive servers though that use whitelisting as a line of defence against hackers, (where players must register their details with the server admins and be granted access to join (similar to a passworded server but one step better)).

I recommend checking out my private hive which uses whitelisting, heres a link:


I'm hoping StandAlone will include some significant anti-hack features :)


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Hackers are practically the bandits of DayZ when it comes to public hives.

Private hives are slightly more controlled, but the double-wammy would be a private-whitelisted hive. I suggest you look into Balota Buddies if you want a hacker-free experience.


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Is the game okay to play by yourself? Or is it recommended you find a group?

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group is the best experiance, although i started solo and found my group in game :)

but yeah use direct chat not side for voice!

but this game has plenty of issuses aka zombie pathfinding/zombie spawn aka there's a player near/ and the arma engine (although good for what it is....its not your BF3 or other polished engines/games but then again once you know it, it serves it purpose well)

Although as above, stand alone would be the better choice but if you cant wait you get the mod.....and Arma/Op arrow head (with all the mods included....recomend domination/ace/acre etc!

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Well I bought Arma 2 Combined Operations so I am looking forward to playing with everyone. Once I get everything up I'll start looking into private servers.

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Well I bought Arma 2 Combined Operations so I am looking forward to playing with everyone. Once I get everything up I'll start looking into private servers.

Good decision dude!

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